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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ N ] / No idea at all

No idea at all traduction Espagnol

432 traduction parallèle
Got no idea at all where the Fords went to?
¿ No tienes idea de adónde fueron los Ford?
I have no idea at all.
No sé nada de nada.
No idea at all.
Ni la más mínima idea.
I'd no idea I'd find you here. No idea at all.
No tenía ni idea de que iba a encontrarte aquí.
No idea at all, huh?
¿ Ni la más remota idea?
No idea at all where he is?
Naburo, ¿ tú no sabes dónde ha ido?
Have you any idea what Barrett might have been paying to keep quiet? No idea at all.
¿ Tiene idea de cuál podía ser la razón para que Barrett pagase?
No idea at all?
¿ No sabe nada?
Not a bad idea at all, a private secretary...
No es mala idea en absoluto, un secretario privado...
No, that isn't the idea at all, Jake.
No, no es eso para nada, Jake.
Now, er... now look-a-here, Mr Ruggles. I want you to understand that this wasn't my idea at all, you know.
Espero que usted entienda... que esto no fue idea mia, sino de Effie...
Someone who hasn't seen 11 corpses all at once can't imagine just how many that is.
Quien nunca ha visto tal cantidad de muertos juntos... no puede hacerse una idea de lo que este número significa...
Very badly prepared, the woman can't cook at all!
Preparada muy mal. La mujer no tiene ni idea de cocinar.
Now he doesn't know what's up at all. What will he be doing?
No tiene ni idea de lo que está pasando.
This isn't at all your idea of a proposal, is it?
No imaginabas que nadie se te declararía así, ¿ no?
You don't seem to get the idea at all.
Me parece que no entiendes.
That's not a bad idea at all, Fearless.
- No es una mala idea, Intrépido. Gracias.
Not a bad idea at all.
No lo es para nada.
- Oh, no. - I don't think he had any such idea at all.
- Ay, no, jamás se le ocurriría algo así.
The idea is not preposterous at all.
La idea no me parece del todo descabellada.
Oh, no, boys, you haven't got the idea at all.
No lo habéis entendido.
I don't know it at all, sir, I'm sure.
No tenía ni idea, señor.
Well, I don't know what you're talking about at all.
No tengo ni idea de lo que me estás hablando.
Well, doesn't the idea attract you at all?
¿ Pero no te atrae algo la idea?
Not at all. Good-looking, isn't she?
Ni idea, no es está mal, ¿ eh?
I don't like the idea at all.
Esa idea no me gusta para nada.
No. No, not at all.
No, no, no tengo ni idea.
Oh, now, Mr. Thompson, that's not the idea at all.
- Ése no es el propósito.
[Laughing] This isn't at all your idea of a proposal, is it?
No es la declaración ideal, ¿ no?
I don't know why, not at all.
No lo sé ; no tengo ni idea.
What I was sore at was that crackbrained idea of yours that seemed to be taking up all of your time, your energy and interest and attention, so you had no time to concentrate on anything else!
Lo que me enfadaba de verdad, eran tus ideas estúpidas... que parecían ocupar todo tu tiempo, tu energía, tu interés... y tu atención, ¡ impidiendo que te concentraras en ninguna otra cosa!
That isn't my idea at all.
No se parece en nada a la mía.
But if you don't like the idea, I'm not at all keen on your doing the housework. I'll call it off.
Si no te gusta la idea no quiero que te encargues sola de la casa.
Well... To be quite honest, it isn't really my idea at all. I...
Bueno... para ser sincero, no es mi idea en absoluto.
It wouldn't do any good, any good at all.
No sería buena idea. Para nada.
- No, it's not a good idea at all.
- No es una buena idea en absoluto.
I don't like the idea at all.
No me gusta nada la idea.
I hate to admit it, Jack, but it's not a bad idea at all.
Odio admitirlo, Jack, pero la idea no está mal pensada.
No, not at all.
No, ni idea.
I suppose... I suppose it wouldn't be any chance ye, changing your mind. No chance at all.
Supongo que no hay ninguna posibilidad de que cambies de idea.
It doesn't correspond at all to the image I have of my killer.
No se corresponde con la idea que tengo de un asesino.
That's not a bad idea at all.
No, no es mala idea.
But they don't know anything at all.
Pero no tienen ni idea.
That's not bad at all. But next time pull the pin. The idea is to kill the Japs.
No está mal del todo, pero la próxima vez, quite el seguro, la idea es matar a los japoneses.
You don ¡ ¯ t know the situation at all But you still teach others to do everything.
No tienes ni idea de la situación pero continúas aconsejando a los demás como hacer las cosas.
I'm sorry, I don't get the idea at all.
Perdón, no me estoy enterando.
But, honey, that wasn't the idea at all.
Pero, querida, ésa no era la idea en absoluto.
I'm not sure at all.
No tengo ni idea.
You have no clue at all.
No tienes idea...
To make love in your house doesn't excite me at all, I assure you.
no me excita nada la idea de hacer el amor en tu casa. Te lo aseguro.
No idea at all, except that whatever it is, it must be in the laboratory.
Creo que él ya viene.

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