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Keeping secrets traduction Espagnol

778 traduction parallèle
Are you keeping secrets?
¿ Por qué este secretismo?
I'm good at keeping secrets.
Sé guardar un secreto.
Well, you're not keeping secrets from me, are you?
- ¿ Qué? No me oculta secretos, ¿ no?
Why start keeping secrets from her now?
¿ Por qué ocultarle nada ahora?
Are the ladies keeping secrets?
¿ Las señoras tienen secretos?
You've been keeping secrets from me.
Me ha estado ocultando secretos.
He had a mania for keeping secrets.
- Lo mantenía todo en secreto.
Are you keeping secrets?
¿ Tienen muchos secretos?
We're not keeping secrets from each other, are we?
No estaremos ocultando algo, ¿ verdad?
Looks like my girl's keeping secrets from me.
Creo que mi novia me oculta cosas.
You're the one keeping secrets.
Tú eres la que mantiene secretos.
Are you keeping secrets from me, old man?
¿ Me está guardando secretos, viejo?
Well, I'm very good at keeping secrets.
Soy muy bueno para guardar secretos.
Keeping secrets won't do you any good.
Mantener secretos no será nada bueno para ti.
I haven't been keeping secrets from you.
No te oculto nada.
It has not been difficult keeping secrets from you, my dear.
No ha sido difícil ocultarte la verdad, mi querida.
You never said where you were going, or you lied, since when have you been keeping secrets from me?
Nunca decias donde ibas, o me mentias. ¿ Desde cuando me guardas secretos?
Adulterers are best at keeping secrets.
No darán a conocer su propio pecado
and we can't do it keeping secrets.
¿ Pero qué? ¿ La desencadenamos con secretos?
You admitted keeping secrets from me.
Has admitido ocultarme secretos.
Uh, Marcie, I can't go on keeping secrets from you.
Uh Marcie, no puedo seguir ocultándote secretos.
Women are supposed to be the ones who are good at keeping secrets.
Las mujeres son quienes guardan bien los secretos.
I was a champion at keeping secrets.
Yo era un genio guardando secretos.
We're both guilty of keeping secrets.
Las dos somos culpables de guardarnos nuestros secretos.
Believe me, Brandon, I don't like keeping secrets.
Créeme, Brandon, No me gustan los secretos.
That's what people get for keeping secrets.
Eso es lo que la gente obtiene cuando guarda secretos.
- Besides, I am good at keeping secrets.
- Además, sé cómo guardar un secreto
I'm very good at keeping secrets, you know.
Soy muy bueno en guardar secretos, sabes.
This is what happens when a person in a family starts keeping secrets.
Esto ocurre cuando alguien de la familia comienza a tener secretos.
Well, there's no keeping secrets from the Man of Steel.
No hay secretos para el Hombre de Acero.
Keeping secrets.
Manteniendo secretos.
I'm not used to keeping secrets from your dad.
No voy a utilizar para guardar secretos de su padre.
- You're keeping secrets from me.
- Estás mantener secretos para mí.
It's not easy keeping secrets from a Ferengi.
No resulta fácil ocultarle un secreto a un ferengi.
One of the things Walter has always been good at is keeping secrets.
Una de las cosas que Walter hace bien es guardar secretos.
Looks like you've been keeping secrets from me,
Parece que has estado escondiéndome secretos.
Any of you others been keeping such secrets?
¿ Alguien mas guarda secretos como esos?
Let's get him in here, after all we're not keeping any secrets from him now.
Metámosle aquí. Después de todo, no le estamos ocultando ningún secreto por ahora.
She didn't seen to be keeping any secrets.
Ella hizo no visto para ser guardando cualquier secreto.
I'm not very much at keeping secrets.
No sé guardar secretos.
If they're keeping any secrets, this is where they ought to be.
Si guardan algún secreto, aquí debería estar.
Well, I'm not very good about keeping secrets from her.
No se me dan bien los secretos.
Is keeping all my secrets safe tonight
Guarda todos mis secretos esta noche
What secrets are you keeping from me?
Qué me estás ocultando?
Keeping certain secrets secret... is important to the general balance of life.
Mantener secretos ciertos secretos... Es importante en el equilibrio general de la vida.
Any secrets she had are no longer worth keeping.
Ya no vale la pena conservar cualquier secreto que tuviera.
Though the keeping of secrets seems less meaningful to me now.
Aunque para mí, guardar secretos cada vez tiene menos sentido.
- Some secrets are worth keeping.
- Hay secretos que deben guardarse.
Oh, yes, I'm keeping your secrets.
Sí, estoy guardando tus secretos.
You've been keeping secrets from me? This is not just any secret.
Es un... secreto muy grande.
You've been keeping big secrets from me? - Well, not just you.
Lo sé, lo sé, me hizo sentir muy cerca tuyo, pero...

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