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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ J ] / Just for a few minutes

Just for a few minutes traduction Espagnol

403 traduction parallèle
Just for a few minutes.
Sólo por un par de minutos.
Please, just for a few minutes.
Por favor, sólo unos minutos.
- Well, perhaps just for a few minutes.
- Bueno, quizás sólo por unos minutos.
Oh, alright... just for a few minutes.
De acuerdo, unos minutos.
- Just for a few minutes anyway.
- Sólo unos minutos.
- Just for a few minutes. - No.
- Sólo unos minutos.
All right then, but just for a few minutes.
Está bien, pero sólo unos minutos.
[Brian] All right then, but just for a few minutes.
Está bien, pero sólo unos minutos.
- very well, but just for a few minutes.
- Muy bien, pero solamente un momento.
If I could see him, just for a few minutes.
Si pudiera verle, ni que fuera unos minutos.
- Just for a few minutes.
- Sólo unos minutos.
Ralph, please, won't you just talk to Dr. Luther, just for a few minutes?
¿ Por qué no hablas con el Dr. Luther?
Just for a few minutes.
- Anímate. Cinco minutos, sólo cinco minutos.
All I want you to do is listen to me, just for a few minutes.
Sólo quiero que me escuche, unos minutos.
Yes, but just for a few minutes.
Solo sería un momento.
Maybe you had better wait for me just a few minutes down on the stage.
Mejor espéreme unos minutos en el escenario.
I just wanted to see Jerry for a few minutes.
Sólo quería ver a Jerry unos minutos.
- Come on up for just a few minutes.
- Sube un rato.
Me sentaré aquí y descansaré unos minutos.
Then he'll just have to arrive. If only for a few minutes.
Entonces, tendrá que llegar aunque sólo sea por unos minutos...
If you will be patient for just a few minutes longer, I will make final adjustments in my laboratory and be ready.
Si pudiera esperar unos minutos más... haré unos ajustes finales en mi laboratorio y estaré listo.
- Yeah, for just a few minutes.
- Sí, sólo por unos minutos.
Just one meal a day and put me out for a few minutes at night and in the morning.
Una comida al día... una caminata por la noche y otra por la mañana.
You know, dear, if we could just slip away for a few minutes,
Sabes, si pudiéramos escaparnos un momento,
Please, if you all just be quiet for a few minutes, I can explain this whole thing.
Por favor, si quieren guardar silencio un momento se lo explicaré todo.
Keep her from growing up for just a few minutes.
Evita que crezca durante unos pocos minutos, ¿ quieres?
And let's just be happy for a few minutes anyway.
Seamos felices durante unos minutos, de todas formas
Would you object to minding your own business for just a few minutes?
¿ Puedes meterte en tus cosas sólo unos minutos?
Yes for just a few minutes
Sí, unos minutos.
Now, just relax and let me do the thinking for a few minutes.
Ahora tranquilicese y dejeme pensar durante un minuto.
Just going back to the coach house for a few minutes to clear up. All right?
Voy a volver al almacén a ordenarlo un momento, ¿ de acuerdo?
We'd just been out for a few minutes getting the rations...
Salimos un momento, a buscar el racionamiento...
Lew, leave me alone with Eloise for just a few minutes, please.
¡ El, por favor! Déjame a solas con ella unos minutos.
I suppose you're sorry now. All this traveling just to for a few minutes..
Ahora te arrepientes de haber hecho este viaje solo para verme unos minutos.
A few minutes later, she'd come in with a drink in her hand... for me, just as though nothing had happened.
Unos minutos más tarde, venía con una copa en la mano... para mí, como si nada hubiera ocurrido.
I just stopped in for a few minutes.
Solo entré para unos minutos.
I've been asking you for months to let me see her for just a few minutes.
Durante he estado pidiendo que se me permita verla, aunque sea unos pocos minutos.
It's terrible enough leaving him alone for just a few minutes.
Ya es bastante terrible dejarle solo durante unos minutos.
Right, children. Now, just be good for a few minutes.
¡ Portaos bien, niños!
I'm just going to borrow you for a few minutes.
Voy a tomarte prestado solo unos minutos.
Good evening---ladies l---l just tell you a few minutes I'll be very brief, Johnny I intend to run for Congress l intend to see the rebels south gets just it deserves
Eso es un rasgo que le acredita. Buenas noches, señoras. Sólo puedo detenerme unos momentos.
Oh, well, maybe we'll just sit down for a few minutes.
Bueno, podríamos quedarnos unos minutos.
But I've finished the first paragraph of my assignment... and I just wanted to drop by her place for a few minutes... and see if I was on the right track.
Pero he terminado el primer párrafo de mi tarea... y quería pasarme por su casa unos minutos... para ver si iba por buen camino.
I know I don't have an appointment with her... but I just want to see her for a few minutes.
Sé que no tengo cita con ella, pero sólo quiero verla unos minutos.
Just a few minutes until the European champions are crowned, for, as you can see, there are still four of them left...
Faltan unos minutos para saber quién ganará. El título de campeones de Europa, en plural ¡ porque todavía están los cuatro! Por el momento...
- Can't we just stay for a few minutes?
- ¿ Podemos quedarnos unos minutos?
Not for just a few minutes.
No por sólo unos minutos.
I will have news for you both in just a few minutes.
Dentro de pocos minutos tendré noticias para ustedes.
You've got a worthless, miserable little life, but you've got an instinct for survival, and in a few minutes, when you feel life slipping away, when you feel your survival is just a question of minutes,
Si que cuadra. Tiene una miserable y pequeña vida sin valor, pero tambien tiene un instinto de supervivencia. Y en unos cuantos minutos cuando sienta a la vida escaparsele ;
Raymond, why don't we just sneak away for a few minutes, sit down somewhere quietly and have a drink?
Raymond, ¿ por qué no nos escapamos un ratito y nos sentamos en algún sitio tranquilo a tomar un trago?
just i will be off in a few minutes I want to thank you for everything.
Quiero darle las gracias. Dígale a la oficina que vamos para allá.

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