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Keith traduction Espagnol

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that's so bad. so if we don't win next so if we don't win next immunity challenge, we could Immunity challenge, we could actually take dale and use him
Si no ganamos el próximo Desafío de Inmunidad, podríamos coger a Dale y usarlo para eliminar a Keith.
i don't see how keith can i don't see how keith can stay around. Stay around.
No puedo creer cómo Keith puede estar así tan tranquilo.
Idol, we're going to have three people vote dale and baylor People vote dale and baylor andry going to vote keith. Andry going to vote keith.
Solo en el caso de que Dale tenga el Ídolo, tres votaremos a Dale, y Baylor y yo vamos a votar por Keith.
If he plays his idol, keith goes home. Home. I'd sad about that, but better
Si él juega su Ídolo,
I'd sad about that, but better keith than me and baylor.
Keith se va a casa. Estaría triste por eso, pero mejor Keith que yo, o Baylor.
One, we could vote for dale. One, we could vote for dale. We could take out keith.
Hay varias opciones aquí.
We could take out keith.
Una, podemos votar por Dale. Podemos votar por Keith.
That's one vote dale, would be
Vote missy, one vote keith. Keith. Keith.
Tenemos un voto para Dale, un voto para Missy, un voto para Keith.
Votes keith, one vote missy. One vote left. One vote left.
Dos votos para Dale, dos votos para Keith, un voto para Missy.
Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, of course Kathy Mattea,
Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, y por supuesto Kathy Mattea,
Keith Stegall. "
Keith Stegall. "
And Keith had come out to hear me play.
Y Keith vino a escucharme tocar.
But his real plan was to vote out jon, teaming up with alec, Out jon, teaming up with alec, wes, and keith. Wes, and keith.
Pero su verdadero plan era expulsar a Jon junto con Alec, Wes y Keith.
Keith gave away their plan.
Keith descubrió su plan.
Keith gave away their plan.
Tío, juega tu ídolo.
And keith's son, wes, jeff : And keith's son, wes, was voted out.
Y el hijo de Keith, Wes, fue expulsado.
he panicked, and he played the idol.
"Oh, Dios mío, Keith, me estás matando". ¿ Por qué le dijiste eso a Reed?
how did he know that was the how did he know that was the plan? Plan? i'm pissed at keith.
¿ Cómo supo que ese era el plan?
i'm pissed at keith. Keith gave us away tonight. Keith gave us away tonight.
Estoy molesto con Keith.
He's not very good at tribal,
Keith lo desveló.
Keith, who says jax. Who's jax? Who's jax?
- ¿ Quién es Jax?
Jeremy is the correct answer.
Todo el mundo lo tiene bien excepto Keith.
Everybody got it right except Everybody got it right except keith. Keith.
Dad un paso adelante si lo tenéis bien.
With that, keith gets another With that, keith gets another hit from jaclyn.
Con eso, Keith obtiene otro golpe de parte de Jaclyn.
Baylor could put keith out of it Baylor could put keith out of it right here. Right here.
Baylor puede sacar a Keith de esta.
Keith already heading over. Over.
Sabe lo que toca.
He knows it's coming. oh! oh!
Keith recibe un golpe viscoso.
One's going to join you, one One's going to join you, one will stay back with alec, reed, Will stay back with alec, reed, and keith.
Una se unirá a ti, la otra volverá on Alec, Reed y Keith.
All right, jaclyn, alec, reed, keith, got nothing Alec, reed, keith, got nothing for you.
Bien, Jaclyn, Alec, Reed, Keith...
Alec struggling. Alec struggling.
Keith coloca su primer pelota.
Keith has his second. Keith has his second.
Missy trabajando en esa segunda.
Oh, just falls. Oh, just falls.
Keith con dos.
Keith with two. Keith with two. Jon working on his fourth.
Jon trabajando en su cuarta...
So three dale, two keith. So three dale, two keith. all right.
Entonces si tiene un ídolo, serían tres para Dale, dos para Keith.
It is time to vote.
Muy bien, es momento de votar. Keith, te toca.
That's one vote dale, would be vote missy, one vote keith.
That's two votes keith. Dale. Dale.
Keith, son dos votos Keith.
We're tied, two votes dale, two votes keith, one vote missy.
Dale, estamos empatados.
All right, everybody reveal. All right, everybody reveal. Everybody says jeremy, except
Todos dicen Jeremy, excepto Keith, que dice Jax.
Missy, you're up. Missy going after keith.
Missy va a por Keith.
Missy going after keith.
Jaclyn te toca.
Hit from jaclyn. Keith. Keith.
- Keith, ¿ a dónde vas?
that's all right. jeff : Keith already heading jeff :
Keith se marcha ya.
what do we want to do. what do we want to do.
Mucha conversación ahí, Alec, Reed, Keith.
i can't eat that! i can't eat that! Alec, reed, and keith are all,
Alec, Reed y Keith están siendo súper amables conmigo ahora y es divertido. ¿ En serio, chicos?
Keith lands his first ball.
Missy tiene una.
Natalie has two. Natalie has two.
Keith tiene su segunda.
Missy has two. ah! ah!
Keith muy cerca con la tercera.
Keith very close to his third. His third.
¡ Oh, se le cae!
Jon drops. Jon drops. Keith with his third.
Keith con su tercera.

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