Not you as well traduction Espagnol
1,667 traduction parallèle
- Waaargh! - Not you as well! ?
¿ También tú?
You are fortunate to not be injured, but through this incident, you must be in shock as well.
Tuviste suerte de no salir herida... pero por este incidente, también debes estar conmocionada.
Well, you know, we all see impostors now and then but not posing as subatomic physicists.
Todos vemos impostores de vez en cuando pero no haciéndose pasar por físicos subatómicos.
Well, I'm maybe not so good at mathematics... as some other parish treasurers you may've met.
Bueno, tal vez no sea tan bueno en matemáticas... O demasiado bueno.
And you defense attorneys will be liable to contempt as well... for not keeping your clients under control.
Y los abogados defensores también serán culpables de desacato por no saber controlar a sus clientes.
Experience had taught them things... a relative novice such as myself may not know, like, well... did you know that three of a kind beats a pair?
La experiencia les había enseñado cosas que alguien relativamente novato como yo puede no saber, como bueno, ¿ sabían que tres de un palo le ganan a un par?
You know as well as I, this is not something that is won in battle but in the hearts of men.
Sabes tanto como yo que eso no es algo que se gana en la batalla sino en los corazones de los hombres.
Well, I'm not at liberty to disclose the sources of my information, but when you've been in charge for as long as I have you build up connections in town and earn the trust... of people of the community.
Bueno, no estoy en condiciones de revelar mis fuentes pero luego de estar a cargo durante tanto tiempo se hacen conexiones en el pueblo y se gana la confianza de de la gente de la comunidad.
Well, maybe it's not as bad as being ripped away from your family - and told you can't see them anymore.
Quizas no es tan mala como... estar separado de tu familia y ya apenas los ves.
Are you saying not available for comment, but we are receiving reports of... mass disappearances in other cities, as well.
¿ Acaso dice...? ... no hicieron comentarios pero recibimos informes de... desapariciones masivas en otras ciudades, también.
Well, I mean, speaking as a completely objective third-party outsider with absolutely no personal interest in the matter, I am not sure that you and Olivia really mesh well together.
Quiero decir, opinando como un tercero y con un punto de vista totalmente objetivo sin ningún interés personal en el asunto no estoy seguro que tú y Olivia realmente sean una buena pareja.
You do not know as well?
Hoy se celebra el fin del invierno.
Now, we're not officially closed, as you very well know. But we are going to try and get by this week with a smaller-than-normal staff.
No vamos a cerrar oficialmente pero trataremos de arreglárnoslas con menos personal del normal.
If not, you will loose me as well.
Si no, me perderás a mí también.
If it's true you've not only ruined your own career... but the reputation of the school, as well.
Si es verdad no apenas arruinará su carrera... sino el prestigio de la escuela también.
Well, that's a start, huh, Chevy? Look, I'll be in LA in about an hour. I'll call you as soon as I get there, but do not stop moving.
Te llamo en cuanto llegue a Los Ángeles No dejes de moverte.
Well, Norman tells me that you're unmarried, as am I, and that you're not unhappy about it.
Norman me dijo que no estaba casada, al igual que yo y que no está triste al respecto.
Well, not as much as you.
No tanto como tú.
Don't tell me that you are hiding this debt not only from yourself but from your husband as well.
No me digas que estás ocultando esta deuda no sólo de ti misma, sino también de tu esposo.
Well, perhaps you're just not as organized as I am
Bueno, quizá no eres tan organizada como yo.
Not as well as I wanted to, if you get my drift.
No tan bien como quisiera, si usted entiende el sentido.
Well, maybe she thinks of you as a man, not a kid.
Bueno, quizás ella piense en ti como un hombre, no un niño.
Well, I'm not going to say that it isn't weird, but... as long as she makes you happy, I guess that's all that matters.
Bueno, no voy a decir que eso no me resulta un poco raro, pero mientras ella te haga feliz, creo que eso es todo lo que importa.
If you're watching this and I'm not... then everything is fucked, and I might as well be.
Si están viendo esto y no estoy muerto... todo se hizo mierda y sería mejor que estuviera muerto.
Megan... this good man here is obviously too far gone to be saved, but please tell me that you're not buying Kraft's story as well.
Megan... este buen hombre aquí obviamente ha ido demasiado lejos para salvarse, pero por favor dime que no estás comprando la historia de Kraft también.
Well, I guess you're not as concerned for his safety as you claim.
Entonces supongo que no están tan preocupados por la seguridad de él como dicen.
If the boy not coming, you might as well let me and Michael go in the ring.
Si el chico no viene, da igual que nos deje subir al ring a Michael y a mí.
As you can see, there's not exactly a... crowd of well wishers... knocking down the door to be at my bedside.
Como puedes ver, no hay exactamente una multitud de gente que desde que me mejore derribando la puerta para estar a mi lado.
You know, if you're not gonna really belt it out, you might as well just stay in your seat.
Ya sabes, si no vas a cantarla a gritos, es mejor que te quedes sentado.
Well, I'm not gonna lie to you. I was hoping it wouldn't work out. But seeing as you two are moving to California tomorrow, I obviously was wrong.
No voy a mentirte, esperaba que no funcionara pero viendo que os váis mañana, obviamente, estaba equivocado
- He's who we need. You're saying there's not a Democrat who can handle State as well as Vinick?
¿ Está diciendo que no hay un sólo demócrata que pueda manejar Estado....... tan bien como Vinick?
Is there anything you haven't told him? Well, as I said, it's not my area.
Bueno, como ya dije, no es mi fuerte.
Well, not all pre-freshman are as gung ho as you.
Bueno, no todos los pre-universitarios son tan dedicados como tú.
No, um, I'm not talking about a piece of vinyl, as... as... as very well you know.
No, eee, no estoy hablando de un trozo de vinilo, como... como... sabe muy bien.
You're not a journalist as well, are you, Murphy?
No eres periodista, ¿ verdad, Murphy?
- Well, it was a mess, but not half as bad as what you're gonna have.
Fue un lío, pero no tan malo como el que tendrán aquí.
Well, it's not the same as you and your husband... but, uh, my sister and I did have to take care of her.
- No es como con tu marido. Pero mi hermana y yo tuvimos que hacernos cargo.
Well, maybe not so much hinting as throwing yourself at me. You know, with the, uh, lipstick and the stripper boots.
Bueno, tal vez, no fue una insinuación que te tirarás encima mío ya sabes, con el, con el lápiz labial y las botas de nudista.
Well, I guess I'm not as true of spirit as you thought I was.
Bueno, supongo que no soy tan puro de espíritu como pensabas que era.
- Well, you know, maybe I'm not as strong as you.
Bueno, quizá no soy tan fuerte como tú.
Mother, you may as well put on a smile. It's not like your teeth will fall out.
Madre, sonríe un poco, que no se te van a caer los dientes.
Keep it up and you'll not only lose the people's, but your own shirt as well.
Sigue así y no sólo perderás lo de la gente, sino hasta tu propia camisa.
The first one related to mode of death. Well, as a certified medical examiner, I can tell you with a degree of certainty that this guy was definitely not pecked to death by a peacock.
Bien, como médico forense cualificado, puedo decirles con un grado de seguridad que este hombre no fue picoteado hasta la muerte por un pavo.
Shawn, you know as well as I do this is not what I asked for.
Shawn, sabes tan bien como yo qué esto no es lo que te pedí.
Not only that but if you use your credit card you might as well just call your parents and tell them exactly where we're at.
No sólo eso, si usas tu tarjeta es como si llamaras a tus padres y les dijeras exactamente dónde estamos.
Well, as long as you're not leaving the lab every two minutes to pee.
Bueno, mientras no dejes el laboratorio cada dos minutos para ir a orinar.
And its not good television if, you know, this monster that we presented all these years actually is a very shy, hesitant animal that has a hard time, like any other animal as well.
Y no es buena televisión Si, sabes, este monstruo que presentamos todos estos años Realmente es un animal muy tímido e indeciso que está en aprietos, como cualquier otro animal igualmente.
Yeah, well, you're not as big a trendsetter as you think you are.
Sí, bueno, no eres tan precursor de tendencias como crees.
You can force it. But it's going to be more work than with somebody who you just find a natural chemistry with, and for those you may not get along as well with, you try to find a common ground, you know, whatever it may be.
Puedes forzarlo, pero va a ser más difícil que con alguien con quien tienes química, y con aquellos con los que no te lleves tan bien, intentas encontrar algo en común, sea lo que sea.
- I mean, a real hour, not one of your "Let's stretch this out till two a.m., you might as well stay and have sex" hours.
Me refiero a una hora real, no a ninguna de tus horas "sigamos hasta las 2 : 00 a.m....... quizás quieras quedarte y tener sexo".
- You're not serious? - I was nervous as well.
- Estaba nervioso.
not yours 613
not you too 58
not you 2896
not your business 22
not you again 24
not your husband 16
not your fault 82
not your mother 22
not your family 17
not your wife 16
not you too 58
not you 2896
not your business 22
not you again 24
not your husband 16
not your fault 82
not your mother 22
not your family 17
not your wife 16