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On both sides traduction Espagnol

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That's good judgment on both sides.
Eso denota buen gusto por ambas partes.
Citizens, workers before I introduce you to our independent speaker, Mr. Cerratini I want to say a few words to the war-mongering reactionaries in the clergy, and on both sides of the Atlantic, whom we all know well.
¡ Ciudadanos trabajadores! Antes de presentar al camarada independiente, abogado Cerratini... quiero decirle cuatro palabras a la reacción clerical... atlántica y belicista que todos conocemos bien.
- There's a lock on both sides of the door.
- La puerta tiene cierre a ambos lados.
The great Mr. Allison... fighting and loving everything in sight on both sides of the Rio Grande.
El gran señor Allison... luchando y amando todo a la vista a ambos lados del Río Grande.
I know that war only hurts people on both sides.
Sólo sé que la guerra hiere a la gente en ambos lados.
Wartenberk again surrounds Prague on both sides so he can deliver it to Zikmund.
Wartenberk tiene a Praga rodeada por todas partes para entregarla a Sigismundo.
Shep's or Troop's, because you can't be on both sides.
El de Shep o el de Troop, porque no se puede estar en los dos.
On both sides, Parmenio.
En ambos bandos, Parmenión.
Your government is to be complimented, Senor, but renegades on both sides of the border got rich.
Felicito a su gobierno, señor. Pero muchos se han hecho ricos así.
To chase that white whale on both sides of land and over all sides of earth until he spouts black blood and rolls dead out.
Para perseguir la gran ballena blanca a ambos lados del mar. Y sobre toda la faz de la tierra hasta que eche sangre negra por su chorro y muera.
If I said I'd stay with the side that was right, it wouldn't be much of an answer... because there's right on both sides.
Si dijese que estoy del lado correcto, no estaría dando una respuesta... pues quiero ser justo con ambos lados.
Prisoners and wounded on both sides will be immediately returned.
Intercambiarán los prisioneros y los heridos de ambos bandos.
There has been much speculation on on both sides of the English Channel
Se ha especulado mucho a ambos lados del Canal de la Mancha.
Search all the buildings on both sides of the street.
Investiguen Ios edificios de Ia calle.
Oh, so they did, a lot of people on both sides.
Oh, lo mismo le sucedió a mucha gente en ambos bandos.
I was afraid after 10 years you'd be driving me home on a super-highway with drive-ins on both sides.
Después de diez años temía que me llevaras a casa por una autopista con autocines a ambos lados.
Keep a close watch out on both sides.
Vigilad a ambos lados.
Doc, empty the gas on both sides of the door.
Doc, vacía la gasolina a ambos lados de la puerta.
As long as it's on both sides.
Siempre que sea por ambas partes.
Men on both sides, men we've known a long time could get hurt, maybe even get killed.
Hombres de los ambos lados, personas que conocemos a mucho tiempo, pueden ser muertas.
Papers on both sides.
Por las dos partes.
There is plenty of wickedness on both sides
Hay injusticias en ambos lados.
It's got to hang down even on both sides.
Tiene que colgar por igual por los dos lados.
They will say so... On both sides.
Lo dirán ambos bandos.
There are things that happened on both sides.
Hay cosas que sucedieron en ambos bandos.
Herbert Herbert Heebert. I got a T on both sides and the middle is a T... - Herbert Herbert.
Nunca contestaba a la primera, así que acabó en Herbert Herbert Heebert.
Yet it was his intention only to give voice to the simple complaint... many of us feel on both sides of the aisle.
Pero su intención era sólo darle voz a la sencilla queja que muchos de nosotros tenemos a ambos lados del pasillo.
He thinks there might be a way for us to settle our differences with a greater understanding on both sides.
Opina que podría haber una manera de resolver nuestras diferencias con un mayor entendimiento por ambas partes.
Back down the beach on the right there's a gully. With a heavily defended roadblock and machine gun nests on both sides.
Ahí abajo hay un barranco y un control de carretera armado hasta los dientes.
This is the first day here and there has been much stupidity and carelessness... on both sides.
Es el primer día aquí y ya ha habido muchas estupideces y descuidos por ambas partes.
On both sides of the altar, flowers.
A los dos lados del altar, flores.
They will be about 80 feet apart on both sides of the road.
Habrá unos 25 metros entre ambos lados del camino.
and flowers on both sides.
Y flores a ambos lados.
- Ruses on both sides of the web...
Aproveché cuando los indios Sioux rugían...
Churchmen on both sides of the family.
Hombres de Dios en la familia.
Careful, there are deep pits on both sides.
Tenga cuidado, hay hoyos profundos a ambos lados.
They're on both sides!
¡ Vienen por ambos lados!
There was sneaks and double-crossers on both sides.
Permaneces sigiloso en ambos lados.
I jack it up and get whipped on both sides.
Yo subo la apuesta y me golpean por ambos lados.
I was going to let it come natural on both sides.
Iba a permitir que se diera con naturalidad en los dos.
This was a third woman. I took her hand and stroked it - on both sides, just to be done with it. It was getting on my nerves.
Era la tercera... quería acabar empezaba a ponerme nervioso.
Well, I also bet on Juan with Antonio, and so I'll win on both sides!
Bueno, tambien aposté por Juan, con Antonio, así gano por los dos lados!
People were killed on both sides.
Ha habido bajas en ambos bandos.
To the men on both sides, exhausted for want of food and rest, the doubt began to come whether they should still persist in slaughtering one another.
Agotados y hambrientos, Ias personas, de una y otra parte, comenzaron a dudar por igual de que deban ellos seguir exterminándose.
On both sides.
En ambos lados.
Remember you said this morning that you were thrown because Hennessy and MacGraw were both killed in the same way and by the same thing yet they were always on opposite sides of the fence?
No entendías por qué Hennessy y MacGraw fueron asesinados igual a pesar de estar en extremos opuestos de la ley.
From the first raid on a Capone brewery, both sides learned a lesson.
De la primera redada a una cervecería ambos lados aprendieron algo.
Now listen, irv, i want you to put a sign on the car that says it's for sale as is, no guarantees and i... think you better open up both sides of the hood
Quiero que pongas un cartel en el coche que diga que está en venta tal cual. Sin garantía. Y será mejor que abras los dos lados del capó para... que puedan ver mejor el motor.
Both sides of the aisle are loudly demanding an immediate vote... on the question whether or not to consent... to the president's nomination of Leffingwell as secretary of state.
Ambos lados del pasillo están exigiendo en voz alta un voto inmediato sobre la pregunta de si consentir o no a la nominación del presidente de Leffingwell como Secretario de Estado.
He and Chuji should be protecting each other as brothers, but Chuji put his life on the line for us farmers, while that double-dealing Monji played both sides of the fence and tried to kill Chuji.
Él y Chuji deberían protegerse uno al otro como hermanos pero Chuji arriesgó su vida por nosotros, los granjeros mientras que el tramposo de Monji jugaba con dos barajas y trató de matar a Chuji.
You were both on different sides but you were both... Oh, what's the word?
Los dos en diferentes lados pero ambos ¿ cuál es la palabra?

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