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Mrs crawley traduction Espagnol

186 traduction parallèle
Mrs Crawley!
¡ Sra. Crawley!
I am Mrs Crawley and this is my son, Mr Matthew Crawley.
Soy la Sra. Crawley, y él es mi hijo, el Sr. Matthew Crawley.
It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Mrs Crawley.
Es un placer conocerla por fin, Sra. Crawley.
Mama, may I present Matthew Crawley and Mrs Crawley.
Mamá, te presento a Matthew Crawley y a la Sra. Crawley.
Well, we could always start with Mrs Crawley and Lady Grantham.
Podemos llamarnos Sra. Crawley y Lady Grantham.
I must compliment you, Mrs Crawley.
Debo felicitarla, Sra. Crawley.
Mrs Crawley, I appreciate your thoroughness.
Sra. Crawley, agradezco su sugerencia.
Please, Mrs Crawley, don't force me to be uncivil.
Por favor, Sra. Crawley. No, no me obligue a ser descortés.
Not as well as Mrs Crawley, apparently.
No tanto como la Sra. Crawley, al parecer.
Not you, not I, and certainly not Mrs Crawley.
Ni usted, ni yo, y desde luego, tampoco la Sra. Crawley.
Well, Mrs Crawley, I have a feeling we will sink or swim together.
Bien, Sra. Crawley presiento que o nos hundimos o nadaremos juntos.
Mrs Crawley, how nice.
Sra. Crawley, qué sorpresa.
Mrs Crawley tells me she's recommended nitrate of silver and tincture of steel.
La Sra. Crawley ha recomendado nitrato de plata y tintura de acero.
- That is Mrs Crawley's diagnosis.
Ese es el diagnóstico de la Sra. Crawley.
Mrs Peters. 101 Bridge Road, Crawley.
Sra. Peters. 101 Bridge Road, Crawley.
EDGAR : What is the future Mrs. Leonard Crawley doing here anyway?
¿ Qué hace la futura señora Leonard Crawley por aquí de todos modos?
Thank you, Mrs. Crawley.
Gracias, Sra. Crawley.
- Dorothy, Mrs. Crawley. - I'm sorry, I didn't know.
- Dorothy, la Sra. Crawley.
Although I did fire Mrs. Crawley today.
Además despedí a la Sra. Crawley.
I beg your pardon, Mrs. Crawley.
- Srta. Sharp. Le ruego me perdone.
Mrs. Crawley.
- Enseguida. Sra. Crawley.
Be careful of the model, Mrs. Crawley.
Tenga cuidado con el modelo, Sra. Crawley.
The Crawleys have been here no longer than us, and Mrs. Crawley's the talk of the town.
Los Crawley llegaron junto con nosotros y la Sra. Crawley anda de boca en boca.
Here comes the famous Mrs. Crawley.
Aquí viene la famosa Sra. Crawley.
Good evening, Mrs. Crawley.
Lady Bareacres.
Mrs. Crawley.
- General Tufto.
You're not like Amelia, Mrs. Crawley.
Ud. no es como Amelia, Sra. Crawley.
Ready for a hand or two of cards? - If Mrs. Crawley...
¿ Listo para una o dos manos de naipes?
Mrs. Crawley!
¡ Sra. Crawley!
Mrs. Crawley, over here, if you please!
Sra. Crawley, acérquese, por favor. Lady Bareacres.
Mrs. Crawley.! Mrs. Crawley, come back, please.!
¡ Sra. Crawley, regrese, por favor!
Mrs. Crawley.! Discretion being the better part of valor,
Siendo la discreción la mejor parte del valor...
Mrs. Crawley, hurry!
¡ Sra. Crawley, apúrese! ¡ Debemos partir ahora!
Mrs. Crawley.!
¡ Sra. Crawley!
I mean Mrs. Crawley.
Digo, Sra. Crawley.
Uh, Mrs., uh, Crawley, when you told Miss Crawley that your mother was a Montmorency...
Sra. Crawley... cuando le dijo a la Srta. Crawley que su madre era una Montmorency- -
You will write a card to Colonel and Mrs. Crawley.
Escribirás una tarjeta al coronel y a la Sra. Crawley.
Besides, what's the matter with Mrs. Crawley?
Además, ¿ cuál es el problema con la Sra. Crawley?
I hear you sing and play beautifully, Mrs. Crawley.
Me dicen que canta y toca maravillosamente, Sra. Crawley.
I never forget anything, Mrs. Crawley.
Yo nunca olvido nada, Sra. Crawley.
It's Mrs. Crawley.
Es la Sra. Crawley.
Ah, Mrs. Crawley.
Sra. Crawley.
The trouble is, Mrs. Crawley, you've taken the goods.
El problema es, Sra. Crawley, que se ha llevado la mercancía.
You've had your wishes, Mrs. Crawley.
Ha recibido sus deseos, Sra. Crawley.
Mrs. Crawley.
Sra. Crawley.
Don't tell me it is the infamous Mrs. Crawley. George.
No me digas que es la infame Sra. Crawley.
Is it truly the beautiful Mrs. Crawley?
¿ Es realmente la hermosa Sra. Crawley?
My gad, Mrs. Crawley.
Cielos, Sra. Crawley.
Mrs. Crawley?
¿ Sra. Crawley?
- Mrs. Crawley?
- Llamaré al 911. - ¿ Sra. Crawley?
The investiture of our first Chairwoman, Mrs Reginald Crawley, who has graciously agreed to share the duties of our beloved president, the Dowager Countess of Grantham.
La investidura de la primera presidenta del consejo la señora viuda de Reginald Crawley que ha tenido la gentileza de acceder a compartir las tareas de presidenta con la condesa viuda de Grantham.

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