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Loopy traduction Espagnol

258 traduction parallèle
Maybe he's a loopy, but he didn't look like it to me.
Quizá esté loco, pero no me lo pareció.
Is he a real loopy or is it an act?
¿ Está loco de verdad o está fingiendo?
Now we got to get him and get him quick. If we don't, every other loopy in town's gonna jump on the bandwagon, and we'll find ourselves knee-deep in a slaughter house.
Tenemos que atraparlo pronto, si no, todos los dementes de la ciudad se van a poner a imitarlo y se multiplicarán los asesinatos.
Chiflada, loca.
Aren't you a bit loopy too?
¿ No estáis un poco locos?
No, no, no, no, you loopy brothel inmate!
No, no, no, interina de burdel.
He's already loopy.
Ya está chiflado.
You're completely loopy.
¿ Cree que no sé lo que pasa?
Yes, I am completely loopy. That's why I gave him the money to look after. You see, there's been a mistake.
Le pago 20 libras para detener al chef, le deja ir, cocina usted, y luego pretende que el chef está aquí!
You're not explaining anything. You're completely loopy.
- Usted está chiflado.
Yes, yes, I am. Yes, I am completely loopy. That's why I gave him the money to look after.
Si lo estoy, por eso le di el dinero para que me lo guardara.
She's gone completely loopy.
- ¡ Es como un topo!
Very good start wait to the water jump, and has now gone loopy.
Muy buena salida esperamos al salto de agua.
I'm getting as loopy as a polecat... without any whiskers.
¡ Estoy más loco que una cabra!
Loopy as a loon.
Como una chota.
I'm loopy about this guy.
¡ Estoy loco por este tío!
Then you went a bit loopy.
Y despues ocurrio aquello.
- They told me you were loopy.
- Me dijeron que era algo raro.
I was in the garment district, and I got run down... by one of those loopy bike messengers.
Yo estaba en el distrito de la moda, y me dirijo hacia abajo... por uno de los mensajeros en bicicleta descabellado.
Absolutely buddy-buddy... with Mr. Beefeater and Mr. Tanqueray. I'm continuing.
... Dempsey loopy, Buddy Buddy, M. Beefeater y M. Tangerey...
I mean, I assume it was a stocking and not pantyhose tied in a big loopy bow like this one.
Supongo que era una media y no una pantimedia atada en forma de moño...
People are going loopy.
A la gente se Ie ha ido la cabeza.
Your Aunt Susie's loopy.
La tía Susie está tonta.
- I'm sorry. I'm still a little bit loopy.
- Lo siento, sigo un poco confuso.
Oh, and Donna's got this loopy story to tell you.
Donna tiene algo divertido que contarte.
Is she still a little bit loopy?
¿ Está todavía... un poco chiflada?
She's kind of loopy.
Está un poco ida. No lleva identificación.
They're all loopy, so they shouldn't be a problem.
Están todos atontados, no nos darán problemas.
I think that time change has made you a little loopy.
Sabes que? Creo que el cambio de hora te ha ablandado.
I talked to Peter Watts about these "strong feelings" of yours, which, as I understand them, makes you at least as loopy as that kid was.
Hablé con Peter Watts sobre esos "fuertes sentimientos" suyos, los cuales, como yo lo entiendo, lo muestra a Ud. tan chiflado como el chico.
What are you, loopy?
¿ Qué eres tú? , ¿ chiflado?
I think she's completely loopy!
Creo que está loca!
Let's just hope we don't get a visit from Pog or Loopy, those soap dodging road protestors driving round in their converted ice-cream vans, pierced belly buttons, pierced eyebrows, pierced tongues.
Sólo esperemos no tener visitas de Pog o de Loopy, esos estafadores camineros, protestantes tramposos paseándose en sus conversas camionetas de helados, con aros en los ombligos, cejas perforadas, lenguas perforadas.
"Little Latin Loopy-Loo."
"La Latincita Lupe Lu".
- It's just that ever since the accident he treats me like I'm this fragile, loopy...
- Es que a partir del accidente me trata como si frágil, despistada...
We'd get so loopy, she would forget I was a dog.
Estaba tan volada, que se olvido que yo era un perro.
They used to call me Loopy because, you know, I would walk in little loops.
Me llamaban "Circulito" porque, ya sabe, podía caminar en pequeños círculos.
'When the sun goes down, and the moon comes up,'that's when we go to the park - 'me, and Loopy, and Little Gee.
Cuando el sol se pone, y la luna sale, es cuando vamos al parque Loopy, Little Gee y yo.
'Softly down the staircase, through the haunty hall,'trying to look small -'me, and Loopy, and Little Gee.
Bajando con cuidado las escaleras, a través del siniestro pasillo, intentando parecer pequeños. Loopy, Little Gee y yo.
'He's scared of the things he might see in the park, in the dark,'with Loopy and me.'
Tiene miedo de las cosas que podría ver en el parque, en la oscuridad, con Loopy y conmigo.
Me, and Loopy, and Little Gee.
Loopy y Little Gee y yo.
Just me, and Loopy, and Little Gee.
Sólo yo, y Loopy, y Little Gee.
'Up to the house, to the stair, to the bed where we ought to be, me and Loopy, and Little Gee.'
Hasta la casa, subiendo las escaleras, a la cama donde debemos estar, Loopy y yo, y Little Gee.
When you were a kid, you were all loopy about Batman cards.
Cuando eras niño, te volvían loco las tarjetas de Batman.
Are the lids tight on the paint remover? Because you're sounding loopy to me.
¿ El disolvente de pintura esta bien cerrado?
What's loopy?
¿ Qué es eso?
Because they make me loopy.
- Porque me trastornan.
- That airsick pill is making me loopy.
- Esta pastilla me está mareando.
Están todos atontados, no nos darán problemas.
Suenas rayada. ¿ Rayada?

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