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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ O ] / One way or the other

One way or the other traduction Espagnol

872 traduction parallèle
Well, for heaven's sake, Jerry, you'll have to make up your mind, you know, one way or the other.
Bueno, ¡ por Dios, Jerry! , tendrás que tomar una decisión, sabes, de un modo u otro.
And we're gonna collect, one way or the other.
Y vamos a cobrarlo, de una manera u otra.
I don't care one way or the other.
Da igual.
But you'll hear something one way or the other in due time.
Lo sabrás de alguna forma a su tiempo.
That makes me a sap, I know, but it doesn't make any difference one way or the other now.
Eso me hace un tonto, lo sé, pero... no cambia las cosas ahora.
Still, it will soon be over, one way or the other.
Pronto todo acabará, de una manera u otra.
One way or the other.
De una manera u otra.
Oh, good gracious! Eugene Morgan isn't in your Father's thoughts at all one way or the other.
A tu padre no le preocupa Eugene en absoluto.
There's that little something that makes him go one way or the other.
Hay algo pequeño que hace que vaya hacia un lado o hacia otro.
I don't care very much One way or the other.
No me preocupan, ni usted ni el otro.
So I can't see why it any skin off your neck one way or the other.
No veo la diferencia de una forma u otra.
The soul, yes. Well, I suppose it can't affect me much one way or the other, can it?
Creo que no puede afectarme mucho de una u otra manera, ¿ no es así?
A few days one way or the other doesn't matter.
Unos días más o menos no importan.
Why? There's a battle going on right now that ought to pretty well fix things... one way or the other.
Está teniendo lugar una batalla decisiva de un modo u otro.
You're the only one that it matters to, Zee, one way or the other,
Ahora todo lo que me importa eres tú, Zee.
Oh, it really doesn't concern me one way or the other.
En realidad, eso no me concierne a mí.
i knelt where he did... trying as hard as i know how to get an answer... but the Lord won't talk to me. He won't tell me what to do one way or the other.
Me arrodillé donde él lo hizo, intenté recibir una respuesta... pero el Señor no quiere hablarme, no quiere decirme qué hacer.
But a couple of days one way or the other
Un par de días más o menos
I ain't talking about that, one way or the other.
- No hablo de eso ni quiero.
One way or the other, you're busting up the unit.
No importa. Perjudicas a la banda.
I don't know what's gotten into him. He never cared one way or the other about foreigners.
No sé lo que le pasa, nunca opina sobre las cosas extranjeras.
" Remember, until this is settled one way or the other, no one must know.
Recuerda : hasta que esto esté resuelto de una u otra manera, nadie debe saber.
Oh, I'll get by one way or the other.
- Saldré adelante de un modo u otro.
I don't want to push you one way or the other, but if you are interested, I have some other material.
No quiero presionarlo en modo alguno... pero si le interesa, tengo más material.
The condition of the street doesn't bother me one way or the other.
¿ Qué sabe usted del contrato?
- One way or the other.
- De una forma u otra. - Buenas noches.
Things will have to go one way or the other.
Las cosas tendran que seguir un camino y otro.
So I think I ought to give your ring back to you. Until we know, one way or the other.
Creo que debo devolverte la sortija... hasta que sepamos si me curaré a no.
- Who cares one way or the other?
- ¿ Qué más da que sea por esto o lo otro?
Well, wait a minute, now, this Freddie doesn't mean anything to me one way or the other.
¡ Espera un minuto! Ese Freddie no es nada mío en absoluto.
He used to say with him it was because it had a resemblance to life. If you look at it largely. All of us – one way or the other – are full master schooners.
Él decía que lo hacía porque se parecía a la vida, y bien pensado, todos, de una forma u otra, somos capitanes de barco, marineros de grandes buques o de pequeñas canoas.
It doesn't mean the slightest thing to me one way or the other.
No me importa en absoluto pase lo que pase.
I didn't care one way or the other.
No podía importarme menos.
And then I promise that everything will be settled, one way or the other before we come back.
Te prometo que todo se arreglará de alguna manera antes de que volvamos.
You'll hear from me, one way or the other, in the next few days.
Le avisaré una u otra cosa dentro de unos pocos días.
After all this time you probably wouldn't care, one way or the other.
Después de tanto tiempo le daría igual.
Sometimes I think you women will end up with more gold out of this... one way or the other, than any of us.
A veces pienso que las mujeres sacarán más oro de esto que nosotros.
Have her sing one of Fifi's songs. That'll prove it one way or the other. All right, let's have it.
Hágala cantar una canción de Fifi.
Frankly, I didn't think much about it one way or the other.
Francamente, no pensé mucho en ello.
It's nothing to us one way or the other.
No es nada para nosotros de todas formas.
Not that it would matter to me one way or the other.
Para mí no cambia nada.
It doesn't matter to me one way or the other.
Cualquiera de las dos cosas me tiene sin cuidado.
I had no plans one way or the other.
No tenía planes de hacerlo.
He didn't say one way or the other.
No dijo nada. Doc...
Honey, it's pretty hard to say. He's just never mentioned your name one way or the other.
Es amargo decirlo, nunca menciona tu nombre.
One way or the other.
- De un modo u otro.
Now, look, Tomek. We want to clear up this Bundy case one way or the other.
Mire, queremos aclarar el caso Bundy de una forma o de otra.
The game between us must end - - one way - - or the other!
La partida entre usted y yo tiene que acabar... ¡ Así... o asá!
One or the other of you is forever in the way.
Uno de ustedes siempre está en el camino.
Eh, one knew that one day or the other it would end up this way!
Se sabía que un día u otro terminaría así.
Charlie... one way or the other.
Charlie, tienes que decidirte.

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