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Jiya traduction Espagnol

135 traduction parallèle
The winner takes Jiya with him.
El ganador se lleva a Jiya.
"If you find it, please call me" on this number... 6399400 Jiya.
Si lo encuentras, por favor llámame al... 6399400 Jiya.
Why don't you check it out for yourself? "Miss Jiya, where's my book?"
Señorita Jiya, donde esta mi libro?
- Si bhabhi?
- Get lost "Jiya, you guys haven't gone yet?" "
Jiya, no os habéis ido todavía?
Jiya asked me before observing the fasts.
Jiya me lo preguntó Antes de empezar en ayuno. Bhabhi, no conoces a esta mujer.
But that doesn't mean... you should spurn other's love.
Pero eso no quiere decir... que te has de cerrar a otro amor. Que hay de malo en Jiya?
What's wrong with Jiya?
Esta locamente enamorada de ti.
"Why doesn't she talk, Jiya?" She will die if she doesn't talk.
Por que no habla, Jiya? Si no hablaba se moría.
"Jiya, you've come all alone?" Where's Raj?
Jiya, has venido sola? Donde esta Raj?
I'd come to meet Jiya's parents.
He venido a conocer los padres de Jiya.
"I'm going to marry Jiya, you know?"
Me voy a casar con Jiya, sabes? - Que...?
"I'm very happy," our Jiya is very lucky.
Estoy muy contenta, Jiya es muy afortunada.
Mr. Singhaniya called to say that soon he will get Raj and Jiya engaged.
Mr Singhaniya ha llamado para decir que pronto Raj y Jiya se prometerán.
Jiya is " our Kajal's sister-in-law.
Jiya es la Cuñada de Kajal.
"Do you see what I see, Jiya?"
Ves lo mismo que yo, Jiya?
Since there's still some time left before Jiya's engagement... do allow us to take my daughter "Kajal with me, for a few days."
Como todavía hay un poco de tiempo Antes de la pedida de mano de Jiya... permitidnos que nos llevemos a nuestra hija Kajal unos días con nosotros.
The doctor himself suggested to Jiya that we take her out somewhere.
El mismo doctor le sugirió a Jiya Que nos la lleváramos a algún sitio.
"If you refuse to marry Jiya," you'll see me dead.
Si te niegas a casarte con Jiya, Me veras muerta.
Jiya... Cuando has llegado?
And it'll be grand.
Y será grande. Vamos, Jiya.
Hi Jiya.
O Jiya.
"Very beautiful, just like our Jiya."
Precioso, como nuestra Jiya.
"I'm a widow, Jiya." How can I wear a bridal dress?
Soy una viuda, Jiya. Como puedo llevar un traje de novia?
I'd do anything for "your happiness, Jiya."
Haría cualquier cosa Por tu felicidad, Jiya.
"What are you doing, Jiya?" You and Raj are going to be engaged.
Que estas haciendo, Jiya? Raj y yo vamos a prometernos.
"Bhabhi, does Monty lack something?"
Bhabhi, que le falta a Monty? - Jiya!
"You're in love with my fiancé, Raj."
Estas enamorada de mi prometido, Raj. Basta Jiya, por favor!
Jiya... "you're grown up, really."
Jiya... has madurado, de verdad.
I have to take the rent for the house from Jiya.
Tengo que cobrar el alquiler de la casa de Jiya.
- Jiya.
- Jiya.
See, Jiya has come.
Mira, Jiya ha llegado.
Jiya, do you know?
Jiya, ¿ sabes?
Jiya, I am like this since my birth.
Jiya, yo soy así desde que nací.
Hello, Jiya.
Hola, Jiya.
Sorry, Jiya.
Lo siento, Jiya.
I am to be engaged, Jiya.
Estoy comprometido, Jiya.
I have told Jiya that I am about to be engaged.
Le dije a Jiya que estoy a punto de comprometerme.
John uncle, if you say another word about Jiya it won't be good.
Tío John, si dices una palabra más sobre Jiya no te recuperarás.
I haven't got another girl like Jiya till today.
Nunca he conocido a otra chica como Jiya hasta hoy.
Jiya, I am back.
Jiya, estoy de vuelta.
Jiya open the door.
Jiya abre la puerta.
She " should be a great cook like bhabhi.
Hoya a cocinado Jiya.
Jiya was the one who cooked today. "So you are out uncle, clean bowled?"
Estas acabado tío, juego limpio?
Then see now.
Señorita Jiya, que estas haciendo?
"Miss Jiya, what are you doing?"
Que viene Bhabhi.
Hold the towel.
Jiya is my choice.
Jiya es mi elección.
"Enough Jiya, please!" " - It's true, Kajal."
- Es cierto, Kajal.

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