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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ P ] / Please don't tell him

Please don't tell him traduction Espagnol

190 traduction parallèle
Please don't tell him.
No, por favor, no se lo digas.
Please convey my compliments, to Mr., uh, uh, uh, what's-his-name, and tell him that I don't really resemble him on purpose.
Por favor, salude de mi parte al Sr. "como se llame"... y dígale que no me parezco a él adrede.
Listen now, as a favor, will you please make it snappy and tell Stew Smith I've gotta see him, because if you don't my whole family's gonna die.
Escuche, por favor, ¿ será tan amable de decirle a Stew Smith que tengo que verle, porque si no lo hace toda mi familia morirá?
Oh, please don't let him tell my mother.
No permita que se lo diga a mi madre, por favor.
Please don't forget to tell him to let me in
Por favor no olvide decirle que me deje entrar
Only please don't tell him.
¿ Quieres que diga,''que Dios os bendiga, hijos''?
Please don't ever tell him.
Por favor, no se lo cuente.
Oh, Miss Garroway, please don't tell Mr. Alan I was talking about him.
Señora Garroway, por favor, no diga al señor Alan que he hablado de él.
Please don't tell him.
¡ No, por favor!
But, please don't tell anyone. I don't want him to lose his job.
Pero por favor, no se lo diga a nadie, que perdería el trabajo.
Please don't tell him.
Te ruego que no se lo digas.
Don't you tell him gramps, Please, Don't you tell them!
No hables, abuelo, ¡ No hables!
Please don't tell him I'm here.
Pero, por favor, Louis,
If he comes over here and you see him, please don't tell him about this.
Si viniera aquí a verles, por favor, no le diga nada de esto.
No, don't tell him, please!
¡ No, no se lo digas, por favor!
Please don't tell him!
¡ Por favor no se lo digas!
Don'tell him, I ain't. Please Serena, don'tell him, I ain't.
No le digas que no soy, por favor no le digas que no lo soy
Miss smith. Please tell him it was an accident. I don't want any trouble.
Señorita Smith,... por favor dígale que fue un accidente.
Please, tell him you'll help him, then don't.
Por favor, dile que lo vas a ayudar. Luego, no lo haces.
Please don't tell him.
por favor no se lo digas.
Anyway, don't tell him yet. Please, Peter.
De cualquier forma, todavía no le digas, por favor Pedro.
But please, don't tell him any more than that...
Pero por favor, no le diga nada más que eso...
Please don't tell him.
Por favor, no se lo digas a él.
- Please don't tell him!
- ¡ No se lo digas, por favor!
Please don't tell him.
No le diga nada, se lo ruego.
But please, don't tell him of our plans.
Pero no le digas nada de nuestros planes
Please don't tell him I sent you.
No le digan queyo los envié.
Don't tell him anything. Please! Please!
No le cuentes nada, por favor.
Please don't tell him I gave him up.
No le digan que yo lo delaté.
Please don't TELL him!
¡ Por favor no les cuentes!
Why don't you tell him that, George? Please? Tell him that?
¿ Se lo dirás, por favor?
Please don ´ t tell him what happened.
Por favor, no le digas lo que pasó.
Please don't tell him you know about his problem.
Por favor no le digan que saben sobre su problema.
I can't tell you why, so please don't ask me, but for Paul's sake, for both our sakes, I tried to come to terms with him.
No puedo decir el porqué por favor, no me lo pregunten. Pero, por el bien de Paul por el bien de ambos, intenté hacer un trato con él.
Hey, please, but don't tell him I was playing with the dogs. OK?
Oye, por favor, pero no le digas que estaba jugando con los perros. ¿ Eh?
Please, don't tell him that I told you, or he'll kill me.
Por favor, no le digas que te lo he contadoi. Me mataria.
Don "t tell him please don" t tell him anything
No le diga nada. Por favor, no le diga nada.
Don't tell him anything, please.
No le digas nada. Por favor.
Please don't tell him.
Por favor, no se lo diga.
No, please, don't... don't... don't tell him.
No... no se lo digas.
- Please don't tell him.
- Por favor, no le digas.
- Please don't tell him I'm here.
- Por favor, no le digan que estoy aquí.
Please don't tell him about Anthony.
Por favor, no le cuente sobre Anthony.
Please don't tell him my name.
No menciones mi nombre.
Please don't tell him.
Por favor, no le digas.
Please don't tell him. Don't know what?
¿ No sé qué?
Please, don't tell anyone. It could be dangerous for him.
Por favor, no le digan a nadie, es peligroso.
Please, don't tell him about the shoes, huh?
Por favor, no le digas a él sobre los zapatos, sí?
Please don't tell him I was here.
Por favor no le digas que estuve aquí.
But this time if a boy calls, please don't tell him I'm wrist-deep in poopie.
- Sí. Pero esta vez, si llama un chico, no le digas que tengo las manos en la caca.
Please don't tell him.
Por favor no se lo digas.

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