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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ N ] / Now you're just showing off

Now you're just showing off traduction Espagnol

39 traduction parallèle
Now you're being nasty. Now you're just showing off.
Bien, ahora usted está siendo sucio.
- All right, now you're just showing off.
- Bueno, sólo estás alardeando.
Now you're just showing off.
Ahora te estás luciendo.
Okay, now you're just showing off.
Ok, ahora te estas exhibiéndo.
Well, see, now you're just showing off.
Bueno, ¿ ves? Ahora estás luciéndote.
Now you're just showing off.
¿ Ahora apareces?
Now you're just showing off.
Ahora estás luciéndote.
now you're just showing off.
Oh, sí, ahora sólo te estás exhibiendo.
Now you're just showing off.
Ahora estás presumiendo.
Oh, now you're just showing off.
Ahora está alardeando.
Now you're just showing off.
Ahora estás simplemente presumiendo.
The replacements wrote a song about him. Well, now you're just showing off.
Los reemplazos escribieron una canción sobre él.
All right, now you're just showing off.
Bien, ahora estás presumiendo.
Now you're just showing off.
Ahora sólo estás alardeando.
Now you're just showing off!
¡ Ahora sólo estás alardeando!
Now you're just showing off. Could you go tell your brother to come?
Ahora estás alardeando. ¿ Puedes decirle a tu hermano que venga?
Oh, now you're just showing off.
Oh, ahora estás presumiendo.
Now you're just showing off.
Ahora solo estás alardeando.
Okay, now you're just showing off.
Vale, ahora estás mostrando tu verdadera cara.
Now you're just showing off.
Ahora sólo está alardeando.
You're just showing off now.
Lo estás mostrando ahora.
Oh, now you're just showing off.
Ahora sólo estás alardeando.
Okay, now you're just showing off.
Vale, ya me lo has demostrado.
Well, now you're just showing off.
Bueno, ahora estás presumiendo.
Now, you're just showing off.
Ahora, estás presumiendo.
Now you're just showing off.
Ahora usted es el que fanfarronea.
Okay, now you're just showing off!
¡ Vale, ahora te estás poniendo en evidencia!
Okay, now you're just showing off.
Vale, ahora solo estás alardeando.
Okay, now you're just showing off.
- Bien, ahora solo te estás exhibiendo. - Lo estoy.
Now you're just showing off.
Ahora solo estás presumiendo.
Mom, now you're just showing off.
Mamá, estás alardeando.
( ENGINE PURRING ) A-BOMB : Oh, now you're just showing off.
Ah, ahora estás presumiendo.
Okay, now you're just showing off.
Ahora estás presumiendo.
Oh, now you're just showing off.
Ahora estás alardeando.
Now you're just showing off.
Y ahora apareces de nuevo.
O-Okay, now you're just showing off.
De acuerdo, ahora sólo te estás luciendo.

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