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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ M ] / My father gave it to me

My father gave it to me traduction Espagnol

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I've been looking for it. My father gave it to me.
Lo estaba buscando.
My father gave it to me so as I could have it when I grow up.
Mi padre me lo regaló para cuando fuera mayor.
My father gave it to me when I entered the ministry.
Mi padre me lo dio cuando me hice sacerdote.
My father gave it to me for Christmas.
Mi padre me lo dio por Navidad.
My father gave it to me when he sold the farm.
Mi padre me los dio al vender la granja.
My father gave it to me when he lay dying'in his croft.
Mi padre me la dio cuando estaba muriendo en sus tierras.
My father gave it to me.
Me la dio mi padre.
My father gave it to me.
Mi padre me lo regaló.
Yes, my father gave it to me cause I passed my exams.
Sí, me lo regaló mi padre por haber aprobado.
My father gave it to me...
Mi padre me lo regaló y yo te lo regalo a ti.
- My father gave it to me.
- De mi padre, él me la regaló.
Because my father gave it to me, and now I'm giving it to you.
Porque... a mí me lo dio ml padre y yo te lo daré a ti.
My father gave it to me.
Me lo dio mi padre.
- My father gave it to me.
- Me lo dio... me lo dio mi padre.
My father gave it to me.
- Es de mi padre.
My father gave it to me when I was very little.
Mi padre me lo dió cuando era niña.
My father gave it to me, and it's yours if you just let me go.
Me lo regaló mi padre. Puedes quedártelo si me dejas bajarme.
- My father gave it to me.
- Mi padre me lo dio.
My father gave it to me when I climbed Mont Blanc.
¡ No, no, no! Mi papá me lo dio cuando escalé el Mont blanc,
- My father gave it to me.
- ¿ De dónde? - Me los dio mi padre.
- My father gave it to me when I was 9.
- Me lo regaló mi padre a los 9.
My granddad gave it to my father, and my father gave it to me, and...
Mi abuelo se lo dio a mi padre y mi padre a mí y...
My father gave it to me.
Mi padre me la proporcionó.
My father gave it to me.
Mi padre me lo dio.
My father gave it to me.
- Mi padre me la dio.
My father gave it to me for my sixth birthday.
Mi padre me la regaló por mi sexto cumpleaños.
My father gave it to me.
Mi padre me la dio a mi.
My father gave it to me when I went to Vietnam.
Mi padre me lo dio cuando fui a Vietnam.
My father gave it to me on our wedding day with a note that said "Trust your instincts."
Mi padre me la dio el día de nuestra boda con una nota : "Confía en tus instintos".
My father gave it to me.
Me lo regaló mi padre.
my father gave it to me.
¿ Este? Mi padre me lo dio.
My father gave me this ring and said if ever he lost his temper with me to bring it to him and he'd forgive me.
Mi padre me dio este anillo y me dijo que si un día perdía la calma conmigo se lo llevara, y me perdonaría.
When I met this'Mr. Dawson', I gave him my father's wealth to keep for me. And I gave myself with it.
Cuando le conocí le entregue el dinero de mi padre.
My grandmother gave it to my father, and he gave it to me.
Mi abuela se lo dio a mi padre y él me lo dio a mí.
My father, the Caliph, gave it to me before he... before he died at the hands of the Mongols.
Mi padre, el Califa, me lo dio antes de... que muriera a manos de los mongoles.
But right then it gave me a nasty feeling to be thinking about them at all... with that briefcase right behind my head that had her father's signature in it... and what that signature meant.
Pero me sentía incómodo pensando acerca de ellos... ya que tenía el portafolios atrás con la firma del padre... y sabiendo lo que esa firma representaba.
My father sort of gave it to me and Nicky.
- Mi padre nos lo dio a Nicky y a mí.
It was the same look my father gave me when I told him I wanted to be a ventriloquist.
La misma que puso mi padre cuando le dije que quería ser ventrílocuo.
I think what baseball did for me was it gave me an opportunity to revisit all those moments that I had with my father.
El beisbol me dio la oportunidad de revivir... todos esos momentos que tuve con mi padre.
My late father gave it to me.
Mi difunto padre me lo dio.
So we can say, "My father gave this to me his father gave it to him, I'm giving it to you."
Podremos decir, "Me lo dio mi padre su padre se lo dio a él, y yo te lo doy a ti".
Charlie, my father gave this to me, and his father gave it to him and now I'm giving it to you.
Mi padre me lo dio, su padre se lo dio a él y yo te lo doy a ti.
I told him that I worked in a dry cleaner, and my father found out about it... and instead of giving me the money after he died... he gave it to me before he died.
Le dije que yo trabajaba en una tintorería, y mi padre se enteró y en vez de dejarme el dinero en su testamento me lo dio antes de morir.
I know it sounds kind of corny, but it meant a lot to me when my father gave that to me.
Sé que suena cursi, pero significó mucho para mí cuando mi padre me las dio.
- Yeah? My father gave it to me. - It suits you.
- Me la dio mi padre.
And my father just gave it to me.
Mi padre me lo regaló.
It was my father who gave the horse to me.
Fue mi padre quien me dio este caballo.
My father gave me that same bike when I was about his age, and I just wanted to talk to him all about it.
Mi padre me regaló esa bicicleta cuando tenía su edad y yo sólo quería contárselo.
Given the information that you gave me? They narrowed it down to this place they believed my father was assigned to.
Con la información que me diste limitaron la búsqueda a ese lugar donde creen que mi padre fue asignado.
- My father gave me this horse. Now I want to give it back.
Ahora quiero devolverlo.
My father gave it to me... and told me that one day
Mi padre me la dio...

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