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Oklahoma city traduction Espagnol

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You read about that gangster massacre in Oklahoma City?
¿ Ha leído lo de la masacre de gángsters en Oklahoma City?
Flash, latest bulletin on Mantee Massacre in Oklahoma City.
Últimas noticias sobre la Masacre Mantee en Oklahoma City.
We're going to live right in Oklahoma City.
Vamos a vivir en Oklahoma City.
Not Oklahoma City itself?
¿ En Oklahoma City propiamente dicha?
I know I'll enjoy Oklahoma City.
Sé que disfrutaré de Oklahoma City.
but don't think for one minute there's any more doubt in my mind.
Y de cabeza a los japoneses. Mejor se para en Oklahoma City. Voy a bajar a por los pasaportes.
And run right into the Japs. You'd better stop off in Oklahoma City.
Si su pasaporte no está en orden, no es asunto mío.
Put it on the run to Oklahoma City.
Ahora va a Oklahoma.
But we don't want to go to Oklahoma City.
Pero no queremos ir a Oklahoma.
Oklahoma City, Rome, Calcutta, Hollywood, Buenos Aries New York, New York, New York.
oklahoma, Roma, CaIcuta, hollywood, Buenos Aries Nueva York, Nueva York, Nueva York.
Any luck on that Oklahoma City call?
¿ Hubo suerte con Oklahoma?
Oklahoma City.
Like that leopard in Oklahoma City.
Como ese leopardo de Oklahoma City.
There's a train ticket here for Oklahoma City.
Tienes billete de tren para Oklahoma City.
Well, I wish I could, Bill, but I've gotta catch a train for Oklahoma City in just about an hour.
Ojalá pudiera, pero tengo que coger el tren a Oklahoma.
Oklahoma City, then we head back East.
A Oklahoma City, luego iremos hacia el este.
Ten years ago I watched you walk single-handed into a saloon in Oklahoma City and knock out three of the fastest guns in the territory.
Hace diez años te vi entrar solo en un bar... de Oklahoma City y matar a tres de los pistoleros más rápidos de allí.
That's exactly what he did last week in Oklahoma City.
Es exactamente lo que hizo la semana pasada en Oklahoma.
Largely responsible for breakup of Oklahoma City booze ring.
Principal responsable del fin del circuito del alcohol en Oklahoma.
St. Louis, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Denison, Dallas.
Louis, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Denison, Dallas.
He's wanted for the slaying of an Oklahoma City bank teller Bertha Meyers, age 24, who was murdered in her apartment.
Está buscado por el asesinato de una cajera de banco en Oklahoma Bertha Meyers, de 24 años, asesinada en su apartamento.
Left Oklahoma City three weeks ago and headed for Val Verde, Texas.
Salí de Oklahoma City hace tres días y me dirijo a Val Verde, Texas.
My wife and I even won one in Oklahoma City one time.
Una vez, mi mujer y yo ganamos uno en Oklahoma.
- Oklahoma City.
- Hasta Oklahoma City.
And we'd go to Oklahoma City to visit Granny.
Ibamos a Oklahoma City a visitar a la abuelita.
This is KKNG Stereo 92, KKNG, Oklahoma City.
Sintonizan la KNG Estéreo 92, de Oklahoma City.
I don't want her to spend the rest of her life buried here in Oklahoma City.
No quiero que se pase la vida enterrada en Oklahoma City.
Well I wasn't going to tell you about it, but I called Brother Bob in Oklahoma City...
Bueno, no te lo iba a contar, pero llamé al Hermano Bob en Oklahoma City...
You know I don't think I've been so scared since I was a kid in Oklahoma City.
Creo que la última vez que tuve tanto miedo fue en Oklahoma City.
- I broke my hand in a beer-joint fight.
Me rompí la mano en una pelea en una taberna de Oklahoma City.
I'm in oil and natural gas, based out of Oklahoma City.
Lo mío es el petróleo y el gas, mi empresa está en Oklahoma.
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, sir.
- De Oklahoma, señor.
Jimmy and me are going to Oklahoma City for a concert.
Jimmy y yo vamos a Oklahoma city para un concierto.
I was up near Oklahoma City. I told you that.
cerca de Oklahoma city.
I think you should come on down to Oklahoma City... and bring that reporter from the "New York Times."
creo que deberías venir a Oklahoma city... con ese reportero del "New York Times".
We lived in Oklahoma City with his aunt and uncle.
Vivíamos en Oklahoma con sus tíos.
Meanwhile, I'm in Oklahoma City.
Mientras tanto, estoy en Oklahoma.
If you need me for anything, I'll be at the Marriott in Oklahoma City until 9. My flight leaves at 10 : 05.
Si me necesita, estaré en el Marriott de Oklahoma City hasta las nueve.
He was in Oklahoma City and he's gotta be here.
... que iba a estar en Oklahoma City, y estaba. ¡ Tiene que estar aquí!
( Maurice ) When I was growing up in oklahoma City, I'd go to the show on Saturday.
Cuando era niño en Oklahoma, iba al cine los sábados.
Look, just wire it to Western Union in Oklahoma City, OK?
Mira, solo tienes que mandarlo al Western Union a Oklahoma, ¿ de acuerdo?
Oklahoma City.
A Oklahoma.
We're going to Oklahoma City.
Vamos a Oklahoma.
Find all the secondary roads to Mexico from Oklahoma City.
Busca todae las carreteras eecundarias que nos lleven a Méjico desde Oklahoma.
We'll take you to Oklahoma City, then you'd best be on your way.
Te llevaremos a Oklahoma, luego sera mejor que continúes eolo.
He said he took her to an Oklahoma City motel.
El dijo que le llevaron a un motel de Oklahoma.
I hear you're trying to beg off the Oklahoma City trip.
Me dijeron que no quieres ir a Oklahoma.
Like in the Rodeo Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City, there are just two cowgirls.
Como en el Rodeo de la Fama de la ciudad Oklahoma, Sólo hay dos vaqueras... dos, y ambas son jinetes de destreza.
During that time, I was sent on special assignment to Ute City, Wade County, Oklahoma.
Durante ese tiempo, me enviaron a una misión especial a Ute City, condado de Wade, Oklahoma.
Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, Tucson and Los Angeles. There's your bus.
Será mejor que te des prisa.
- Jerry, I gotta he was gonna be in Oklahoma City.
- Jerry.

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