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Pass it around traduction Espagnol

185 traduction parallèle
We're going to write poems and reviews of books and poems, copy it, and pass it around.
Sí, vamos a escribir poemas y artículos de libros y poemas, copiarla, y hacerla circular.
If I were in charge of someone like you I'd be a little careful about how I'd pass it around.
Si yo tuviese que hacerme cargo de alguien como tú,... tendría mucho cuidado de dónde va y con quién.
Here, pass it around.
Toma, repártelo.
Pass it around
Pásalo alrededor
I'll pass it around.
- Sí ve pasándola.
- Mm. So you pass it around.
Haz correr la voz.
Hey, pass it around.
Let's pass it around, Dave.
No exactamente, Dave.
- Let's pass it around.
- Hay que llamar a Golovánov.
Pass it around!
¡ A por ella!
Don't think I'm not gonna pass it around in town.
No creáis que no lo voy a contar por ahí.
Huh? You put it in your mouth, baby, right underneath the tongue, and then you pass it around a little bit and you start sailing to the moon, poo-poo!
Te pinchas en la boca, debajo de la lengua, luego se extiende un poco y empiezas a viajar a la luna.
Try some, Jerry, and pass it around.
Pruébelo, Jerry, y páselo.
Pass it around.
Aquí hay arroz.
You know, when I was a young director, and I directed the Bacchae at Yale... my impulse, when Pentheus has been killed by his mother and the Furies... and they pull the tree back, and they tie him to the tree... and fling him into the air, and he flies through space and he's killed... and they rip him to shreds and I guess cut off his head... my impulse was that the thing to do was to get a head from the New Haven morgue... and pass it around the audience.
Cuando era joven y dirigí "The Bacchae" en Yale... mi impulso, cuando Penteo es asesinado... por su madre y las Furias y le atan a un árbol... y le lanzan del árbol como en una catapulta... y sale volando por el espacio y le cortan la cabeza... mi impulso fue pedir prestada una cabeza a la morgue... y que el público se la pasara.
Why don't we pass it around and all put our fingerprints on it?
¿ Por que no se la pasas a todos para que les dejemos las huellas?
I'll pass it around.
Lo paso para que lo vean.
You can't tell what'll happen when they pass it around lt's the bug
No puedes decir lo que sucedera cuando pasen a tu lado... Ese es el Bicho
Pass it around.
Pásalo alrededor.
Pass it around!
Venga, que gire.
Pass it around and we'll see what we come up with later on, okay?
Pásenla y más tarde veremos lo que se grabó, ¿ de acuerdo?
- Pass it around. - You know what?
- Aprobar la vuelta. - ¿ Sabes qué?
Son of a bitch wouldn't pass it around.
- El hijo de perra no lo compartía.
You take one down, pass it around 1, 999,999,999 bottles of beer on the wall
... 999 millones, 999 mil, 999 botellas en la pared... "
'You take one down and pass it around'
Tomas una y la pasas
Dags... this is serious. Take one down, pass it around, twenty bottles...
Dags... esto va en serio tomas una y la pasas, 20 botellas...
Maybe I should pass it around town, let everybody have a crack at it.
Y distribuirlo por toda la ciudad para que todos le echen un vistazo.
Pass it around the office?
¿ Enseñarla en la oficina?
Eric, just pass it around the side to me.
- Pásamelo por el lado.
We'll pass it around and take turns asking.
Nos lo pasaremos y cada uno hará una pregunta.
Take one down Pass it around
Coge una Pásala
Take one down, pass it around...
Tira una, pásala por ahí...
take one down, pass it around...
Coge una, y pásala por ahí...
So anyway, if you take that bottle down and pass it around...
LA TABERNA DE MOE Entonces, si tomas esa botella y la pasas de uno al otro...
"all read from the same sheet of paper, pass it around?"
"leer todos de la misma hoja y pasárnosla?"
We can pass it around.
Podemos ir pasándolo.
Don't tell me I have to pass it around.
No me digan que tengo que pasarla.
I get it. We'll pass the word around, and then we'll give a party the night before.
Haremos circular el rumor y daré una gran fiesta la noche anterior.
You have the girl to pass the hat around, so it's settled.
Tiene a la chica para pasar el sombrero, así que estamos de acuerdo.
Pass it around.
Páselo a todos.
They pass it all around their offices.
Lo hacen circular por las oficinas.
So you take it and you pass it to the person sitting next to you until the joint gets passed around and it's very very small.
Así que lo toma y se le pasa a la persona sentada a tu lado hasta que la articulación se pasa alrededor y es muy muy pequeño.
"Just have faith, daughter. Maybe your happiness is just around the corner. Anyway, it won't pass you by."
"Hijita, cree en la felicidad, cree, quizás llegue a ti mañana, no te dejará a un lado".
The Germans wanted you to believe it and then pass the word around. It's simple.
Es fácil.
Pass it around, boys.
Pásenlo, muchachos.
As you pass through it, it opens around you.
Cuando la atraviesas, se abre alrededor tuyo.
Pass the ball around, keep it moving.
Pasar la pelota, mantenerla en movimiento.
- ¡ Pinky!
I stare at it, the hours pass... the world around me drops away... replaced by worlds being created and destroyed by my imagination- -
La observo, las horas pasan. El mundo a mi alrededor se desvanece. Reemplazado por mundos que son creados y destruidos por mi imaginación.
It'd be the first meal where we didn't have to pass a piece of fish around six or seven times and everybody take a bite of it.
Será la primera comida a la que no tengamos que pasarle el pescado siete veces.
Pass it around.
- ¡ Sí!

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