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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ P ] / Put him on the phone

Put him on the phone traduction Espagnol

183 traduction parallèle
Put him on the phone.
- Póngame con él.
Put him on the phone.
Ponlo al teléfono.
I'll put him on the phone.
Espera, lo pondré al habla.
I'm gonna put him on the phone.
Voy a hacer que se ponga.
Put him on the phone.
Póngalo al teléfono.
Put him on the phone.
Ponlo en el teléfono.
- Put him on the phone.
- Dile que se ponga.
Well, just put him on the phone, will you?
Bueno, sólo ponlo en el teléfono, ¿ quieres?
Put him on the phone.
ponlo al teléfono.
- Put him on the phone right now.
- Ponlo al telefono ahora mismo.
Maybe I should put him on the phone.
Debería darle el teléfono.
Put him on the phone.
Póngalo en el teléfono.
Well, then put him on the phone.
Bien, entonces póngalo en el teléfono.
Put him on the phone.
Déjame hablar con él.
Put him on the phone.
Ponmelo al telefono.
Put him on the phone.
Que se ponga.
Doc, go get Frank and put him on the phone.
buscá a Frank y ponelo al teléfono.
- Just put him on the phone.
- Tiene que ayudarnos.
- Vince, put him on the phone.
- Vince, pónmelo al teléfono.
Put him on the phone.
¡ Que se ponga!
Put him on the phone. Let me talk to him.
- Quiero hablar con él.
- Teri, put him on the phone.
- Teri, pásamelo.
Put him on the phone now!
¡ Pásamelo ya!
- Put him on the phone, bitch.
- Pásale el teléfono, zorra.
- So put him on the phone!
- Ponlo al teléfono.
You want me to put him on the phone?
¿ Quiere que le pase con él?
Put him on the phone.
Pónmelo al teléfono.
- Put him on the phone, please.
- Pasemelo, por favor.
Put him on the phone then.
- Ponlo ya.
- Put him on the phone.
- Pasale el telefono.
Well I'd put him on the phone but he's in a cake hole.
Bueno, lo pondría al teléfono pero esta en el agujero de pastel.
Don't put him on the phone.
No me lo pases.
Put him on the phone...
- Ponlo al teléfono.
Please put him on the phone.
I'll put you through to him on the phone.
Lo pondré al habla con él. Tenga la bondad, mayor.
Now, the sooner we can put him in the holding tanks and I get on the phone and call a doctor...
Cuanto antes avise a un médico... Bien.
It really enraged me, so I went straight to the phone, called Mr. Ensslin, and explained that I wanted, for purely humanitarian reasons, to put on this funeral meal for him.
Eso me encolerizó, así que me fui derecho al teléfono, llamé al Sr. Ensslin y le dije espontáneamente que por razones meramente humanitarias estaba dispuesto a preparar la comida para el entierro.
The Commissioner wants to talk to us. I've put him on the speaker phone.
Hammer, el comisionado quiere hablar con nosotros, lo pondré en el altavoz.
Why do you put me on the phone with him?
¿ Por qué me has pasado el teléfono con él?
Shall I put him on the speaker phone?
¿ Lo pongo en el altoparlante?
Put him on the phone.
Ponle al teléfono.
Put Ford on the phone, tell him it's Colonel Daniels.
Que se ponga Ford, dígale que soy el coronel Daniels.
- I'll put him on the phone.
- No quiero.
But did you put him on the callback list or phone him?
¿ Le pusiste en la lista de llamadas o le llamaste tú?
Put him on the fucking phone, you bearded Polack hag. It's for you.
Dame con él bruja polaca.
Gaines put me on the phone with him.
- Gaines me puso al teléfono con él.
I'd put your daddy on the phone and let you tell him but I just said,'I'm hungry.'And he ran into town to get me something. "
Te pasaría a papá pero dije,'Tengo hambre'y fue al pueblo a traerme algo ".
- Put him on the phone take it easy.
- Ponlo en línea.
Mr. Shawn, if you have to hold him down and put the phone on his ear... I need to speak to him.
Sr. Shawn, aunque tenga que sujetarlo y ponerle el teléfono en la oreja... necesito hablar con él.
Put him on the video phone in the situation room.
Pónmelo en el video-teléfono. en la habitación de crisis.
Yeah.That's why we're gonna put a line on his phone keep him under surveillance hey, charlie, have you ever considered our place in the universe?
Sí. Por eso pondré una linea en su teléfono manteniéndola bajo vigilancia. Charlie. ¿ Has considerado alguna vez nuestro lugar en el universo?

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