Manning traduction Espagnol
1,543 traduction parallèle
Judge Manning's sister is here.
La hermana del juez Manning está aquí.
Ms. Manning, do you know if your brother is going through any kind of financial trouble?
Señorita Manning, ¿ sabe si su hermano está atravesando algún tipo de problema financiero?
Judge Christopher Manning.
El juez Christopher Manning.
I know Ms. Landrys put you up for the last two years, well, until Judge Manning ended that.
Sé que la Sra Landrys le mantuvo los dos últimos años, bueno, hasta que el juez Manning acabó con eso.
You know, I think he was after Manning.
Verás, creo que iban a por Manning.
My guess is this guy didn't know that Manning was missing.
Me parece que este tío no sabía que Manning está desaparecido.
What's his connection to Judge Manning?
¿ Cuál es su conexión con el juez Manning?
We showed his picture to Manning's sister, but she didn't recognize him.
Le enseñamos su foto a la herman de Manning, pero no lo reconoció.
Maybe Mia is the woman Manning had in his apartment.
Quizás Mia es la mujer que estaba con Manning en su piso.
Is there any evidence that Judge Manning knew Raygreen?
¿ Hay alguna prueba de que el Juez Manning conociera a Raygreen?
I want to know what kind of magic she was using on Judge Manning.
Quiero saber que tipo de magia... estaba usando en el Juez Manning.
Once Manning served his purpose, he went from being an asset to a liability.
Una vez que Manning le sirvió para su propósito, pasó de ser un valor a una deuda.
Was he with Mia Jones or Chris Manning?
¿ Estaba con Mia Jones o Chris Manning?
Where's Chris Manning?
¿ Dónde está Chris Manning?
Manning a counter at a jewelry store?
¿ Atender el mostrador de una joyería?
So I guess I'll put you in with Victor Manning.
Así que tendré que ubicarte con Víctor Manning.
Vic Manning, I'd like you to meet Peggy Olsen.
Vic Manning, quisiera presentarle a Peggy Olsen.
There are some in law enforcement... who believe the crime rates increase... when the Moon is full... but others manning the frontlines aren't so sure.
algunos organismos policiales que creen que el aumento en los índices de delincuencia cuando la luna está llena. Pero algunos que se encuentran en primera línea estan tan seguros.
I'll tell you what. How about stopping off at the corner of Manning and Standish on your way home?
Te diré algo. ¿ Puedes pasar por la esquina de Manning y Standish?
Right there on the corner where Manning runs into Standish.
Justo en la esquina de Manning y Standish.
Hey, did you get Manning? I did. I got Manning.
Tengo a "Ronaldo"...
It's like - you won 10 million, I got Manning. It's like a $ 20 million night.
Es como..., una noche de 20 millones de dólares...
Oh, that's cool. Like... Like, Peyton Manning?
Fantástico. ¿ En honor de Peyton Manning?
You won't be seeing Manning for a while.
- No te preocupes
If I could draw your attention to pages 16 and 17 of your bundle, Your Honour, you should find two diagrams depicting the layout of Mr Manning's club labelled H and J.
Si prestan atencion a las paginas 16 y 17... verán 2 diagramas representando la disposicion del Club...
Listen. What do we really know about Manning?
Escucha que sabemos exactamente acerca de Manning y de la gente que lo rodea
Tell your husband to back away from the Manning case.
Dile a tu esposo que desista en el caso de Manning
You wanna hurt people like Manning, get the people around him.
¿ Quieres llegar a Manning?
You work for Terry Manning, don't you?
- ¿ Trabajas para Terrence Manning, verdad?
These are two more faces on the Manning payroll.
Estos son otros de la nómina de Manning.
Is it not true that you work for Terry Manning?
Estamos seguros que trabaja para Manning.
Manning's got Greaves in his pocket.
Manning tiene comprado al jefe.
Manning will get bailed this week. The case will collapse.
A Manning lo soltarán esta semana, eI caso se va a derrumbar.
'My client Terrence Manning has fought tirelessly to clear his name.
El Sr Manning quiere decir a la comunidad que su nombre ha sido limpiado.
'Mr Manning would like to thank his family and friends for support throughout,'in particular his wife Joanna, who has been his rock.
El Sr Manning quiere agradecer a su familia y amigos por su amor y apoyo. En particular a su esposa Joanne, su mayor apoyo.
'Mr Manning would like to thank members of the press who respected his privacy'around and about the family home.
El Sr Manning quiere agradecer a los miembros de la prensa que han respetado su pedido de privacidad alrededor del hogar de su familia.
Pinned him down somewhere in Essex and he slipped the net again.
Dicen que Manning se ha alejado con su chica.
He didn't kill Lewis. Greaves and Manning did.
Ellos no mataron a Louis, fueron la gente de Manning.
You know what you were saying in the office about Manning?
¿ Recuerdas lo que me dijiste en la oficina, acerca de Manning?
You know my brother Andy? He knows someone who does a bit of running about for him.
Tengo una gente que sabe de un tipo en el campo que se parece mucho a Manning.
- Manning made bail.
- ¿ Dónde está Manning?
'He said Manning's lying low in the country...'
... era en el campo...
I know how to get to Manning.
Se como llegar a Manning.
What were you talking about at the restaurant with Monroe?
Has estado hablando con los otros, dijiste algo sobre Manning.
Well done.
- Nos veremos Manning
Walk away from the Manning case or the kid won't see his first birthday.
¿ Y que diablos estoy haciendo? Vayase
I must point out the room has never been used as an office by Manning.
Es mi deber anotar que la habitacion nunca se ha utilizado como oficina Sr Manning... sino como lugar para almacenar las colecciones de nuestros clientes...
And Manning was in the same room as me when this happened to Marcia.
Y Manning estaba en la misma habitación que yo cuando le sucedió eso a Marcia
I can get you sleeves on all Manning's people, the ones that hurt Monroe.
Quiero ayudarte
- Said Manning's lying low in the country.
- Alguien está buscándolo.
Somebody say something about Manning? I heard you say Manning.
Yo lo he estado buscando.