Kutuzov traduction Espagnol
87 traduction parallèle
Give this to Michael Kutuzov.
Dale esto a Michael Kutuzov.
I must deliver a message to General Kutuzov immediately.
Debo comunicar un mensaje al general Kutuzov.
It's a new song written about General Kutuzov.
Es una canción nueva sobre el general Kutuzov.
- Kutuzov is afraid!
- Kutuzov tiene miedo.
Kutuzov must have sent emissaries to ask for the terms of surrender.
Kutuzov ha tenido que enviar emisarios para negociar la rendición.
B. ZAKHAVA as Kutuzov N. TROFIMOV as Tushin
Kutúzov : B. ZAJAVA Tushin : N. TROFIMOV
General Kutuzov has been kind enough to take me as aide-de-camp.
El general Kutúzov desea que yo sea su ayudante de campo.
Under the command of Kutuzov, the Russian army, 50,000 strong, marched into Austria to join forces with the allied army of the Austrian General Mack, to undertake joint action against Napoleon.
Bajo el mando de Kutúzov, el ejército ruso, integrado por 50 mil efectivos, entra en el territorio de Austria, para unirse al ejército aliado, del general austríaco Mack y actuar en conjunto contra Napoleón.
They say Kutuzov is one-eyed.
Decían que Kutúzov es bizco de un ojo.
I'd like to see Commander-in-Chief Kutuzov.
Al general Kutúzov.
General Kutuzov is busy!
¡ El general está ocupado!
But if the French have crossed the Thabor Bridge, that means Kutuzov's army is cut off, it is doomed!
Pero, si el puente de Tabor ha sido cruzado por los franceses, el ejército de Kutúzov está dividido, ¡ está a punto de ser aniquilado!
This respite was indispensable to Kutuzov in order for him to get his transport-burdened army out of reach of the French troops, outnumbering his own three to one.
Kutúzov necesitaba ese tiempo, para retirar a su propio ejército, sobrecargado de bagajes, sobre el que pendía la amenaza de un ataque de las tropas francesas, cuyo número era tres veces superior.
The thirty-five thousand men of Kutuzov's army were saved.
El ejército de Kutúzov, integrado por treinticinco mil efectivos, estaba salvado.
The next day the French army did not renew its assault and what was left of Bagration's detachment joined Kutuzov's army.
Al otro día, los franceses no reanudaron el ataque y los restos del destacamento de Bagratión se unieron a las tropas de Kutúzov.
Kutuzov writes me...
ni entre los muertos.
B. ZAKHAVA as Kutuzov N. TROFIMOV as Tushin
Kutúzov : B. ZAJAVA Tushin : N. TROFlMOV
The next day the French army did not renew its assault and what was left of Bagration's detachmentjoined Kutuzov's army.
Al otro día, los franceses no reanudaron el ataque y los restos del destacamento de Bagratión se unieron a las tropas de Kutúzov.
Boris ZAKHAVA as Kutuzov
Kutúzov : Borís ZAJAVA
Kutuzov has done nothing else but cause annoyance to the Czar.
Kutúzov sólo ha causado disgustos al emperador.
Kutuzov is field marshal!
Kutúzov ya es mariscal de campo.
Boris ZAKHAVA as Kutuzov M. KHRABROV as Karatayev
Kutúzov : Borís ZAJAVA Karatáyev : M. JRABROV
Kutuzov's order to retreat through Moscow by the Ryazan road was issued to the troops.
Kutúzov ordenó Ia retirada de Ias tropas rusas por eI camino de Riazan, pasando por Moscú.
With every fiber of his being, Kutuzov sensed that the staggering blow dealt the enemy at Borodino, into which he and the entire Russian people had put their whole strength, must have been a mortal blow.
Con todas Ias fibras de su ser, Kutúzov sentía que eI terrible combate de Borodino, en eI que él, junto a todos Ios rusos, se esforzó al máximo, había sido un golpe mortal para NapoIeón.
N. KUTUZOV as Witch
La Bruja : N. KUTUZOV
Kutuzov's order to retreat through Moscow by the Ryazan road was issued to the troops.
Kutúzov ordenó la retirada de las tropas rusas por el camino de Riazan, pasando por Moscú.
With every fiber of his being, Kutuzov sensed that the staggering blow dealt the enemy at Borodino, into which he and the entire Russian people had put their whole strength, must have been a mortal blow.
Con todas las fibras de su ser, Kutúzov sentía que el terrible combate de Borodino, en el que él, junto a todos los rusos, se esforzó al máximo, había sido un golpe mortal para Napoleón.
Possibly Air Marshal Kutuzov.
Quiza sea el Mariscal Kutuzov.
We have played out a variety of attack strategies on the new Kutuzov computer and find that a lightning thrust by ten armoured divisions from the north, and by five more through Czechoslovakia, lead to total victory in five days against any possible defence scenario.
Hemos simulado varias estrategias de ataque en el nuevo ordenador Kutuzov y descubierto que un ataque relámpago con diez divisiones desde el norte, y cinco más a través de Checoslovaquia, nos conduciría a la victoria en cinco días contra cualquier respuesta defensiva posible.
Kutuzov and Pushkin used to wash in one, too. I know all that.
Suvorov, Kutuzov and Pushkin, también se lavaban ahí dentro.
Our Kutuzov came to the people, he asked the people to smash the French, he told us to give them a thrashing.
EI general Kutuzov llamó a su pueblo a combatir contra Ios franceses, Io exhortó a vencer a Ios franceses.
Our Kutuzov came to the people, he told us to smash the French.
EI general Kutuzov exhortó a su pueblo a vencer a Ios franceses.
Then came Father Kutuzov, who called on the people to thrash the French. The people mustered their great strength and rose.
Cuando vino nuestro padre Kutuzov, cuando exhortó al pueblo a vencer a Ios franceses, eI pueblo se levantó con enorme violencia.
Like a father, Kutuzov is leading us.
Kutuzov nos guía, nuestro padre nos guía.
CONSEJO MILITAR DEL GENERAL KUTUZOV Noche del 1 de setiembre de 1812
With our Kutuzov, with our Field Marshal leading the fight for our country, we don't fear death.
Con nuestro Kutuzov, nuestro mariscal, en Ia lucha por Ia patria, no Ie tememos a Ia muerte.
The Russian warrior is faithful to his mother country and to Prince Kutuzov.
A Ia madre patria y al príncipe Kutuzov Ios guerreros rusos juramos sagrada fidelidad.
With our Kutuzov, with our Field Marshal leading the fight for our country, we don't fear death.
Con nuestro Kutuzov, con nuestro mariscal en Ia lucha por Ia patria a Ia muerte no tememos.
The Russian warrior is faithful to his motherland and to Prince Kutuzov.
A nuestra patria y al príncipe Kutuzov Ios guerreros rusos juramos fidelidad.
Glory to Field Marshal Kutuzov!
! gloria al mariscal Kutuzov!
Alexander Suvorov, and Mikhail Kutuzov.
Alexander Suvorov y Mikhail Kutuzov. "
You're another Kutuzov, Comrade Major.
Usted es otro Kutuzov, gran camarada.
Not just Kutuzov.
No sólo Kutuzov.
You're Kutuzov and Suvorov rolled into one!
Eres Kutuzov y Suvorov, todo en uno!
And it was here that Kutuzov deployed the guards.
Y fue aquí donde Kutuzov desplegó los guardas.
Of Kutuzov at Mutual Fund.
A Kutuzov, de Fondo Mutual.
Kutuzov doesn't know you.
Kutuzov no te conoce.
he was killed.
Pero, Kutúzov escribe ¼ está muerto.
he was killed.
Pero, Kutúzov escribe está muerto.
If only you can remember all that, Lord Nelson!
¡ Pero no los confundas! ¡ Señor Kutúzov!
Let's hope Anwar is fooled! .. You're as blind as a bat!
¡ Kutuzov, sigue atento!