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Of course it doesn't traduction Espagnol

295 traduction parallèle
Of course, it doesn't mean in my life, there are no shadows.
No estoy diciendo que nunca haya tenido sombras oscuras en mi vida.
- It doesn't have to rhyme. - Of course.
Consigue la sensación de animal acorralado.
Of course, it doesn't compare with this coliseum of yours.
Por supuesto, no puede compararse con tu coliseo.
Of course, when a fellow wants to ditch a girl he'll do most anything... providing it doesn't land him back in the chain gang... where he probably belongs.
Pero un tipo, para plantar a una chica, haría casi cualquier cosa... mientras no lo devuelva a los trabajos forzados... donde probablemente tiene que estar.
It doesn't seem so. Of course I've never been this close to the edge before.
Nunca había estado tan al filo antes.
Aunque para eso no se exija una buena educación.
Of course it doesn't matter now because you've always had one.
Aunque eso ya no importa.
Of course. It doesn't make any difference.
Ninguna. ¿ Se quedará?
Of course, that makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it?
Claro, eso lo cambia todo, ¿ no?
- Not bad. Of course, it doesn't look much like you.
"Candidato a Alcalde" No está mal, pero no se parece mucho a ti.
Of course, that similarity doesn't diminish the seriousness of your action, but it does strip it of all originality.
Desde luego, esa similitud en nada disminuye la gravedad de tu acción, pero, en cambio, la despoja de toda originalidad.
Pierde la cabeza de vez en cuando, pero eso no significa nada.
buy it on credit for all I care the grocer doesn't give credit any more of course he doesn't, with the clumsy way she goes on about it a smile, a pretty look, and he'll pick up the chalk at once ( to write up the credit )
cómprelo a crédito por favor el abacero no da más crédito claro que no, con la manera torpe en que ella va una sonrisa, una mirada bonita, y él recogerá la tiza en seguida ( para darle crédito )
Of course it doesn't.
Claro que no.
I may be wrong, of course, but my explanation does sound rather more feasible, doesn't it?
Yo me puedo equivocar, pero mi explicación es la más probable.
Of course, it doesn't have to be a crown block.
Y no tiene que ser una polea.
So entirely without a tie it doesn't look like much of course but...
Bueno, sin corbata no resulta, pero...
Of course, on formal occasions, it can't be helped. But in general, Her Majesty, being a true autocrat, naturally doesn't believe in the equality of all men. And she feels the wig puts everybody on the same hairline.
En ocasiones formales son obligadas, pero al ser autócrata hasta la médula, no cree en la igualdad de los hombres, y opina que las pelucas ponen a todos al mismo nivel.
Of course she doesn't mean it.
Por supuesto que no lo dice en serio.
Browdley's small, of course, and it doesn't really give George the opportunity he deserves.
Browdley es muy pequeño, por supuesto, y no le brinda a George la oportunidad que merece.
But of course, Henry doesn't like it.
- Pero a Henry no le gusta.
Of course, it doesn't matter now.
Ya no importa, claro.
- But of course it doesn't.
- Claro que no.
Of course, it doesn't come to anything like this.
Por supuesto, no se parece a nada de todo esto.
Okay, it doesn't change things, well, of course, in every revolution there are some ruffians but it doesn't mean that all their ideas are wrong.
De acuerdo, no cambia nada, solo que, si cierto, en todas las revoluciones hay canallas, pero no se puede decir que todas las ideas sean equivocadas.
- Of course, that doesn't happen anymore. - Doesn't it?
Por supuesto, eso ya no pasa.
Of course, it doesn't have all the features of the other one...
Por supuesto, no tiene todas las Características del otro...
No, of course it doesn't in your present state of mind.
No, en el estado en el que estás, no importa nada.
If it doesn't take too long, of course.
- Si no toma demasiado tiempo.
Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean the big thing. At least, that's not official.
Pero eso no me asegura el puesto, al menos no es oficial.
Of course if it is an insect it certainly doesn't tell us what kind it is.
Por supuesto, si se trata de un insecto que ciertamente no nos dice qué tipo es.
Of course, I'm not educated like you two but it doesn't take much brains to see there's all kinds of strange things going on on this island.
Yo no seré tan instruida como ustedes, pero salta a la vista que en esta isla pasan cosas muy raras.
" No, of course it doesn't.
No, claro que no.
All the routine jargon, of course, but he doesn't believe a word of it.
Todo el palabrerío de rutina, claro, pero no se cree ni una palabra.
No, of course, it doesn't.
claro que no.
No, of course, it doesn't.
No, claro que no.
It's pre-Christian, of course, but it doesn't seem to be truly African.
Por supuesto, es pre-cristiano,... pero no parece ser del todo africano.
Of course, it doesn't exactly compare with Red Grange running 97 yards for a touchdown.
No se compara con que Red Grange corriera 97 yardas y anotara.
Of course, it doesn't pay very much, but I can't take just any job I have to maintain some kind of social position for his sake.
Claro que no pagan mucho, pero haré lo que sea para mantener cierta posición social por él.
Of course, it doesn't.
Tienen la tonta idea de que vivirán por siempre y claro que no es así.
Of course, it doesn't matter.
Pero no importa.
No, of course it doesn't, Joe, I...
Es claro que no.
Of course he can hear you. He doesn't answer because it tires him out.
Por supuesto que puede oirte, pero no te contesta porque está cerca de los neumáticos.
Of course it doesn't matter.
No importa.
Of course, he doesn't know it's going to roll down into the street.
Claro que no sabe que rodará cuesta abajo.
Of course it doesn't pay much, but, well, at least it's a start.
Por supuesto, no pagan mucho.
It doesn't seem possible, though, to find a woman who must be ten times better than mother in order to seem half as good, except, of course, in the twilight zone.
No parece posible encontrar a una mujer que tiene que ser 10 veces mejor que una madre y que parezca la mitad de buena... excepto, por supuesto, en La dimensión desconocida.
Of course it's me, but she doesn't know that.
Claro que soy yo, pero ella no lo sabe.
Of course he knows it. He doesn't.
¿ No lo sabe?
Of course, that rules me out right away as a love object, doesn't it?
Claro que eso me excluye como objeto amoroso, ¿ no?
Of course I know it doesn't compare to a good sexy boy-meets-girl situation, but it's the biggest first-act curtain I've seen this year.
Claro sé, y no se compara a la situación de un chico-sexy-conoce a una chica, pero es el mejor primer-acto que he visto este año.

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