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Off with his head traduction Espagnol

258 traduction parallèle
Off with his head! "
¡ Córtenle la cabeza! "
Off with his head! Off with his head!
¡ Córtenle la cabeza!
He said, "Off with his head." I said, "Wait", said I, "Wait." Not until you've seen the Princess Marsinah and so...
Se enfadó y le dije : "Esperad, señor, hasta que veáis a la Princesa Marsinah".
Off with his head!
Cortadle la cabeza!
Off with his head.
Cortadle la cabeza!
Off with his head. By order of the King.
Por orden del Rey.
The accused is permitted to give his name and address, then off with his head.
Al acusado le permiten decir su nombre y dirección y luego le decapitan.
Off with his head!
Cortadle la cabeza.
Off with his head!
¡ Cortadle la cabeza!
Off with his head.
Cortadle la cabeza.
Then before you know it the executioner's raised his sword, the neck stiff, a nice clean cut and off with his head.
Antes de que te des cuenta el verdugo levanta su espada, - - El cuello tieso, Un corte limpio y la cabeza vuela.
Off with his head.
y zas, fuera cabeza.
Off with his head!
¡ Que le corten la cabeza!
Off with his head!
! Que le corten la cabeza!
As a matter of fact I was thinking how beautiful and peaceful everything was, and then suddenly this female started shouting, "Off with his head!"
Es más, estaba pensando... en la belleza y serenidad del lugar... cuando esta mujer empezó a gritar : Que le corten la cabeza! "
Don't worry about your friends, relax Now off with his head
No te preocupes por tus amigos, relájate Y ahora afuera con la cabeza
Off with his head! Off with his head!
Que le corten la cabeza.
Someone's written "Off with his head"
"¡ Que les corten la cabeza!"
Someone's written "Off with his head" on my microphone
Alguien lo ha escrito junto al micrófono.
He says he saw a man in a long grey coat with bandages on his head push a boulder off the cliff.
Dice que vio a un hombre con un largo abrigo gris... con vendas sobre su cabeza empujar una roca al precipicio.
The experiment that Professor Serral performed with your hands his assistant made off with my head.
Lo que el Profesor Serral ha hecho con sus manos, su ayudante lo ha realizado con mi cabeza...
He blew the top of his head off with a duck gun.
Se voló la cabeza con una escopeta de caza.
Well, he must have got that when he fell off of there and hit the deck with his head. Ain't that too bad.
Me alegro de que haya ocurrido esto, muchacho.
Everyone is running around like a head with his chicken cut off.
Aquí nos tratan a todos como a pollos desplumados.
Peter Ten Eyck with his head blown half-off.
A Peter Tenyck con la mitad de la cabeza volada.
They'll blow his head off if he goes out West with that flea incubator.
Le volarán los sesos, si va al oeste con esa incubadora de pulgas.
He knocked his own head off with a lightning bolt, so Anne would go to New York in the first place, didn't he?
Se hizo saltar la cabeza con un rayo, de modo que Anne fuera a Nueva York para empezar, ¿ no fue así?
I should've blasted his head off with that shotgun.
Debería haberlo matado.
I saw him once with Barbara, and he gets up on his toes like a rooster... and he pushes you over sideways... and then he shoves your head back till you think it's gonna drop off.
Se tiene que poner de puntillas te empuja de costado y la cabeza se dobla hacia un lado.
I need a tool-pusher with his head still on. You're gonna get yours knocked off, if you don't stay away from her.
Necesito un capataz con la cabeza en su sitio y a ti te la volarán si no te apartas de esa chica.
- Off with his son George's head!
- ¡ Fuera con la cabeza de su hijo!
Didn't he get his head blown off fighting'with the American Army?
Acabó mal, es verdad.
You should see him running around, like a chicken with his head off.
Corría en círculos como un pollo sin cabeza.
He's laughing his head off at the local with the other members of the club.
Riéndose con los miembros de su club.
Probably had it in his silly head to run off with their sex - mad brat.
Probablemente tenía la loca idea de escapar con la chiquilla pervertida.
He wouldn't stay put with his head cut off.
No habría ocurrido esto si le hubiésemos cortado la cabeza.
You all know that Rance Stoddard couldn't shoot the hat off his head with a gun in his hand.
Todos sabéis que Rance Stoddard no sabe disparar ni a un palmo de distancia.
Forgetting the lousy money we made, what woman wants to sit around waiting for her husband to be brought home with his head shot off?
Aparte de las pocas ganancias, ¿ qué mujer querría esperar a que le trajeran al marido con una bala en la cabeza?
When his head blows off he's going to scream, "Un-American." Benson, I'm not being pompous, just stating a fact... when I say that we are presently engaged... with the chief enemy of the Western world.
Si le explota la cabeza, gritará : "Esto viola nuestros principios". Benson, no soy pedante... al decir que estamos tratando... con el principal enemigo del mundo occidental.
He said that one evening he forgot to put on his wooden wig... and that Paul cut his head off with his axe.
Dice que una tarde olvidó ponerse su peluca de madera... y que Paul le cortó la cabeza con su hacha.
Right, yet, this Count Yorga, or whatever the hell his name is, was able to do it with Donna screaming her head off, and she did everything he suggested to her.
Mientras el Conde Yorga, yo no sé cómo, pudo hacerlo con Donna gritando. Correcto. Ella hizo todo lo que le sugirió.
With a big knife they cut off his head.
Con un gran cuchillo ellos le cortaron la cabeza.
I don't wonder that brother of mine isn't working his head off to get out of prison with cooking like this, Mattie.
No me sorprende que mi hermano no trabaje duro para salir de prisión si cocinas así, Mattie.
You cut off his head with a wire and he kept on talking Colonel, he was just a boy.
Corto su cabeza con un alambre y siguió hablando sólo un niño.
I cut off his head with a wire and he kept on talking.
Corte su cabeza con un alambre y siguió hablando.
Like a window washer with his head cut off?
¿ Como al limpiador de ventanas que le cortaron la cabeza?
Uh, I don't think Nelson would have been too much fun with his head torn off.
Uh, no creo que Nelson hubiera sido demasiado divertido con la cabeza arrancada.
I know, my head is filled with pictures of Clark Gable taking his shirt off.
Mi mente está llena de imágenes de Clark Gable... quitándose la camisa.
I've got a dead man with his head twisted off, covered in some shit the pathologist can't even identify.
Tengo un hombre muerto con la cabeza arrancada, cubierto con una mierda que ni los patólogos logran identificar.
Well, I asked this huckleberry several times to remove it, and he refused, and so then I just took it off his head and handed it to him, and he handed it back to me with his fist in it.
Bueno, le pregunté a este Huckleberry varias veces para eliminarlo, y él se negó, y entonces yo sólo se lo quitó la cabeza y se la entregó a él, y él se la devolvió a me con el puño en el mismo.
I would've blown his head off with it.
¡ Le hubiera volado la cabeza con eso!

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