People like that traduction Espagnol
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You can't listen to people like that.
No hay que hacerle caso a la gente así.
We shouldn't let people like that take our city from us.
No deberíamos dejar que esa gente se adueñara de nuestra ciudad.
It's a shame our jobs prevent us from killing people like that.
Es una pena que nuestros trabajos nos impiden De matar a la gente de esa manera.
If there really was a man who could influence people like that, I would hire him to do all my jury selection.
Si un hombre pudiera influenciar así a la gente, lo contrataría para seleccionar el jurado.
God knows the world needs people like that.
Dios sabe que el mundo necesita gente así.
There's so many people like that, in this city.
Hay tantas personas así, en esta ciudad.
You think people leave papers like that lying around?
Es extraño que esa gente partiera de esa manera.
See, I can see how you think how oral manipulation is no biggie, but for people who haven't handled, like, a lot of dicks, a million dicks- - they don't think that way.
Verás, puedo entender que pienses que la manipulación oral no tiene importancia, pero para gente que no hemos tratado con muchas pollas, un millón de pollas... no pensamos así.
The inmates make dolls to look like people that they want to curse.
Las compañeras de celda hacen muñecos que se parezcan a la gente que quieren maldecir.
Look, whoever is behind Union Allied, or whatever they call themselves now, they are trying to strong-arm people like Elena so that they can sweep their homes away from them and build condos no one can afford.
Oye, sea quien sea el que esté detrás de Union Allied o de como se llame ahora, pretende amenazar a gente como Elena, para poder echarles de sus casas y construir apartamentos para ricos que nadie puede permitirse.
It's people like this that wanna keep you down.
La gente como él es la que te limita.
That the rules, the ones people like me and you, the people that work and struggle to live our lives, just live, don't apply to them.
Esas son las reglas, las que se aplican a gente como tú y como yo, a gente que se esfuerza y sufre por salir adelante, pero que a ellos no se les aplican.
I'll leave that to people like you, Senator.
Prefiero dejarle eso a la gente como usted, Senador.
I'm hoping, I suppose my strategy is that if the American people can see that I was smart enough to marry an extraordinary woman like Claire, well, they might think I'm smart enough to be President of the United States.
Mi estrategia es que espero que si la gente ve que tuve la inteligencia de casarme con alguien como Claire puede pensar que también la tengo para ser presidente.
The only people that don't like 40-year-old women are 40-year-old men.
Las únicas personas que no lo hacen como las mujeres de 40 años de edad son hombres de 40 años de edad - Oh
I would just like to say that if you are one of the people sending pictures of dead animals to me there's something wrong with you and you need help.
Me gustaría decir que si eres una de esas personas que me envía fotos de animales muertos hay algo malo en ti y necesitas ayuda.
I was just thinking about the fact That I like that you believe the best in people.
Estaba pensando en el hecho de que me gusta que veas lo mejor de las personas.
Anywhere they're advertising free Wi-Fi is like a hacker's virtual playground- - tons of unexpected people unaware that the person next to them sharing the same connection could be intruding onto their devices and stealing all their information.
Un lugar donde se anuncie Wi-Fi gratis es como un patio de recreo para los hackers. Un montón de personas no esperan que la persona que está al lado compartiendo la misma conexión pueden estar entrando en sus dispositivos y robándoles toda su información.
Officials are hoping to avoid an outbreak like yellow fever in the Sudan that claimed the lives of 165 people.
Funcionarios esperan evitar un brote como la fiebre amarilla en el Sudán que cobró la vida de 165 personas.
Uh-uh. That only works on people like me.
Eso solo funciona en gente como yo.
You know, it's like who are these smiling people that we don't know?
Ya sabes, es como ¿ quién es esa gente sonriente que no conocemos?
I thought that I could make a difference and get people to see the world like I do.
Pensé que yo podría hacer una diferencia y conseguir que la gente vea el mundo como yo lo hago.
But haven't you ever had a secret, like something you were ashamed of, that you didn't need to keep a secret, but you did because you were afraid of what people might think?
Pero, ¿ tú nunca has tenido un secreto, como algo de lo que te avergüences, que no necesitabas mantener en secreto, pero lo hiciste porque tenías miedo de lo que la gente iba a pensar?
That's how come I know how to do stuff like build fire pits and cook oatmeal for a whole lot of people at once.
Así es cómo sé hacer cosas como fogatas y cocinar harina de avena para un montón de personas a la vez.
In closing, I'd like to convey to the good people of Los Angeles that this renewed sense of mission and teamwork between my office and LAPD should help us all sleep more soundly this holiday season.
Para terminar, me gustaría transmitir a la buena gente de Los Ángeles... que este renovado sentido de misión... y trabajo en equipo entre mi oficina y la PLA... nos debería ayudar a todos a dormir más tranquilos en esta época de fiestas.
Like how it's so weird that people want to "eat local."
Como en lo rara que es esa gente que quiere "comer cosas locales".
It's people like you that give people like you a bad name.
Es la gente como tú la que le da mal nombre a gente como tú.
Not to be like a downer but did you know that people steal people's dogs and then sell them?
No es por ser deprimente pero ¿ sabías que hay gente que roba perros de otros y luego los vende?
That's the kind of people people like you shouldn't steal from.
Ese es el tipo de personas gente como usted no debe robar a.
Now, there's only a handful of people that know that Ryan's dead..... and we'd like to keep it that way - for now.
Ahora, sólo hay unas pocas personas que saben que Ryan está muerto y nos gustaría mantenerlo así, por ahora.
I'm surprised that the millions of people like you...
Me sorprende que las millones de personas como usted...
You know, maybe he's a completely different person, like those people that you read about when they wake up after a head trauma and they can suddenly, like, speak fluent German or, I don't know, suddenly musical geniuses.
Quizá sea una persona totalmente diferente, como esa gente de la que lees cuando se despiertan después de un trauma craneal y de repente pueden hablar alemán fluido, o, no sé, son genios musicales.
Because that's what we do- - we stop people like you.
Porque eso es lo que hacemos... detenemos a gente como tú.
You don't hide things from people you love like that.
No escondes cosas de la gente que amas así.
Or do you just hate yourself so much that you gotta take it out on people like you?
¿ O simplemente odias a ti mismo tanto que tienes que llevarlo a cabo en personas como usted?
Like other stuff people do that are our age. Um, no can do.
Cosas que hace la gente de nuestra edad.
It could be bad for everyone if people started rallying around, like, having him removed from campus. "And lv \ / as like," Well, he's a predator, and he's dangerous and actually that's exactly what I want. "
Sería malo para todos si la gente empezara a protestar para echarlo del Campus ". Le dije : "Es que él es un depredador y es peligroso, y eso es exactamente lo que quiero".
Once you get a group of people like this in that kind 01 synergistic kind of culture forming, it intensifes this problem.
GRACIAS POR SUS HIJAS Cuando se juntan personas en ese tipo... Le enseñaremos a sus hijas cosas que la secundaria no pudo.
Anyone you ask would tell you, like, I never would go home with a guy period and especially not three people that I didn't know.
A cualquiera que le preguntes te dirá que jamás me iría con un chico, punto, y mucho menos con tres personas que no conozco.
The powers that be are turning the world against people like me.
Estos poderes están volviendo al mundo contra la gente como yo.
So, you can care about an inanimate object but not the people that you kill? Ohh. Is this gonna be like an episode of "Ricki Lake"
¿ Te preocupas por un objeto inanimado pero no por la gente que matas? ¿ Esto va a ser como un episodio de "Ricki Lake"
Sometimes I fantasise about being a hero in a plane crash or a fire, but then that seems like a selfish dream because it means people have to get hurt just so I can feel tough.
- A veces fantaseo con ser un héroe en un accidente aéreo o un incendio, pero es un sueño egoísta, porque significa que la gente tiene que salir herida para sentirme valiente.
Oh! I like that it tastes less like poor people's tears.
Sabe menos a lágrimas de personas.
- Okay, so some people die when they take drugs like this because they're allergic, But some people die when they eat peanuts, so that's not my major concern.
- Algunas personas mueren cuando toman drogas porque son alérgicas, pero otras por comer maní.
Yeah, people can beat these things, people that lack empathy, like psychopaths or serial killers, or hamburglars.
Sí, la gente puede vencer estas cosas, personas que carecen de empatía, Como psicópatas o asesinos en serie, o hamburglars.
You dare to use words that alienate two communities of people who have to deal with verbal biases like yours on a daily basis?
¡ ¿ Te atreves a usar palabras que alienan a dos comunidades de gente que tienen que aguantar prejuicios verbales como los tuyos diariamente?
You see, there's still people out there like Brett fucking Favre, who think that when we all stand up and applaud Caitlyn Jenner at the ESPY awards, he can get away with one of these bullshit claps.
Veréis, aún hay gente ahí fuera como el p... Brett Favre, que cree que cuando todos nos ponemos en pie para aplaudir a Caitlyn Jenner en los Premios ESPY puede salirse con la suya aplaudiendo así...
It's not the criminals, but people like him that make you hate this job.
No son los criminales, pero la gente como él que hacen que odies este trabajo.
He just knows people that I know that... people who don't like me very much.
Es solo que conoce a gente que conozco que... gente a la que no le gusto mucho.
My problem is that the guards and the people running this experiment are not treating the prisoners like human beings.
Mi problema es que los guardias... y los encargados de este experimento... no tratan a los prisioneros como seres humanos.
Is it just to think that people can be like that?
¿ Pensar que la gente puede ser así?
people like me 81
people like you 105
people like us 46
people like you and me 22
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
people like you 105
people like us 46
people like you and me 22
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
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that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
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that'll be it 25
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that's my sister 96
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that is 2872
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that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20