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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ P ] / Please don't do it

Please don't do it traduction Espagnol

449 traduction parallèle
- Please, don't do that, I don't like it.
No me hagas eso, no me gusta.
Please don't make me do it.
No me fuerce a hacer eso.
Honest mister, I pledge she don't do it no more. Please..
Por favor, me ocuparé de que no lo haga más.
Don't do it, please, please give me the gun for my sake.
Por favor, no lo hagas. Dame el revólver.
But don't ask me to do it, please!
¡ Pero no me pidas que brinde, por favor!
– But, please don't do it.
– Pero no lo hagas.
- Oh, please don't let him do it.
- Por favor, no deje que lo haga.
I'll try and quiet things down but, please, don't do it again.
Voy a arreglar la historia, pero no vuelva a empezar.
Please don't do it.
Por favor, no lo haga.
Joe, please don't do anything. Come on, break it up.
¡ Basta ya, tranquilos!
Please don't ask me to, because... even if I knew what to do with it, I wouldn't want it.
- No. Por favor. Aunque supiera qué hacer con esto, no lo querría.
Me prometiste que te quedarías conmigo.
Dame el arma, hazlo por mí.
- Don't do it, please!
- No lo hagas, por favor.
Athanael, please, don't do it.
- Athanael, por favor, no lo hagas.
Oh, please do. If you don't call, I just keep wondering why you don't. So it works out as an interruption either way.
Si no llamas, me preguntaré por qué... e interrumpirás igualmente.
Please don't think me rude... but if you're not going to sew on that button, may I do it?
Por favor, no me lo tome a mal, si no va a coserse el botón, ¿ puedo hacerlo yo?
Don't do it, please!
¡ No lo hagas, por favor!
Gramps, don't you do it Please don't you tell them!
¡ Abuelo, no lo hagas! ¡ No se lo digas!
Don't do it, Mr. Patterson, please don't do it.
No lo haga, por favor, señor Patterson.
Please, Mr. Patterson. No, don't do it.
¡ No lo haga, señor Patterson!
Don't do anything to destroy it, please don't.
No hagas nada que la destruya, por favor.
Please don't do it.
¡ Por favor!
Please don't do it.
Por favor no lo haga.
Mr. Gant, please, I beg you, don't do it.
Señor Gant, por favor, se lo ruego. No lo haga.
But please don't do anything, it will come back on me.
Pero no hagas nada, por favor, yo saldría mal parada.
Don't do that, please! It's ridiculous.
No haga eso, por favor, es ridículo.
But please don't disclose who gave it to you because if you do, I should deny it.
Pero, por favor, no revele quién se lo dio, porque si lo hace, tendré que negarlo.
Alright, maybe I do love you. But I'm going to marry her. Now please, don't make it any more difficult for us both.
Quizá te ame a ti, pero me casaré con ella, no lo pongas más difícil.
Don't do it again, please.
Que no se le vuelva a olvidar, por favor. La que sale maltrecha soy yo.
But, please, don't do it again, dear.
Pero, por favor, no lo hagas de nuevo, cariño.
Please, don't take it badly, but why should I do you a favor?
No se ofenda, pero... ¿ por qué he de hacerle un favor?
Now please hang up and don't do it again.
Ahora cuelga y no llames más.
Please, don't do it!
¡ Por favor no lo hagas!
Please... men... don't do it!
¡ Soldados, no lo hagan! ¡ Se los suplico!
Please, don't do it.
Por favor, no lo hagas.
Don't do it, please.
No lo hagas, por favor.
please don't bring me his head. I wouldn't know what to do with it.
No Livio, no quiero su cabeza, no me sirve para nada.
- Please, don't do it!
¡ Déjalo, por favor!
Please don't make me do it.
¡ Por favor, no me haga hacerlo!
- Si, Signore. But if that man's job is open now, maybe I could do it? You don't have to give me much but please, I need work.
Sí, pero como veo, hay un puesto disponible y yo con tal de comer estoy dispuesto a trabajar.
Please don't hate me! I didn't mean to do it!
¡ No me odies, no quería hacerlo!
I say to them "Don't touch me, please", but they still do it.
Digo : "no me toques, por favor", pero aun así me tocan.
Please don't do it.
- Así es.
- Don't do it, Ma, please!
- ¡ No hagas eso mamá!
- "Don't do it. Ma, please"?
- "¿ No hagas eso mamá?"
Please, Spock, do me a favour, and don't say it's fascinating.
Por favor, Spock, hágame un favor y no diga que es fascinante.
Don't do it with both of them, please!
¡ No lo hagas con los dos por favor!
Oh, please, please don't make me do it.
Por favor, no me obligue a hacerlo. Déjeme vivir.
Please, Lieutenant, don't let them do it.
Por favor, Teniente, no deje que lo hagan.
Please don't do it!
¡ Por favor no lo haga!

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