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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ N ] / Not that i know of

Not that i know of traduction Espagnol

3,323 traduction parallèle
Not that I know of.
No que yo sepa.
273 ) } – Not that I know of.
- Que yo sepa no.
It's not like I didn't know that you could have been angry... but I think I just thought of you as a comfortable friend, which I shouldn't have done.
No sabía que te haría enojar de esta manera. Abusé de tu confianza. No debí hacerlo.
The other teams didn't know we were out of money and I'm not going to reveal that because we don't want to let the other teams ever see weakness.
Los otros equipos no saben lo que nos pasó y no vamos a decir nada... no queremos que lo vean como una debilidad.
Okay, daddy, I know that you are still hurting over Emily, but watching a bunch of Canadians chase after a weird thingy over ice with a bunch of brooms is not the answer.
Bien, papá, sé que todavía estás dolido por Emily, pero ver a un grupo de canadienses perseguir una cosa extraña sobre el hielo con un montón de escobas no es la solución.
I just want to let you know that the party leaders are in euphoria they say that they haven't been such a great support for the party since since the beginning of November, and I right Brigit it's just great, I can understand that that witness was not completely wrong about Ussing
Solo quiero que sepas que los líderes del partido están eufóricos. Dicen que no habían tenido un apoyo tan grande para el partido desde principios de noviembre. ¿ Tengo razón, Birgit? Es genial.
You know what that means? - Yes, of course. No, I do not think...
Y el primogénito, el heredero de este hotel.
Don't you think it's odd that I'm not allowed to know an entire portion of my kid's life?
¿ No crees que es raro que no pueda saber una parte de la vida de mi hijo?
Of course I know that he's not
Por supuesto que se que no es él
You know that I'm not allowed to give out copies of writer's submissions.
Sabes que no se me permite dar copias de las presentaciones de los escritores.
I'm sorry that so late, ma'am. Do not worry, I know Half of the staff to patient
Disculpe que haya tardado tanto en atenderla, señora.
As our most important clients, I know that many of you, if not all, are planning to pull your investment in Grayson Global tomorrow.
Como nuestros clientes más importantes, sé que muchos de ustedes, si no todos, están planeando retirar sus inversiones en Grayson Global mañana.
But I want you to know, there was not one moment of one day or night that I did not think of you and feel love for you.
Pero quiero que sepas, que no había ningún momento del día o de la noche que no pensase en ti y sitiese amor por ti.
Of course, as if it were so easy. I do not know the train, that's another thread. Therefore, we decided to check it out.
Se empeña en verlo todo a la luz de la lógica, don Eusebio, y no hay nada censurable en entretenerse con esas novelas.
I'm not married, nor Julio. Previously, I was the bride, but I think you know that. You're here not because of love.
No voy a engañarla, señora, soy una mujer soltera, Julio también lo es.
I'm sure that you know, given the stigma of this kind of abuse, that the time delay is not unusual.
Estoy seguro que usted sabe, dado el estigma de este tipo de abuso, que el que esperen mucho tiempo no es inusual.
And i hope that i got true to her, whether it changes her vote or not, i don't know. But i only need one of them, either her or skupin.
Y espero haber llegado a ella, si cambiará su voto o no, no lo sé, pero sólo necesito uno de ellos, sea ella o Skupin.
All I know is that her mother great pain of not seeing connection with the death of Don Carlos. And document what you ask, to do with it?
- Di luz a dos niños, Diego, tuvimos gemelos.
Not that I succeed all the time, but if I get rejected here, I know it's not because of my age.
No es que siempre tenga éxito, pero si me rechazan, sé que no es por mi edad.
I know that you're not the biggest fan, but he kind of just changed my life.
Ya sé que no eres su mayor fan, pero prácticamente me ha cambiado la vida.
I really appreciate what you're going through, but not that it's going to knock me out of the game because i know you don't want to do that.
lo hago, realmente aprecio por lo que estás pasando, pero no va a golpearme duro en este juego, porque sé que no querés hacerlo.
Just... just have a bite of that. I'm not eating it now. Now I know it's a head.
¡ Mierda, es una cabeza!
You know, David, I am not the least bit surprised that one of your patients made you such a thoughtful gift.
Sabes, David, no estoy nada sorprendida de que una de tus pacientes te hiciera un regalo tan considerado.
I just want you to know that I do not approve of the way that you have treated this fine woman.
Solo quiero que sepa que no apruebo el modo en que ha tratado a esta magnífica mujer.
I know that the wrath of not bad intentioned parent.
Tú no te metes a monje, te pongas como te pongas.
The film is seen from the other side, sure of that? - Julio, I'm not stupid, I know how to count.
Estábamos al otro lado de la pantalla.
- Not that I know of.
- No que yo sepa.
It's understanding, er... that gives you happiness and I think it's one of the unique human features because it's not limited to me but it clearly, you know, when you're able to find out how to do something.
Su comprensión, er... que le da felicidad, y creo que es una de las características humanas únicas porque, no está limitado a mí, pero claramente, cuando eres capaz de encontrar la manera de hacer algo.
I know that this is not the fate you would have chosen for yourself, or for Helium, but choice is a luxury even for a Jeddak of Barsoom.
Este no es el destino que hubieras escogido para ti ni para Helium, pero elegir es un lujo aun para un jeddak de Barsoom.
I don't know exactly how I tune in to that kind of upbringing or lifestyle, because that's not how I was raised at all.
No sé exactamente cómo sintonizar con ese tipo de educación o estilo de vida, porque así no es como me han educado.
Okay. You know what? I don't wanna have to do this'cause I'm not a dick, but it just so happens that I'm a good personal friend of Kevin Baldrey, the manager.
No quisiera hacer esto porque no soy un imbécil... pero soy amigo de Kevin Baldrey, el gerente.
I want to say this to the television audience, that I welcome this kind of examination because people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook.
Quiero decir esto a la audiencia de la televisión, doy la bienvenida a este tipo de examen porque la gente tiene que saber si su presidente es un criminal.
I'm not a cripple, I'm a scientist and I'm the world's foremost authority on Herpetology, that's reptiles for those of you that don't know.
Yo no soy un inválido, estoy un científico y yo soy el mundial más importante autoridad en Herpetología, que los reptiles de los de ustedes que no lo sé.
I mean not that kind of easy you know.
Digo, no esa clase de fácil.
Look, Conrad, I know that Middleton is not at the top of your list, but just give it a chance.
Mira Conrad, sé que Middleton no está en tu lista.
I violated a tremendous amount of corpses in medical school, so I know that pickling is not the same as embalming.
He violado una gran cantidad de cadáveres estudiando medicina. Me consta que encurtir no es como embalsamar.
I know, and so I told him, "I'm not that kind of girl,"
Lo sé. Por eso le dije que no soy de esas chicas.
I have not heard you speak a hundred words, yet I do know the sound of that sweet voice.
Aún no te he oído decir cien palabras pero conozco el sonido de esa dulce voz.
I did not know you had that kind of stamina.
No sabia que tenias ese aguante.
All right, first of all, I do not know what that smell is.
En primer lugar, no sé qué es ese olor.
You know, it never escaped me that people thought, or were taught to think, that I was a clown or freak of some sort and that my accomplishments were somehow not to be admired.
sabes, nunca me paso por alto lo que la gente creyo, o les enseñaron a creer, que yo era un payaso o un monstruo de alguna clase y que mis logros eran de alguna manera para ser admirados.
You know that I'm not made of money.
Ya sabes que no fué hecho para hacer dinero.
And I went back in, you know, first thing the next morning. And sure enough, by that point the battle had been going on, raging for hours, and still not a whole lot of detail.
Volví a la mañana siguiente a primera hora, y con seguridad, para entonces, la batalla llevaba horas y no había muchas novedades.
You know that I could take Danny, you know that most of your work is illegal, and you know that if you tried to divorce me, you know that... I'm not saying that I would, but I'm saying that I could, and I'm saying that that is why I don't like divorce, Irving.
Sabes que podría llevarme a Danny que la mayor parte de tu trabajo es ilegal y sabes que si intentas divorciarte de mí no digo que lo vaya a hacer, solo digo que podría y digo que por eso no me gustan los divorcios, Irving.
In fact, I should say that, you know, one of the most striking things about language which has really not been studied... just consider an infant, you know, a one-day-old infant.
Voy a contarle sobre uno de los aspectos más sorprendentes del lenguaje. Es algo que no se ha estudiado mucho. Tomemos como ejemplo un bebé.
I mean, they may not believe in a divinity, you know, but some sort of a spirit in the world that we can't grasp that's making sense of things, that's giving meaning to life.
Tal vez no crean en una divinidad, pero quizá crean que hay algún tipo de espíritu en el mundo que no podemos tocar y que hace que todo tenga sentido y le da significado a la vida.
A lot of Twitter accounts and blogs that are very close to WikiLeaks have been publishing things that I know Julian knows is not true.
Mucha Twitter cuentas y blogs que estan muy cerca a WikiLeaks han estado publicando cosas que Se Julian sabe no es verdad.
First they tell me you almost died, and then I come here and find you in the arms of some woman not even close to half your age that I know nothing about.
Primero ellos me dijeron que estabas casi muerto, y luego llego aquí y te veo en los brazos de una mujer ni siquiera cerca de la mitad de tu edad, de la que no sé nada.
You know, I can see an egghead like you being up for a job like that... but you're not telling me the rest of you are Carcharias material?
Ya sabes, puedo ver un intelectual como tú para un trabajo como ese... pero ¿ no me estarán diciendo que el resto de ustedes son materiales de Carcharias?
And I just... ugh! I know that I'm just not thinking of something.
Sé que hay algo que no estoy viendo.
- No! I did not know the exact nature of the work that the doctor was working on.
No sabía la naturaleza exacta de la obra en que el Médico estaba trabajando....

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