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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ O ] / Orum

Orum traduction Espagnol

13 traduction parallèle
And on whose part, Orum?
Y en qué parte, Orum?
But this one won't, Orum, will it?
Pero en este caso no, Orum, ¿ verdad?
Orum, are you for or against the use of the eradicator?
Orum, ¿ está usted a favor o en contra el uso de la erradicador?
Have no fear, Orum.
No tengas miedo, Orum.
Oh, do get out of the way, Orum.
Oh, no salir del camino, Orum.
I was even lucky enough to get a prosthetic arm Orum created, using Borg replication equipment.
Yo tuve la suerte de conseguir un brazo ortopédico con los replicadores borg.
I'm part of the cooperative. Orum's our medic. He's the one who examined you.
- Orum es nuestro médico.
Look around you- - Orum and I, the others- - we're individuals. We have distinct personalities.
Orum y yo, el resto, somos individuos con personalidades distintas.
Orum will take every precaution. Please?
Orum tendrá todo el cuidado del mundo.
Orum says the degraded tissue has shown marked improvement.
El tejido degradado se ha recuperado.
Dag eru nou rar vitur orum. "
Dag eru nou rar vitur orum. "

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