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Lynne traduction Espagnol

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East Lynne.
East Lynne.
And don't forget, folks, tomorrow night, East Lynne.
Y no lo olviden, mañana a la noche, East Lynne.
- Next week, East Lynne.
- Próxima semana :
- You just don't appreciate art.
East Lynne. - No aprecias el arte.
Did Lynne Evans ever attend these parties?
¿ Venía a esas fiestas Lynne Evans?
- Who's Lynne Evans?
- ¿ Quién es Lynne Evans?
They don't know that you're Lynne Evans.
Ellos no saben que tú eres Lynne Evans.
- Why, she — she looks like, um — - Lynne Evans?
- Pero ella se parece a — - ¿ Lynne Evans?
Lynne Evans. "
Lynne Evans ".
And that you killed Lathrop, Desiree Vance and Lynne Evans.
Sé que mataste a Lathrop, a Desiree Vance y a Lynne Evans.
Yeah, but why did you kill Lynne Evans?
Sí, pero ¿ por qué mataste a Lynne Evans?
Next week, East Lynne.
La próxima semana...
I'd really like to, Lynne, but I should get back tomorrow.
Me encantaría, Lynne, pero debo regresar mañana.
Oh, would you, Lynne?
¿ Me dejarías, Lynne?
Lynne took us to Lake George last summer.
Lynne nos llevó al lago George el verano pasado.
Seems to me Lynne's been mighty good to you.
Lynne ha sido muy buena contigo. - Ya lo creo.
Night, Lynne.
- Buenas noches, Lynne.
They really love you, Lynne.
No como lo has hecho tú. Te adoran, Lynne.
Because Lynne couldn't stand the idea.
- Porque Lynne no quiso. - Entiendo.
For instance, Lynne.
Por ejemplo, Lynne.
What on earth got into you making a crazy crack like that about Lynne?
¿ Qué te ha dado por decir semejante locura sobre Lynne?
Why don't you like Lynne?
- ¿ Por qué no te cae bien Lynne?
The more I was with Lynne, the more I realized what a fine, wonderful person she really was.
Cuanto más tiempo pasaba con Lynne... más me convencía de que era una persona maravillosa.
Lynne's warmth and affection for Doug... helped so much to soften the blow of his sister's death.
La calidez de Lynne y su cariño por Doug... mitigaron el golpe que sintió con la muerte de su hermana.
Under the terms of the will, Lynne's share was left in trust.
Según el testamento, con la parte de Lynne se constituyó un fideicomiso.
Remember, for Lynne to get the money it requires the deaths of both children.
Recuerda que para que Lynne reciba el dinero, los dos niños deben morir.
Absolutely nothing would ever convince me that a woman like Lynne is capable of murder.
Nada me convencerá de que una mujer como Lynne pueda asesinar.
There were plenty of women just like Lynne who were poison murderers.
Muchas mujeres como Lynne asesinaban con veneno.
If Lynne really were guilty, she'd have had Polly's body cremated.
Si Lynne fuera culpable, habría incinerado el cuerpo de Polly.
Lynne did want Polly cremated.
Lynne quería incinerarla.
There's no proof to the contrary, and Lynne could've done it.
No hay pruebas en contrario. Lynne pudo haberlo hecho.
He's going to have the servants and Lynne brought in for questioning.
Citará a Lynne y a los criados para interrogarlos.
- ¿ A Lynne?
You'd better break it to Lynne tonight.
Será mejor que se lo digas a Lynne esta noche.
Lynne, I must talk to you.
Lynne, debo hablar contigo.
Lynne, I've just got word Polly was poisoned.
Lynne, acaban de avisarme que Polly fue envenenada.
I know it's been very trying for you, Lynne.
Sé que fue muy agotador para ti, Lynne.
I knew Lynne couldn't have done it.
Sabía que Lynne no lo hizo. - Puedo demostrarlo.
Lynne is absolutely innocent.
Lynne es completamente inocente.
You can't get out of talking to Lynne.
- Espera. Tienes que hablar con Lynne.
Look, what would happen if I just refused to give Doug back to Lynne?
¿ Qué pasaría si me niego a entregarle a Doug?
All you'd end up doing would be to make Lynne hopping mad for no purpose.
Terminarías haciéndola enfadar innecesariamente.
As long as I'm around, Lynne wouldn't dare harm Doug.
Si yo estoy cerca, Lynne no le hará daño a Doug.
Just where would you get the money to go bouncing all over the world after Lynne?
¿ De dónde sacarías el dinero... para ir por el mundo tras Lynne?
The police, the district attorney's staff - practically everybody agrees Lynne is guilty, that she intends poisoning Doug.
La Policía, los empleados del fiscal... Todos coinciden en que Lynne es culpable... y en que quiere envenenar a Doug.
Gee, Lynne, Uncle Cam's coming with us!
Caray, Lynne, el tío Cam nos acompañará.
Lynne played right into my hands.
Lynne cayó en mi juego.
There were those fearful moments of doubt when I would speculate on the possibilities... of Lynne not being guilty at all.
Me asaltaban momentos de duda cuando especulaba con la posibilidad... de que Lynne no fuera culpable.
Somebody did it, and all the evidence pointed to that somebody being Lynne.
Alguien lo hizo, y todas las pruebas apuntaban a Lynne.
Lynne tells me she's taking you to Paris... and Switzerland this winter for the skiing.
Lynne me dijo que te llevará a París... y a Suiza este invierno para esquiar.
Lynne, uh, remember our first meeting?
Lynne... ¿ recuerdas cuando nos conocimos?

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