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Maybe you should go home traduction Espagnol

127 traduction parallèle
Willie, maybe you should go home.
Willie, quizás deberías irte a casa.
Maybe you should go home and get some sleep.
Puede que debas irte a casa y dormir un poco.
Not well at all. Maybe you should go home, Mr. Molner.
¡ Váyase a casa, señor Molner!
Maybe you should go home again and think things over.
Quizá deberías volver a casa y reflexionar.
- Maybe you should go home.
- Quizá deberías irte a tu casa
Maybe you should go home and rest.
Deberías ir a casa y descansar.
If you can't take it, maybe you should go home.
Lucen... ¿ Cómo se dice?
Maybe you should go home, love.
Tal vez usted debería irse a casa, el amor.
I think maybe you should go home by yourself now.
- Deberías irte tú.
Maybe you should go home.
Quizá debería irse a casa.
I think maybe you should go home and call her tomorrow.
Creo que deberías irte a casa y llamarla mañana.
Maybe you should go home and working it out with your wife.
Vaya a su casa e inténtelo con su mujer.
Maybe you should go home.
Debería irse a casa.
Maybe you should go home. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Quizá debería irse a casa, no remover el fango.
Maybe you should go home and log on to some kind of Cohen chat room. - I've had enough.
Quizá deberíamos irnos a casa y mantener alguna clase de conversación sobre Cohen, ¿ de acuerdo?
Well, maybe you should go home.
Quizás deberías irte a casa.
Kristin, maybe you should go home, okay?
Kristin, creo que deberías irte a tu casa.
Maybe you should go home.
Quizás deberías irte a casa.
You know, maybe you should go home for a while, Victor.
Quizá deberías volver a casa un tiempo
Maybe you should go home, take the rest of the day.
Deberías volver a casa, tomar el resto del día.
So what I'm thinking is maybe you should go home. You know, I mean just for a day.
Lo que estoy pensando es que deberías irte a tu casa ya sabes, por lo que queda del día.
J.D., maybe you should go home.
J.D., quizás debas regresar a tu casa.
- Maybe you should go home.
- Quizas debas ir a casa.
Maybe you should go home and read it with your parent
Tal vez podrías leerla con tus padres,
Maybe you should go home.
Deberías irte a casa.
You know, maybe--maybe you should go home one night and tuck your children in.
¿ Sabes? Quizá alguna noche deberías ir a casa a arropar a tus hijos.
Maybe you should go home.
Tal vez deberías irte a tu casa.
Maybe you should go home, Sue.
Quizás deberías irte a casa, Sue.
Maybe you should go home and rest.
Quizás debas ir a casa y descansar.
Maybe you should go home.
Quizá deberías irte a casa.
Maybe you should go home.
- Quizás debas ir a casa.
Maybe you should go home.
Tal vez deberías ir a casa.
Maybe you should go home.
Tal vez debas irte a casa.
Maybe You Should Go Home.
Quizás deberías irte a casa.
Maybe you should go home at the end of the summer and I should stay here.
Tal vez deberías ir a casa al final del verano.. ... y yo deba quedarme aquí.
- Maybe you should go home.
Deberías volver.
Maybe you should just go home.
Tal vez deberías irte a casa.
So where do you want to go, Ralph? Maybe we should go home?
¿ Adónde quieres ir, Ralph?
- You know, maybe we should just forget everything and go home.
- Quizás simplemente deberíamos olvidar todo y volver a casa.
Maybe I should go home with you.
- Mejor me voy a casa contigo.
I don't know what it is about you this evening, maybe it's the way the light hits your eyes, maybe it's the wine, but you look puffy- - you should go home and sleep.
Quizás sea cómo la luz refleja sus ojos... quizás sea el vino... pero se ve hinchada. Debería ir a dormir.
Maybe you should just go home.
Tal vez debería irse a casa.
Alex... maybe you should go home.
Quizá deberías irte a casa.
Maybe you should go home to Elizabeth.
Quizás debería volver a casa, con Elizabeth.
It's not safe. Maybe you should just go home or something.
Tal vez deberías ir a tu casa o algo.
Maybe you should just go home.
Tal vez deba ir a casa.
You should maybe go home and get some sleep.
Puede que debieses ir a casa y dormir un poco.
Maybe she should go home with you, huh?
¿ Quizá ella vuelva a casa contigo, eh?
Maybe you should "just" go home.
- Quizá "sólo" deberías irte a casa.
So maybe I'll call you later, but right now I think you should just go home.
Talvez te llame más tarde, pero ahora creo que debs ir a casa.
If you're gonna be all weird and creepy, maybe you should just pack up your cardboard box and go home.
Si te vas a poner raro, quizás deberías tomar tu caja de cartón e irte a casa.

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