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Murdock traduction Espagnol

1,244 traduction parallèle
Murdock, Van Heusen, Darata, Greenbaum, Galt?
¿ Murdock, Van Heusen, Darata, Greenbaum, Galt?
Could be Galt, Murdock, Van Heusen, Greenbaum.
Podría ser Galt. Murdock, Van Heusen, Greenbaum...
Don't miss your flight, Murdock. You wouldn't wanna keep that boss of yours waiting.
Sube al avión y no hagas esperar a tus jefes.
I want Al Murdock on this.
Que venga Al Murdock.
We're getting Al Murdock on this.
Al Murdock viene con nosotros.
Murdock knows more about it than anybody.
Murdock los conoce mejor que nadie.
- They're paging Murdock.
- Están buscando a Murdock.
Al Murdock, emergency call. Al Murdock.
Llamada urgente para Al Murdock.
- Alan Murdock.
- Alan Murdock.
Captain Murdock will talk you through it.
El capitán Murdock le dará las instrucciones.
Captain Murdock is now aboard and is flying this plane.
El capitán Murdock está a bordo pilotando el avión.
It's Dr. Murdock.
Es el Dr. Murdock.
Dr. Murdock, Miss Lewly.
Dr. Murdock, la Srta. Lewly.
He may be good, but he ain't no Tank Murdock.
Será bueno, pero no es ningún Murdock.
You're just a regular Tank Murdock.
Eres un Murdock cualquiera.
- He could've been Denver Tank Murdock. - That's right.
Podría haber sido el Murdock de Denver.
- They say he stacks up to Tank Murdock.
Dicen que es como Tank Murdock.
Tank Murdock?
¿ Tank Murdock?
You know, like them all, Tank's gonna fall.
Como todos, Tank Murdock caerá.
See if you can find out the location of Tank Murdock.
Ve si puedes localizar a Tank Murdock.
Where did you hear of Tank Murdock before, kid?
¿ Dónde oíste de Tank Murdock?
I don't know, but he's the one that'll beat Tank Murdock.
Es el tipo que vencerá a Tank Murdock.
Jesus Christ, that guy's going to beat Tank Murdock!
Ese tipo va a vencer a Tank Murdock.
This guy will be the new Tank Murdock!
Este tipo será el nuevo Tank Murdock.
That guy's the new Tank Murdock.
Ese tipo es el nuevo Tank Murdock.
Hey, Mrs. Murdock, you coming?
Sra. Murdock, ¿ piensa venir?
- Way to go, Murdock!
- ¡ Es hora de irse, Murdock!
In 1792, a scotman called Murdock said he'd invented it.
En 1792, un escocés llamado Murdock dijo que lo había inventado.
Guess who Murdock worked for?
¿ Adivinan para quién trabajaba Murdock?
Murdock's factory gas lamps made him illumination's leading light.
La fábrica de Murdock de lámparas de gas lo convirtió en el líder de la iluminación.
All, he claimed, invented by himself, never mind Murdock.
Todos, afirmaba, inventados por él mismo, ni hablar de Murdock.
Mind you, behind the showbiz chicanery, he had seen something that Murdock hadn't.
Imagínense, detrás de estas argucias del espectáculo, había visto algo que Murdock no.
Victor, this is Roger Murdock.
Victor, él es Roger Murdock.
Captain Oveur, Mr Murdock, and Mr Basta, this is Joey Hammen.
Capitan Oveur, señor Murdock, y señor Basta, él es Joey Hammen.
My name's Roger Murdock.
Mi nombre es Roger Murdock.
All right, but just remember my name is Roger Murdock.
Bueno, pero recuerda que mi nombre es Roger Murdock.
The next transmission that you receive will be from Buck Murdock at Alpha Beta Base.
La próxima conexión por radio que establezca será con Buck Murdock desde la base Alpha Beta.
- Not BUCK Murdock?
- ¿ BUCK Murdock?
Buck MURdock.
Buck MURdock.
Who's Buck Murdock, Ted?
¿ Quién es Buck Murdock, Ted?
Ready to transfer to Buck Murdock at Alpha Beta. Over.
Listo para conectar con Buck Murdock en la base Alpha Beta.
- Commander Murdock.
- Comandante Murdock.
Striker, this is Buck Murdock.
Striker, aquí Buck Murdock.
I read you, Murdock.
Te recibo, Murdock.
Roger, Murdock.
Roger, Murdock.
Hold it, Murdock.
Espera, Murdock.
Murdock, you've been institutionalized for 10 years.
Murdock, lleva 10 años internado.
That's a cute bit, Murdock.
Es una buena actuación, Murdock.
Where's Murdock?
¿ Dónde está Murdock?
Mr. Murdock.
El Sr. Murdock.
Oh, Murdock, Murdock.

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