Maybe one traduction Espagnol
11,233 traduction parallèle
So maybe one night this week we can...
Por lo que una noche de esta semana podemos...
Maybe one day I'll even be happy for you two.
Tal vez un día, podrá ser feliz por ustedes dos.
Where there used to be just maybe one policeman, now there were groups of soldiers with machine guns and riot gear.
Donde antes había un solo policía, ahora había grupos de soldados con ametralladoras, y equipos anti-disturbios.
Maybe one little peek.
Tal vez un pequeño vistazo.
Griggs meets an espionage contact at the wedding. Maybe one of the Seabees is bad.
Griggs se reúne con un contacto en la boda, quizás uno de los ingenieros es sucio ;
But lately, I've been having thoughts like... maybe because I want it so bad, they aren't letting me have one.
Pero últimamente he estado teniendo pensamientos como... que quizás porque lo quiero tanto, no me dejan tener uno.
Maybe because she was always the one leaving, and I always let her come back.
Quizás porque era la que siempre se iba, y siempre le permití volver.
If understood, maybe you're the only one who is still alive.
Hasta donde sabemos, Usted puede ser el único sobreviviente.
Maybe we could get the kids just, like, a few more gifts... not as many as we were gonna get'em, but just, like, you know, more than one.
No tantos como pensábamos darles... pero, tu sabes, más de uno.
Maybe you got the first one in time, Rick!
¡ Puede que lo hayas arreglado a tiempo, Rick!
Or maybe there's only one deceiver here- - The person that keeps telling us the path to salvation is being held prisoner and mistrusting each other.
O quizá solo hay un impostor, la persona que no para de decirnos que el camino a la salvación es ser prisioneros y desconfiar entre nosotros.
If you can find one, too, we should be safe for hours, maybe days!
Si puedes encontrar una, también, deberíamos estar a salvo por horas, ¡ quizás días!
Maybe your problems are your own to deal with, and maybe the public giving a shit about your feelings is a one-way ticket to extinction!
¡ Igual tus problemas son solo tuyos y si al público le importasen tus sentimientos
Oh, maybe you could go on one of your silly Todd adventures.
Puedes ir a una de tus tontas aventuras de Todd.
Maybe they're rehearsing a one-act play called Someone Broke Onto the Farm and someone just said the titular line? This way.
Tal vez estén ensayando una obra llamada Alguien irrumpió en la granja y alguien acaba de decir el título.
Maybe I'll send him one of your heads as a souvenir.
Quizás le envíe una de vuestras cabezas como regalo.
He kind of likes me, so maybe you should be the one worrying about whether or not you make it through the night.
Le gusto un poco, así que tal vez deberías ser el que se preocupe por si lo hace o no a través de la noche
Maybe you can get one of your friends there...
Quizás puedas conseguir a alguno de tus amigos de ahí...
Maybe you'll even become one of those mission control leaders who gets all thoughtful while everybody's celebrating.
A lo mejor incluso te conviertes en uno de esos jefes de control de misiones que está pensativo mientras los demás están de celebración.
Maybe if you save Star City, you might get one too.
Tal vez si guarda Ciudad de las Estrellas, podría obtener uno también.
Now, if the Ghosts are there, maybe the one you're looking for will be there, too.
Ahora bien, si los fantasmas están ahí, tal vez el que usted está buscando estará allí, también.
One here, maybe another there, but where did all all these people come from, Julian?
Uno aquí, tal vez otro ahí, ¿ pero de dónde viene toda esta gente, Julian?
Maybe I'm spoiled or old-fashioned, but it's nice having that one person who doesn't need anything from you, who just loves you and thinks you're the most amazing, beautiful girl in the whole world, you know?
Tal vez soy una mimada o una anticuada, pero es bonito tener a una persona que no necesita nada de ti, que simplemente te quiere y piensa que eres la chica más guapa y maravillosa del mundo entero, ¿ sabes?
Hey, tell one where Peter is a nincompoop or maybe a Silly Billy.
Hey, cuéntanos una donde Peter sea un cagadito o tal vez un estupidito.
I don't know, maybe that one.
No lo sé, quizás esa.
Maybe... you know, maybe play it one more time and...
Quizá... tu sabes, quizá ponlo una vez más para...
And maybe in the next one, we'll meet again and I won't be scared to say what I feel and do what I want.
Tal vez en la próxima nos volvamos a encontrar y no me dará miedo decirte lo que siento ni hacer lo que quiero.
Maybe you could sign him up for one of those new trials for that patch thingy.
Igual deberías apuntarle a uno de esos ensayos con los parches.
Well, we prove ourselves on this one, and maybe they give a little more leeway on the next one.
Bueno, así demostraremos lo que valemos y quizá nos den un poco más de libertad para la próxima.
Maybe it's time you had one.
Quizás es hora de que recibas una.
Or maybe the Russian Air Force One went missing.
- Sí. O quizás el Air Force One ruso se perdió.
Maybe there's another way besides shooting them one by one.
Quizá hay otro camino además de dispararles uno por uno.
But from what I know now "all lies" was maybe the one true thing you ever told me.
Pero de lo que sé ahora... "todas mentiras" tal vez fueron la única verdad que alguna vez me dijiste.
They are... they belong to the most powerful country in the world. But being the strongest one maybe stopped them from being just curious.
Están... pertenecen al país más poderoso del mundo pero ser el más fuerte quizá evitó que fueran curiosos.
One night... this is maybe, uh, 18 years ago... they were hanging out behind Ray's house
Una noche... esto es tal vez, uh, hace 18 años... que estaban pasando el rato detrás de la casa de Ray
Well, maybe it's time for a new one.
Bueno, tal vez es hora para una nueva.
This review could be my sixth perfect one in a row, and I can maybe be named one of the "Hot 27 Under 27"
Esta calificación podría ser la sexta calificación perfecta seguida. y tal vez pueda ser nombrada una de las "27 ardientes de menos de 27"
- And maybe one day, we can flash our boobs off the balcony at Mardi Gras, find someone to carry around our tiny purse dogs, and go to rehab together. Okay.
Let's maybe just bring her that one last thing.
Tal vez deberíamos llevarle eso.
I keep hoping maybe I'll wake up one of these days.
Sigo esperando despertar cualquier día de estos.
Maybe he's not the one she can't say goodbye to.
Quizás no es el único con quien no pueda despedirse.
This is maybe why one's never been found before.
Esta quizás sea la razón por la que nunca ha sido visto antes.
The plant on the right, it's maybe two inches higher than the other one.
La planta de la derecha, quizá esté cuatro centímetros más alto que la otra.
I guess one could argue that if they hadn't lied to you... that maybe you wouldn't be in this room trying to fold your T-shirts across...
Supongo que solo puedo decir que, si no te hubieran mentido, quizá no estarías en esta habitación intentando doblar tus camisetas frente a...
Maybe he tried to escape and one of you shot him.
Tal vez él intentó escapar y alguno de vosotros le disparó.
Maybe our Members of Parliament know a good idea when they hear one.
Quizás los Miembros del Parlamento sepan reconocer una buena idea cuando la oyen.
Maybe Delilah gave him one too?
¿ Puede que Delilah le diese uno a él también?
Maybe the cool father, but... not a great one.
Quizá el padre bueno, pero... no uno grande.
Maybe you're another one, Gibbs.
Quizá usted sea otro, Gibbs.
Maybe he would have bought me a diamond one day, but honestly, Eleanor, I didn't care.
Quizás me hubiese comprado un diamante un día, pero honestamente, Eleanor, no me importaba.
Maybe we should try one of Courtney's songs instead.
Deberíamos hacer una de las canciones de Courtney.
maybe one day 85
ones 44
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
ones 44
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one more chance 34
one more day 57
one more hour 17
one hundred 76
one step at a time 173
one more thing 865
one more round 22
one more minute 37
one more drink 18
one more chance 34
one more day 57
one more hour 17
one hundred 76
one step at a time 173
one more thing 865
one more round 22
one more minute 37
one more drink 18
one moment 967
one and two 35
one second 1230
one night 558
one sec 340
one time 516
one at a time 318
one point 33
one game 29
one week 142
one and two 35
one second 1230
one night 558
one sec 340
one time 516
one at a time 318
one point 33
one game 29
one week 142