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Lawton traduction Espagnol

279 traduction parallèle
Lawton told me you showed up this morning bagging baggage.
Lawson me diho que habías llegado.
Lawton, phone Curtis Field and have them keep my plane in a hangar overnight. Yes, sir.
Lawson, dígale a Curtis Field que guarde mi avión en el hangar.
Mr Pritcham is expecting me, Lawton.
El señor Pritchard me espera.
That's alright, Lawton.
Muy bien, Lawson.
─ That's right. Yes? Yes, Lawton?
Sí, Lawson.
Thank you, Lawton.
Gracias, Lawson.
Um, who's working on the Lawton bungalow?
¿ Quién está trabajando en el búngalo de Lawton?
Medical building. Dean Lawton.
Facultad de Medicina. ¿ El decano Lawton?
I just spoke to Dean Lawton.
Acabo de hablar con el decano Lawton.
Dean Lawton.
Decano Lawton.
- Good night, Dean Lawton. It was nice...
- Buenas noches, decano Lawton. qué bien...
I am Benjamin Lawton, attorney for Mr Mancani.
Soy Benjamin Lawton, el abogado del Sr. Mancani.
Your office advised us last week, Mr Lawton, that Mr Mancani was in Cuba.
Sr. Lawton, su oficina nos indicó la semana pasada que el Sr. Mancani estaba en Cuba.
Enter Mr Lawton's statement on the record, please.
Que la declaración del Sr. Lawton conste en acta, por favor.
For the record, let it be said that the witness appeared with Attorney Ben Lawton.
Que conste en acta que el testigo viene con Benjamin Lawton.
Joey, do you remember Judge Lawton? Yes, I do.
- Joey, ¿ recuerdas al juez Lawton?
Get me Judge Lawton's office.
Póngame con la oficina del juez Lawton.
Judge Lawton, please.
Con el juez Lawton, por favor.
Let Lawton about that.
Que Lawton se encargue de ello.
Ride back to the ranch and tell him. - Right.
Vuelve y dile a Lawton lo ocurrido.
Where's Lawton, up at the main house?
¿ Está todavía Lawton en casa?
Pa wanted me to see Lawton and I just had a feeling that you might still be here.
Papá me mandó buscar a Lawton y tuve la corazonada de que estarías aún aquí.
I don't care what the newspaper and the town say or the fact that Lawton's wife is sick every time we ask them.
No me importa lo que digan los periódicos o la gente o que Lawton y su mujer enfermen cuando les invitamos.
What is it, Mr. Lawton?
¿ De qué se trata, Sr. Lawton?
Lawton said they'd to prove him solely responsible.
Lawton dice que deben presentar pruebas de su culpabilidad.
- I've got to see Lawton!
- ¡ Tengo que ver a Lawton!
Two Moons said Lawton brought some papers.
Dos Lunas dijo que Lawton trajo unos documentos.
Lawton wrote'em.
Redactados por Lawton.
I'd like you to meet Tina Lawton, yeoman, third class.
Quiero que conozcas a Tina Lawton, ayudante, tercera clase.
You need to speak with Miss Lawton's office.
Debe hablar con la Srta. Lawton.
- Miss Lawton's office.
- Oficina de la Srta. Lawton.
- Miss Lawton. - Yes, hello.
- Habla la Srta. Lawton.
Miss Lawton?
¿ Srta. Lawton?
You are Miss Lawton, aren't you?
Usted es la Srta. Lawton, ¿ cierto?
Do you have that letter ready yet, Miss Lawton?
¿ Tiene lista la carta, Srta. Lawton?
Springfield, Kansas City, Lawton, Dallas, Jackson.
Springfield, Kansas City, Lawton, Dallas, Jackson.
And this is lovely starlet Dolores Fuller, who will play Janet Lawton.
La futura estrella, Dolores Fuller, representará a Janet Lawton.
Here's one that looks good, Janet Lawton.
Aquí hay uno que se ve bien... Janet Lawton.
- Janet Lawton.
Janet Lawton. Sí.
- Yes. Janet Lawton is clearly the part to play.
Janet Lawton es, definitivamente, el mejor papel.
And lovely, lovely, lovely ingénue Loretta King is reporter Janet Lawton.
Y la adorable, la adorable e inocente Loretta King es la reportera Janet Lawton.
Okay, Janet Lawton has just discovered that Dr. Vornoff bought the old Willows estate so now she wants to prove that all the monster stories are true.
Janet Lawton ha descubierto que el Dr. Vornoff es el dueño de la finca. Quiere probar que el monstruo existe.
- Lawton.
- Harry Lawton? - Yeah.
- ¿ Harry Lawton?
Lieutenant Lawton Parker.
Teniente Lawton Parker.
Sir, I need to locate a former Navy Lieutenant, probably retired, named Lawton Parker.
Debo encontrar a un teniente de la Marina, señor. Estará retirado. Se llama Lawton Parker.
Mrs Lawton, could you er...?
Sra. Lawton, ¿ podría... hmm?
- Dr Lawton.
- El Dr. Lawton.
- And Lawton is still...?
- ¿ Y Lawton sigue...?
- Dr Lawton?
- ¿ El Dr. Lawton?

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