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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ L ] / Let's get him up

Let's get him up traduction Espagnol

295 traduction parallèle
Let's get him up to imaging... now.
Llevémoslo hasta imágenes... ahora.
Let's hurry up and get him.
Rápido. Atrapadle.
He's better, but don't Let him get worked up.
Está mejor, pero no lo excites
Let's go up to see him, Harry. Yes, let's go up and get a drink. All right.
Después del modo en que nos engañaron en los Balcanes, no nos podemos permitir pasarlo bien en ningún sitio.
He's got his job all cut out for him so cover him up and let him get to it.
Tiene el futuro solucionado, así que cubridlo y dejad que se vaya.
If there's anybody wants to tell me different... let him stand up and get his head broke in.
Si alguien quiere contradecirme... que se levante y le partiré la cabeza.
Let's get him up to his room.
Subámoslo a su cuarto.
Get him up and let's get him in this chair over here.
Levántelo y póngalo en ese sillón.
Así que hagámosle subir y hagamos oficial nuestro agradecimiento.
Upsidaisy, let's get him up. Be careful now.
Con cuidado, vamos a soltarte.
Shut up! Let's get him out of here!
¡ Cállate y ayúdame!
If you get him back, let him know you want him back before that trigger temper he's working up saddles him for good.
Si lo vuelve a ver, hágale saber que quiere que regrese antes de que ese enojo que crece en él lo mate.
Let's get Harry someplace and clean him up.
Tenemos que llevarnos a Harry de aquí y limpiarlo.
Let's get him up.
Vamos a levantarlo.
Now he's hearing things. Come on, let's get him before he wakes up the others.
Vamos antes que despierte a los demás.
Let's get him to the station where he can sober up.
Vamos a llevarle a comisaria, donde pueda espabilar.
Say, how in blazes did you get tied up? Well, let's untie him.
¿ Por qué estás atado?
- Let's get him up.
- Pongámosle ahí.
You need exercise, Mike, let's keep you moving, come on Get him up
Necesitas ejercicio, Mike, vamos, mantente en movimiento, vamos
I say let's string him up and get it over with.
Digo que le pongamos la cuerda y acabemos con esto.
Come on, let's get him wrapped up now.
Vamos, envolvámoslo ahora.
Let's get him into ours, huh? Easy picking him up... easy now.
Let's warm him up, and then get his clothes off.
Hagamos que entre en calor y luego le desnudaremos.
Set up a landing party. Let's go get him.
Organice una patrulla de desembarco.
Tell him to shut up and let's get it over with.
Dígale que se calle, y terminemos con esto.
You know, let's try to get him up to the road.
Ya sé, vamos a tratar de llevarlo arriba hasta la carretera.
Let's get him warmed up!
¡ Vamos a calentar esto!
Let's get him back up.
Pongámoslo de pie.
The doctor's let him get up, and he's now playing around.
Los doctores.. dejaron que se levante, y ahora está jugando.
All right, let's get him up.
Bien, levântenlo.
All right, finish up with him and let's get him over to X-ray.
Está bien, termina con él y lo llevaremos a rayos.
Let's get him up, under the bus.
Llevémoslo debajo del autobús. Claro.
Let's get him on up into the house.
Metámosle en casa.
- Let's get him up on his wheels.
Primero tenemos que levantarlo.
Now, come on. Let's get him up.
Vamos, arriba.
Let's stop shootin'the breeze and go on up there and get him. Take Rico with you.
No pierdan el tiempo y suban a apresarlo.
- Let's get him up.
- Ayúdeme a levantarlo.
Let's get back to the horse. They're holding him back to run up the odds, which, this Sunday, will be a minimum of 20 to 1.
Volviendo al caballo, va a correr en la apuesta combinada y este domingo se pagará a un mínimo de veinte a uno.
- Okay, let's try and get him up...
- Bien, vamos a levantarlo...
- Let's hit him up! - Why, you - - Get out of here!
¡ Váyanse de aquí!
Oops. Well, let's just fry him up, and we'll say next time I get a pet, you can let him starve to death.
Sabes Peg, tal vez no tengamos mucho, pero al menos no tenemos secretos entre nosotros.
Let's get him out of failure, build him up!
¡ Saquémoslo del fallo respiratorio, que se recupere!
Let's get him up. Yeah, let's stick him on the porch.
¡ Vamos a ponerlo en la entrada!
- Well, let's get him up here.
- Pues hagámosle venir.
Let's go. All right, get him up.
Vamos, andando.
- All right, let's get him up.
- Bien, levantémoslo.
Sheriff, let's get James Hurley up from cell 4 and talk to him straight.
Hablemos con James Hurley de la celda cuatro.
All right, let's staple him up and get ready for the next one then, OK?
De acuerdo. Cosámoslo y preparémonos para el siguiente.
Come on, here, let's get him up.
Let's just keep him tied up till the state boys get here.
Tengámoslo vigilado hasta que Ilegue la policía estatal.
Let's get him up.

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