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Jokanaan traduction Espagnol

42 traduction parallèle
"Ah, thou wouldst not suffer me to kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan."
"Ah, no os importará que os bese, Jokanaan."
Jokanaan is an old Hebrew name for John.
Jokanaan es Juan en hebreo antiguo.
Yes, I will kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan.
Sí, besaré tu boca, Jokanaan.
It was the Prophet Jokanaan who called out here
Era el profeta Jokanaan el que gritaba
Speak, Jokanaan
Habla, Jokanaan
Speak more, Jokanaan
Sigue hablando, Jokanaan
Is he as beautiful as you, Jokanaan?
¿ Es tan hermoso como tú, Jokanaan?
¡ Jokanaan!
lam in love with your hair, Jokanaan
Estoy enamorada de tus cabellos, Jokanaan
Your mouth I desire, Jokanaan
Es tu boca lo que deseo, Jokanaan
I want to kiss your mouth, Jokanaan
Quiero besar tu boca, Jokanaan
- Jokanaan!
- ¡ Jokanaan!
Yet I have heard it said that in truth, this Jokanaan may be your prophet Elijah
Pero he oído decir que este Jokanaan puede ser en realidad vuestro profeta Elías
The head of Jokanaan
La cabeza de Jokanaan
I pay no attention to the voice of my mother I want the head of Jokanaan for my own delight
No escucho a mi madre
I ask from you the head of Jokanaan!
Os pido la cabeza de Jokanaan
My daughter was right to demand the head of Jokanaan
Mi hija tiene derecho a pedirte la cabeza de Jokanaan
I demand the head of Jokanaan!
¡ Exijo la cabeza de Jokanaan!
Give me the head of Jokanaan
Dame la cabeza de Jokanaan
I want the head of Jokanaan
Quiero la cabeza de Jokanaan
I shall give you the curtain of the holy-of-holies Give me the head of Jokanaan!
Te daré la cortina del sanctasantórum
Your mouth, Jokanaan
Tu boca, Jokanaan
But why don't you look at me, Jokanaan?
¿ Por qué no me miras, Jokanaan?
Open your eyes, lift up your eyelids, Jokanaan
Abre los ojos, levanta los párpados, Jokanaan
Are you afraid of me, Jokanaan
¿ Tienes miedo de mí, Jokanaan?
And your tongue, it speaks no word, Jokanaan
Y tu lengua no pronuncia palabra, Jokanaan
Why did you not look at me, Jokanaan? Over your eyes you placed the blindfold of one who wished to see his God
¿ Por qué no me miras, Jokanaan?
Well, you may have seen your God, Jokanaan
Pues bien, ya has visto a tu Dios, Jokanaan
What should I do now, Jokanaan?
¿ Qué voy a hacer ahora, Jokanaan?
I have kissed your mouth Jokanaan
He besado tu boca
To bring me the head of Jokanaan
Que me traigan la cabeza de Jokanaan
You wouldn't let me kiss your mouth, Jokanaan!
No me dejaste besar tu boca, Jokanaan
Jokanaan, Jokanaan
Jokanaan, Jokanaan

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