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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ L ] / Let's not talk about it

Let's not talk about it traduction Espagnol

352 traduction parallèle
Let's not talk anymore about it.
No hablemos más de ello.
Oh, let's not talk about it.
- No hablemos sobre eso.
Let's not talk about it.
No hablemos de ello.
Well, let's not talk about it, darling.
- No hablemos de eso, cariño.
Quite right, let's not talk about it, let's forget it.
Muy bien, no hablemos de eso, olvidémoslo.
Let's not talk about it.
- No hablemos de eso.
Let's not talk about it.
No hablemos más.
Let's not talk about it anymore.
No hablemos más de eso.
Let's not talk about it now.
No hablemos de ello ahora.
Let's not talk about it.
No hablemos de eso.
Let's not talk about it, shall we?
No hablemos de ello, ya pasó.
But let's not talk about it now!
¡ Pero ahora no hablemos más!
Let's not talk about it.
En fin no hablemos de eso.
let's not talk about it just now.
No hablemos de eso ahora.
Well, let's not talk about it anymore, huh?
Ya no hablemos de eso.
- Let's not talk about it.
- Prefiero no hablar de ello.
Let's not talk about it, if you don't mind, at least not until we know more.
No hablemos de ello hasta que sepamos algo más.
What? Let's not even talk about it.
- Mejor no hablemos de eso.
I said let's not talk about it.
- Dije que no habláramos.
Eddie, please let's not talk about it anymore.
Por favor, dejémoslo.
Please, let's not talk About it anymore.
No se hable más, por favor.
Let's not talk about the war. It's Christmas.
No hablemos de la guerra.
Oh, please, let's not talk about it now.
Ned, me lo prometiste.
Why not? Let's not talk about it.
Pero no puedo ser tu amiga.
Let's not talk about it anymore.
No hablemos más de ello
Uncle, let's not talk about it anymore.
Tío, no volvamos a hablar de ello.
No hablemos de ello.
Dejemos de hablar de ello.
- Let's not talk about it.
- No hablemos de ello.
Let's not talk about it any more.
No hablemos más de ello.
Let's not even talk about it.
No hablemos de ello.
Oh, let's not talk about it.
¡ Oh, no hablemos de ello!
Please Laura, let's not talk about it now.
Por favor, Laura. No quiero hablar de eso ahora.
Let's not talk about it, Giovanna.
No hablemos más de esto, Giovanna.
Let's not talk about it anymore.
Basta, no hablemos más de eso...
Let's not talk about it here.
No hablemos aquí.
Let's not talk about it. You now want to know how she's my niece, right?
Usted querrá saber cómo es mi sobrina.
Let's not talk about it tonight, Franz.
No hablemos de ello esta noche, Franz.
Let's not talk about it anymore, shall we?
No hablemos más de ello, ¿ de acuerdo?
Let's not talk about it now.
No hablemos de eso ahora.
Älskling, let's not talk about those old things anymore you know it's impossible
Älskling, no vamos a hablar otra vez de estas cosas viejas... Ya sabes que no puede ser.
Well, let's not talk about it.
No hablemos de eso.
- Let's not talk about it.
- No hablemos de eso.
Oh, look, Lettie, I... Let's not talk about it now, eh?
- Por favor, Lettie no hablemos ahora de eso.
- Oh, let's not talk about money. It's friendship I need, Lieutenant.
No hablemos de dinero, yo necesito un amigo, teniente.
Please, let's not talk about it anymore.
- No volvamos a hablar de eso.
Let's not talk about this. It's boring.
Me aburren tus discursos.
It was a nightmare but let ´ s not talk about it ever again
Ha sido una pesadilla, pero... no hablemos de ello nunca más
Let's not talk about it, Tony.
No hablemos de eso, Tony.
Let's not talk about it.
No hablemos ahora de eso. Está bien.
- But Maam, I thought... - Let's not talk about it tonight.
- Un momento, creí que...

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