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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ O ] / Ogg

Ogg traduction Espagnol

23 traduction parallèle
And Mr. Ogg's pancreas wound up in Mrs. Livermore's esophagus. wound up in Mrs. Livermore's esophagus.
Y el páncreas del Sr. Ogg acabara en el esófago del Sr. Livermore.
This has been your announcer, Frank Ogg.
Yo soy su locutor, Frank Ogg.
- Frank Ogg, our announcer...
Frank Ogg, el locutor. - Hola.
Suana como si estuviera poniendo un'hueco'.
What made Ogg and Grogg's life so much better?
¿ Qué mejoró tanto la vida de Ogg y Grogg?
I'm afraid that Ogg and Grogg, all of our friends here, they're just not bringing in the crowds like they used to.
Me temo que nuestros amigos Ogg y Grogg... no atraen el público como lo solían hacer.
I've got shit on it and the thing's coming ogg.
Tengo sucio y la cosa se despegó.
I'm sorry, but I have to take my shirt ogg because it's too hot.
Lo siento, pero debo quitarme la camisa porque hace demasiado calor.
I get ogg the plane, they were sweating.
Cuando salí del avión, sudaban.
He's kept his T-shirt on. But his pants, bit hot down there, got to whip them ogg.
Se dejó la remera pero se quitó los pantalones.
They sort of go forwards and then come back, ecactly the same path, and shoot ogg over there and come back again. If they're not good at walking, they're going to be useless with wings.
Van hacia delante y luego vuelven, por el mismo camino, Si no son buenas caminando, van a ser inútiles con alas.
I've gone ogg food.
Ya ví toda la comida.
If I wanted a watch, I'd buy one ogg you.
Si quisiera un reloj, le compraría.
It bolted and I was on it, falling ogg the edge, so I've always said I'd never go on any animal that's bigger than me.
Desde entonces dije que no me subiría a un animal más alto que yo.
If you start work at nine, you could get out of bed about five to. Keep it on. Straight ogg.
Te levantas de la cama a las cinco, y estás listo para ir.
You need to haggle, otherwise you will get ripped ogg.
Debes regatear. De lo contrario, te arrancaran la cabeza.
Do I get money ogg with the nose missing?
¿ Me hace descuento si le falta la nariz?
I think that's who I get it ogg.
Creo que lo heredé.
- You buy it, this kicks ogg. - ( Seija laughs )
Lo compras y esto empieza a sonar.
I didn't chip it ogg.
No la corté.
If this was at home, this would all be roped ogg.
Es como una montaña artificial, ¿ no? Estoy con Andrew y Seija de nuevo. Si esto estuviera en casa, estaría acordonada.
Yo, Ug, Durg, play them rocks. ♪ unh ♪ ♪ ah ♪ ♪ my name is Oog ♪ ♪ spell it out ♪
Yo, Ug, Drug, tocad esas piedras. * Mi nombre es Ogg * * Deletréalo *
oggy 54

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