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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ N ] / No one's going to hurt you

No one's going to hurt you traduction Espagnol

70 traduction parallèle
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a hacerte daño.
- No one's going to hurt you.
- Nadie te hará daño.
You're not going to get hurt. Nothing's going to happen to you one way or the other.
No le harán ningún daño, pase lo que pase Ud. está a salvo.
No one's going to hurt you. I'll have nightmares the rest of me natural life.
Tendré pesadillas el resto de mi vida.
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a hacerle daño.
No one's going to hurt you.
No le dolerá.
No one's going to hurt you.
No le haremos daño.
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a hacerte sufrir.
Let that girl out and no one's going to hurt you.
Dejá que salga la chica y nadie te hará daño.
No one's going to hurt you. It'll be okay.
- Nadie los va a lastimar.
- No one's going to hurt you.
- Tranquila. Nadie va a hacerte daño.
No one's going to hurt you again.
Nadie te va lastimar más.
If you don't want me, tha  s one thing, but you're not gonna tell me where to go, who to see, what to do, and you are not going to hurt this sweet kid.
Si no me quieres, eso es otra cosa, Pero tú no ve vas a decir a donde ir, o a quien vea o lo que haga Y no vas a herir a esta dulce niña.
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a hacerte daño
Listen, no one's going to hurt you. Let's go back inside and...
Nadie va a hacerte daño.
No one's going to hurt you.
No te haremos daño.
No one's ever going to hurt you again.
Nunca nadie te va a hacer daño de nuevo.
No one's going to hurt you. OK? No one!
Nadie te va a lastimar. ¿ Ok?
No one's going to hurt you.
- Nadie te hará daño.
No one's going to hurt you now, I promise.
Ya nadie te va a lastimar, lo prometo.
no one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a lastimarte.
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie te hará daño. Mira.
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a lastimarte.
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie te va a lastimar.
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie te lastimará.
No-one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a hacerte daño.
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a herirte.
No one's going to hurt you, Alice.
Nadie te hará daño, Alice.
Look, no one's going to hurt you.
Mira, nadie va a lastimarte.
Hey, no one's going to hurt you.
Oye, nadie te va a hacer daño.
Okay, no one's going to hurt you.
Está bien, nadie te va a hacer daño.
and the other says "no, no, you go, I'm afraid if heights" so the one guy goes, and he's going around and around, but suddenly the car snaps off and falls to the ground, The other gay guy runs up, and is like, are you hurt? "
y el otro dice "no, no, monta tu, tengo miedo a las alturas" asi que el chico va y esta dando vueltas y vueltas y de repente la cabina se quiebra y cae al suelo el otro chico gay corre y pregunta ¿ te duele?
No one's going to hurt you, Emily.
Nadie va a hacerte daño, Emily
No-one's going to hurt you, OK?
Nadie va a lastimarte. ¿ De acuerdo?
Well, you need to promise me... that no one's going to get hurt here.
Bueno, necesito que me prometas que nadie saldrá herido de aquí.
- No-one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a hacerte daño.
I promise you, no one's going to hurt her.
Te lo prometo, nadie va a hacerle daño.
And I promise you, you're not the only one that's going to get hurt, M ike.
Y te juro que no eres el único que resultará lastimado.
No one's going to hurt you, James.
Nadie te lastimará, James.
One's not going to hurt you.
Uno no te hará daño.
Kevin, I promise you no one's going to hurt you, okay?
Kevin, te prometo que nadie te va a hacer daño, ¿ de acuerdo?
He says you seriously injured some of his men and he's given me his word, if you turn yourselves in, no one is going to be hurt. Okay?
Dice que hirieron gravemente a algunos de sus hombres y me ha dado su palabra de que si se entregan, nadie saldrá lastimado. ¿ Está bien?
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie te hará daño.
No-one's going to hurt you.
Nadie te hará daño.
No one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a lastimarla.
No-one's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a a hacerte daño.
Now, you keep doing that, no-one's going to hurt you. All right?
Ahora, sigue haciendo eso, nadie va a hacerte daño. ¿ De acuerdo?
No one's going to hurt you, dear.
Está bien. Nadie va a hacerte daño, querida.
Darling, no-one's going to hurt you.
Cariño, nadie va a hacerte daño.
No one's going to hurt you again.
Nadie va a lastimarte otra vez.
No-one's going to hurt you here.
Nadie va a hacerte daño.

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