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Outdone traduction Espagnol

316 traduction parallèle
You've just outdone yourself tonight. - Thank you so much.
Te superaste esta noche.
Más tarde...
Rog has outdone himself.
Rog se ha superado.
"The world has been outdone."
"El mundo le queda pequeño".
You've outdone Judas.
Has superado a Judas.
You've outdone me.
- Me ha vencido.
I have outdone even myself.
He superado mi propia marca.
Not to be outdone, the fisherman gave Frank a big swordfish.
Para no ser menos, el pescador dió a Frank un enorme pez espada.
- You have outdone yourself.
- Se ha superado a sí mismo.
He has outdone the gods!
¡ Ha sobrepasado a los dioses!
Well, you've certainly outdone yourself this time.
Soy siempre tan indeciso que... Esa indecisión la utiliza muy bien.
Madame Lea, you always cook, but today you have outdone themselves.
Señora Léa, su pierna de cordero es célebre en París se está superando.
Then, not to be outdone, I absolutely wanted to live.
Después, para no quedarme atrás, quise vivir a cualquier precio.
Our government's ship hasn't been outdone.
La nave de nuestro gobierno no ha sido superada.
Mother, you've outdone yourself this time.
Mujer, esta vez te has superado.
We will not let ourselves be outdone by this young opportunistic academic.
No nos dejaremos adelantar por este joven universitario oportunista.
Oh, you have outdone yourself Aban-Khan.
Oh, te has superado a ti mismo, Aban-Kahn.
I have to say, you have completely outdone yourself.
Debo quedarme... te haz superado completamente a ti mismo.
You would hardly bear to be outdone by your sister Jane.
Tu podrias apenas ser aventajada por tu hermana Jane.
- Mother, you've outdone yourself!
Mamá, te luciste.
Marilyn's really outdone herself this time, don't you think?
Marylin realmente se supera a si misma, que piensas?
Gentlemen you've really outdone yourselves, haven't you?
Caballeros esta vez sí que se lucieron, ¿ verdad?
Elizabeth, you've really outdone yourself on the affairs.
Elizabeth, te han salido tan ricos como siempre.
You have outdone yourself again.
Otra vez te luces, St.
Have you tried the shrimp? You've outdone yourself.
¿ Has probado los pastelitos de gambas de Holly?
you've outdone yourself, again.
Te superaste nuevamente.
I outdone myself this time.
Esta vez, la he liado bien gorda.
You outdone your welcome and stayed too long.
Te quedaste demasiado tiempo.
I think that we've outdone ourselves.
Creo que lo terminamos.
Rebecca, thou hast outdone even thyself.
Rebecca, os habeis superado incluso a ti misma.
Ah, Jessica, you have outdone yourself.
Jessica lo hizo muy bien.
Clearly, Comdt. Lassard has outdone himself this time.
¡ El comandante Lassard ha realizado una labor maravillosa!
Philip, you've outdone yourself!
¡ Philip, te has superado!
You've outdone yourself.
Te has superado a ti mismo.
You're outnumbered and outdone, Bastian.
¡ Somos más que Uds.! ¡ Ya los vencimos!
Alfred and George have really outdone themselves this time.
Alfred y George se han aventajado esta vez.
Jiro, you've outdone yourself this year.
Te has superado.
You've outdone yourself.
Esto es el colmo.
- We've been outdone
- La moda se acabó
You've really outdone yourself this time.
Esta vez te has superado a ti misma.
I must say, Doctor, you have outdone yourself.
Debo decir, doctor, que usted ha mejorado.
Gino, you've outdone yourself this time.
Gino, esta vez te luciste.
You've outdone yourself.
Te has superado a tí mismo.
You certainly have outdone yourself.
En verdad... te has superado a ti misma.
Doctor Scalinger, your cook has outdone himself.
Doctor Scalinger, su cocinero se ha superado a sí mismo.
You've outdone yourself!
- ¡ Fuiste demasiado lejos!
The press wonders what it's like to be outsold, outclassed, out-coifed and generally outdone in every way.
Desean saber cómo se siente que te ganen en ventas, en elegancia en peinado y en todo, en general.
- What a smile. - Darryl, you've outdone Willie Mays.
Darryl, le ganaste a Willie Mays.
You can't be long outdone by Jane, when here are officers enough in Meryton to disappoint all the young ladies in the country.
No podrás permanecer eclipsada mucho tiempo por Jane, cuando en Meryton hay suficiente oficiales como para defraudar a todas las jóvenes de la región.
Chef Maurice has outdone himself.
El cocinero superó las expectativas.
You've outdone yourself.
Te has superado.

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