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Maybe we don't have to traduction Espagnol

237 traduction parallèle
Maybe we can go back to living like normal human beings again where we don't have to be under a microscope all the time.
Podríamos volver a vivir como seres humanos... y dejar de estar bajo un microscopio todo el tiempo.
Siletsky wants me to have dinner with him... if we don't get another idea... maybe I'll have to kill him, because only I can get to him.
Siletsky quiere cenar conmigo... si no tenemos una mejor idea... quizás deba matarlo, porque sólo yo puedo llegar a él.
Look, why don't you come on over here? We'll have a couple of laughs, maybe listen to some music?
¿ Te apetece venir, tomar una copa y escuchar música?
Maybe I don't have much to give you anymore. But Sybil and me, we do have full respect for you.
Es posible que yo ya no pueda darte gran cosa Sybil y yo sentimos un gran respecto hacia ti.
But maybe we don't have to go.
Pero quizá no tengamos que irnos.
Maybe it's different if you don't have children, but even if Charley and I aren't living together, and even if we're sleeping with other people, even if he were to get married again he's still my husband and he's still the father of my children and....
Quizá sea distinto si no hay hijos, pero aunque Charley y yo no vivamos juntos, y aunque nos acostemos con otros, aunque se vuelva a casar todavía es mi marido y el padre de mis hijos.
Maybe. We Westerners don't have a corner on medical knowledge... and I'm in no position to look a gift cure in the mouth.
Los occidentales no tenemos la exclusiva en saber médico... y no estoy en condiciones de rechazar un don.
I don't think anybody'll believe us but if we send letters to the important newspapers maybe The Shop will have to lay off.
No creo que nadie vaya a creernos pero si le mandamos cartas a los diarios tal vez La Universidad deba abandonar.
But considering you're almost like a son to me, I'm thinking maybe we don't have to go to the police.
Considerando que eres como un hijo para mí tal vez no tenga que llevarte a la policía.
Maybe we don't have to wait until we get to the dump
Quizás no tengamos que llegar al basurero...
Well, then maybe you ought to check your attitude. These decisions are made at top level for good reasons, reasons we don't have time to explain to every person involved.
Entonces, debería revisar su actitud éstas decisiones son tomadas a alto nivel por buenos motivos.
Why don't we just forget about the radio, maybe tune in to what we have up here, huh?
¿ Por qué no acabamos de olvidarse de la radio, quizá sintonizar a lo que tenemos aquí, ¿ eh?
Maybe we don't have any experience with miracles, so we're slow to recognise them.
Tal vez no tengamos experiencia, y por eso tardamos en reconocerlos.
Maybe we don't have to.
Quizá no es necesario.
Maybe you don't realize how lucky we are to have you along for this ride but I do, and I know the others do, too.
Quizás no veas lo afortunados que somos al tenerte en este viaje... pero yo sí lo veo, y sé que los demás también.
Maybe we failed, Jackson. But we don't have to live like this.
Quizá fracasamos, Jackson... pero no tenemos que vivir de esta manera.
Maybe we don't have to go.
Quizás no debamos ir.
Maybe we don't have to intervene.
Quizás no tengamos que intervenir.
Maybe we don't have to talk about this in front of everybody.
Tal vez no tengamos que hablar de esto delante de todo el mundo.
And I thought maybe we could work things out beforehand so we don't have to bother the kids with our bickering.
Y pense que quiza pudieramos ponernos de acuerdo de modo que no molestemos a los chicos con nuestras discusiones
Maybe mrs. Anderson was there to remind us that life goes by very quickly, and we don't have a lot of chances to be truly happy.
Quizás la Sra. Anderson estaba ahí para recordarnos que la vida pasa muy rápidamente, y no tenemos muchas oportunidades para ser verdaderamente felices.
Maybe, but I don't want to do that unless we absolutely have to.
Tal vez pero no quiero hacerlo a menos que sea necesario.
Maybe we don't have to.
Tal vez no tengamos que hacerlo.
Maybe we don't have to do this class exactly like it is in the binder.
Tal vez no tengas que dar la clase como esta en la carpeta exactamente.
Anyway, if that's true, maybe we don't have to investigate at all.
En cualquier caso, aún si es cierto no tengamos que investigarlo nosotros.
Maybe we don't have to tell anybody.
Tal vez no tengamos que decirle a nadie.
Yeah, maybe we don't have to tell anybody.
Sí, tal vez no tenemos que decirle a nadie.
I'd say where let's concentrate on the rarest ones, and let's just hope for some luck. Maybe we don't have to.
Quizá no sea necesario.
I don't think we are going to have that problem but maybe that's just because I am not emotionally unavailable.
No creo que tengamos ese problema quizá porque yo no soy emocionalmente inaccesible.
Dude, maybe we don't have to rip a tooth out of Kenny's mouth. Yeah, we just have to get Butters'tooth.
Oh, Dios mío.
Maybe Y0U should be in therapy, then Mom and Dad can pay someone to listen to Y0UR thoughts so we don't have to.
Deberías ser tú la que hace terapia. Mamá y papá pagarían a alguien para que te escuche, y no lo haríamos nosotros.
Or maybe we don't have to tell Dylan.
O tal vez no tenemos que decirle a Dylan.
Maybe we don't have to.
Quizás no tengamos que hacerlo.
Maybe we don't have to.
Tal vez no haga falta.
Maybe we don't have to die at all. Maybe that's why we survived.
Quizás no tenemos que morir, tal vez por eso sobrevivimos.
There's a limit, but... Maybe we don't have to keep that part in the video.
Hay un límite, pero tal vez no tengamos que dejar esa parte en el video.
Maybe we don't have to see it.
Tal vez no lo tengamos que ver.
If you don't have other plans, maybe we could wade out to that little boat together.
Si no tienes otros planes podríamos ir al barco juntos.
Maybe we should start a tab with them so we don't have to pay cash every day.
Tal vez deberíamos abrir una cuenta para no tener que pagar todos los días.
I thought if she could maybe get him over here, we'd have a chance to talk... and I don't know.
Pensé que si ella lo traía aquí, tendríamos la oportunidad de hablar... y no sé.
It means that maybe we don't have to be alone in the world
Que no tenemos que estar solos en el mundo.
Maybe so, but if we don't do something soon there could be 50, even 60 people who have to go without veal for dinner.
Tal vez, pero si no hacemos algo pronto, habrá 50, tal vez 60 personas que no desayunarán ternera.
No, but maybe we don't have to.
No, quizás no haga falta.
Maybe we don't have enough to put you away now, but eventually we'll find those bodies.
Tal vez todavía no tengamos suficiente, pero con el tiempo encontraremos esos cuerpos.
And I thought, since we're all scared... maybe... we could help each other... so we don't have to hide under the bed anymore.
Y pensé que, como todos tenemos miedo... quizá podamos ayudarnos el uno al otro... así no tenemos que escondernos más debajo de la cama.
Ya, I went to St Tropez to have fun with my friends,'cause I felt like it, and maybe ok we had some problems, but I don't know how this has to go do with everything,
Ya, fui a St Tropez para divertirme con mis amigos, porque me sentía así, y quizá teníamos algunos problemas, pero no sé cómo esto tiene que ir con todo,
I don't expect to have the kind of physical intimacy that we used to have. Although maybe in time that'll come.
No espero que tengamos la clase de intimidad física que solíamos tener aunque tal vez con el tiempo eso llegue.
I mean, I don't really have anything real to put on it just yet, but, uh, y'know, maybe we could figure something out because I think I need a job.
quiero decir, yo no se si tengo algo real que poner todavía pero, uh, no se, quizás, nosotros podríamos deducir algo porque pienso que necesito un trabajo.
I don't mean to be forward, but if this goes well, maybe we'll have sex two days ago.
No quiero se rechazada, pero si esto va bien, tal vez tengamos sexo, dos días atrás.
I was just thinking... that maybe we don't have to take such drastic measures.
Sólo pensaba que quizá no haya que tomar medidas tan drásticas.
Maybe the problem is we don't have very good stories to report on.
Quizá el problema es que no tenemos buenas historias que mostrar.

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