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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ P ] / Perhaps it's for the best

Perhaps it's for the best traduction Espagnol

55 traduction parallèle
Perhaps it's all for the best, Malita.
Tal vez sea para bien, Malita.
Estoy muy ocupado. - Oh, por favor.
Perhaps it's all for the best.
Más vale así.
- Yes. Perhaps it's all for the best.
Quizá sea mejor así.
Perhaps it's for the best.
Quizás es mejor así.
Perhaps it's all for the best.
Quizá sea para mejor.
Well, perhaps it's for the best.
Bueno, tal vez sea mejor así.
Perhaps it's for the best.
Tal vez sea para mejor.
Perhaps it's for the best.
Quizás sea lo mejor.
Perhaps it's all for the best.
Tal vez sea para mejor.
It's really a matter of speculation, and I think perhaps that's for the best.
Sólo puede hablarse de posibilidades y creo que es mejor así.
And I think perhaps for the sake of our professional reputations, it's best we put this matter behind us and go on with our lives.
Y creo que tal vez por el bien de nuestros reputación profesional, que es mejor que poner este asunto detrás de nosotros y seguir con nuestras vidas.
Quizá haya sido lo mejor.
"Perhaps it's for the best... " but the pain of their loss is unendurable. "
Quizás sea para mejor pero el dolor de perderla es insoportable.
That perhaps it's best... for both of us... and for Gus and the baby... if we aren't together.
Que quizás sea mejor... para las dos... y para Gus y el bebé... que no estemos juntas.
Perhaps it's for the best.
Tal vez sea lo mejor.
Perhaps it's all for the best.
Quizás sea lo mejor para todos.
Perhaps it's best you're out of the city for the time being.
- Xxxxxx fuera de la ciudad mientras tanto
Perhaps counsel might want to remind his client that in family court it's not what's best for the parent, but rather what's in the best interest of the child.
Tal vez deba recordarle a su clienta... que en un tribunal de familia no importan los padres... sino lo mejor para los niños.
Perhaps it's for the best, after all.
Quizás sea mejor así.
Perhaps it's for the best.
quizá es lo mejor.
But perhaps it's perhaps it's, um... for the best.
Pero, quizás sea... Er... quizás sea lo mejor. Sí, sea lo mejor.
Perhaps it's best you join your men at the rendezvous point to wait for delivery.
Quizá sea mejor que te unas a tus hombres en el lugar de la cita para esperar la entrega.
Perhaps it's all for the best.
Quizás esto sea lo mejor.
Perhaps it's all for the best, after all.
Tal vez sea para mejor, después de todo.
You never can. Perhaps it's for the best. Guns are bad news right now, Michael.
Tú, yo, Jane y Martin, todos juntos en la universidad, y veinte años después míranos.
The way he's been behaving lately, perhaps it's for the best.
La manera en que se ha comportado ultimamente, quizás era lo mejor.
Perhaps, it's the best for her. She wasn't happy here.
Quizás fue para mejor, no era feliz.
Though perhaps it's for the best.
Aunque quizás es Io mejor.
Perhaps it's for the best.
Quizá sea para bien.
None of us expected this to happen, but perhaps we should all admit it's for the best, hmm?
Ninguno de nosotros esperaba que esto ocurriera, pero quizás deberíamos admitir que es lo mejor.
- No, boss... perhaps the cops have released the goat as a bait for the lion, to get him to emerge, so they can grab him... it's best if you don't go...
No, jefe... tal vez la policía han lanzado la cabra como cebo para el león, para conseguir que emerja, así que lo pueden agarrar... lo mejor es que usted no va...
Well, perhaps it's for the best right here in the woods
Quizás sea el mejor lugar, en el bosque
Well, perhaps it's for the best.
Bueno, quizá sea lo mejor.
Perhaps it's for the best.
Tal vez sea mejor.
Perhaps it's for the best.
Tal vez es lo mejor.
No. Perhaps it's for the best.
Quizás sea para mejor.
Now considering it was your people who just declared war on my kind, perhaps now's not the best time for your particular brand of sass.
Ahora considera que fue tu gente la que le declaró la guerra a mi rey, quizá no es el mejor momento para tu especial insolencia.
Perhaps it's best if I explain the situation and ask her for help.
Quizá sea mejor... si le explico la situación y le pido su ayuda. No.
Perhaps it's for the best. His experiment was probably anomalous.
Su experimento fue probablemente anómalo.
Perhaps it's for the best, as there is a delicate matter to discuss.
Quizás sea lo mejor, dado que es una delicada materia para discutir.
Maybe with everything that lies ahead of us, perhaps it's for the best.
Quizás con todo lo que tenemos por delante, quizás es lo mejor.
May I suggest that whatever is going on in the bowels of this fort, perhaps it's best left alone for now.
Puedo sugerir que lo que sea que pase en las entrañas de este fuerte quizás lo mejor sea dejarlo por ahora.
Perhaps it's for the best.
Quizás es lo mejor.
Well, perhaps it's for the best, because clearly I have no option but to offer my resignation.
Bueno, tal vez es lo mejor, Porque claramente no tengo opción que ofrezco mi renuncia.
Perhaps it's for the best?
¿ Quizá es lo mejor?
Perhaps it's for the best that you don't send Abraham to New York anymore.
Tal vez es mejor que ya no envíe a Abraham a Nueva York.
If your Beryl wants to wait a few years, perhaps it's for the best.
Si tu Beryl quiere esperar algunos años, quizá sea lo mejor.
Though immortality may have eluded me perhaps it's for the best.
Aunque la inmortalidad quizá me haya eludido... quizá sea mejor.

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