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Jedikiah traduction Espagnol

168 traduction parallèle
If you two wanna march straight into Jedikiah's compound, go ahead.
Si ustedes quieren ir directo al complejo de Jedikiah, adelante.
So, we have an uncle Jedikiah?
Entonces, ¿ tenemos un tío Jedikiah?
Why didn't you tell me Jedikiah was my uncle?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que Jedikiah era mi tío?
Jedikiah would drive us extinct.
Jedikiah podría llevarnos a la extinción.
JEDIKIAH : That's your dad and I.
Ese es tu papá y yo.
Jedikiah would drive us extinct.
Jedikiah nos llevaría a la extinción.
That was before you went to go work for Ultra and Jedikiah.
Eso fue antes que te fueras a trabajar para Ultra y Jedikiah.
Jedikiah's goal is to eliminate our species from the face of the planet.
El objetivo de Jedikiah es eliminar nuestra especie de la faz de la tierra.
Jedikiah just said they strip them of their powers.
Jedikiah solo habla de despojarlos de sus poderes.
Jedikiah has an army.
Jedikiah tiene un ejército.
JEDIKIAH : Okay, let me just see if I can get this straight here, uh...
Bueno, déjame ver si puedo ser claro aquí, eh...
Jedikiah already had one of his evil telepaths try and figure out where you guys were hiding.
Jedikiah ya tenía uno de sus malvados telépatas intentando de averiguar dónde estaban escondidos.
- Jedikiah, as I'm sure you know, it's not me who's asking.
- Jedikiah, estoy seguro que lo sabes. No soy yo el que lo está pidiendo.
But listen, Jedikiah is taking me to Ultra headquarters to meet someone important.
Escucha, Jekikiah me lleva a la central de Ultra para conocer a alguien importante.
One of Jedikiah's partners.
Uno de los socios de Jedikiah.
If Jedikiah gets his hands on you again, on any of you guys...
Si Jedikiah pone de nuevo sus manos sobre ti, o en cualquiera de ustedes...
That Jedikiah had turned their fearless leader into a freak.
Que Jedikiah haya convertido a su líder en un monstruo.
Jedikiah's partner.
El socio de Jedikiah.
Tap into that system, no more head start for Jedikiah.
Si nos introducirnos en ese sistema, Jedikiah no tendrá más ventaja.
If you get caught, it won't matter that you're Jedikiah's nephew.
Si te pillan, no importará que seas el sobrino de Jedikiah.
Jedikiah must have found our drive.
Jedikiah debió encontrar nuestro dispositivo.
Jedikiah. Hmm.
If Jedikiah ever sees me using my powers again, you know what will happen to him.
Si Jedikiah alguna vez me ve usando mis poderes, sabes lo que le pasará.
My name is Dr. Jedikiah Price.
Soy el Dr. Jedikiah Price.
You're talking to Jedikiah's former star pupil.
- Estás hablando con el ex alumno estrella de Jedikiah.
I know you associate Jedikiah with Dad leaving.
Sé que asocias a Jedikiah con la ida de papá.
McCrane decided to come back for Jedikiah?
¿ McCrane decidió regresar por Jedikiah?
This is a much easier fight without Jedikiah alive.
Es una pelea mucho más fácil sin Jedikiah vivo.
It's in Jedikiah's.
Está en el de Jedikiah.
That's what Jedikiah said?
¿ Eso es lo que dijo Jedikiah?
Jedikiah used brutal drug therapies to fry out the part of the brain that blocks us from killing.
Jedikiah usó una brutal terapia de drogas para freír la parte del cerebro que nos bloquea matar.
It's Jedikiah's fault that McCrane's out in the world killing humans.
Es culpa de Jedikiah que McCrane esté libre matando humanos.
Since I knew him, Jedikiah had tasked me to bring him in.
Como yo lo conocia, Jedikiah me pidió traerlo de vuelta.
Jedikiah thinks your powers were erased by him.
Jediakiah piensa que él eliminó tus poderes.
Well, Jedikiah took me in from less than nothing.
Jediakiah me llevó cuando yo era un don nadie.
Jedikiah for starters.
Jedikiah para empezar.
Jedikiah might be a monster, but you're no better than he is.
Jedikiah podría ser un monstruo, pero no eres mejor que él.
Jedikiah's at my house.
Jedikiah está en mi casa.
Thank you, Jedikiah.
Gracias a ti, Jedikiah.
What kind of name is Jedikiah?
¿ Qué clase de nombre es Jedikiah?
As much as Jedikiah wants McCrane, he wants you more.
Por mucho que Jedikiah quiera a McCrane, te quiere más a ti.
Jedikiah lied about the headstart.
Jedikiah mintió acerca de darte 10 minutos.
Jedikiah gave me the gift.
Jedikiah me dio un poder.
Tell Jedikiah it's over.
Dile a Jedikiah que todo se acabó.
Making deals with Jedikiah... it's not like John.
Hacer tratos con Jedikiah... ése no es John.
The way you came at Jedikiah last night at dinner...
La forma en que encaraste a Jedikiah en la cena...
- I think that Jedikiah only knows about half my life, the Ultra half, which is bad enough, but then there's the whole "survival our species depends on you" thing with you guys.
- Creo que Jedikiah solo conoce la mitad de mi vida, la mitad Ultra, la cual es suficientemente mala, pero luego está la "supervivencia de nuestra especie depende de ti" con ustedes.
Make peace with Jedikiah and it'll go away.
Reconcíliate con Jedikiah y él te la quitará.
Jedikiah used brutal drug therapies to fry out the part of the brain that blocks us from killing.
Jedikiah usó un brutal terapia con drogas para freir la parte del cerebro que nos bloquea de matar.

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