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Quarts traduction Espagnol

190 traduction parallèle
But I'll need milk. Ten, 12, 15 quarts of it.
Pero hacen falta 12 ó 15 litros de leche.
You're four quarts behind.
Has llegado tarde.
Well, you know, I could've bet that this thing wouldn't hold two quarts, but it holds four.
Hubiera apostado que en esta cosa entrarían dos litros, pero entran cuatro.
Look, I can't join the crowd over at the Springs, but would you mind taking these two quarts over with my compliments?
No puedo ir con los demás a Springs, pero ¿ podrías llevarles estos dos litros con mis saludos?
Yeah, he bought a couple of quarts, I haven't seen him since.
Pagó algunas rondas, y no lo he vuelto a ver.
Get two quarts of rum from the cellar.
Saca dos litros de ron de la bodega.
Two quarts Vichy.
Dos cuartos de Vichy.
You come here to take two quarts Vichy and you allow yourselves...
Vienen a tomar agua y se permiten...
Pints or quarts? Quarts.
- ¿ De medio litro o de un cuarto?
This holds two quarts.
Esto contiene dos litros.
I steal two quarts in the morning and sell it at night.
Robo dos litros ahora y a la tarde los vendo.
Two quarts of the good stuff.
- Claro, 2 litros del superior.
Two quarts.
Dos litros.
- Cut a pint into two quarts.
- Compartiremos.
Get Wilson and his nitro truck. Tell him to bring 100 quarts.
Que Wilson traiga cien litros de nitroglicerina.
I had Willie Henderson at the Bromleys'the other night through about two quarts of champagne.
Willie Henderson visitó a Bromley la otra noche y consumió casi dos botellas de champaña.
- Hey, Shorty back in my office, I got me two quarts of red liquor.
- Oye, Enano en la oficina tengo dos botellas de licor rojo.
And do as I might, she never yielded more than 12 quarts a day.
Y nunca dio más de 12 litros al día.
- What about? - Thanks to you for the month just ended, Hildegard has yielded a total of 492 quarts.
- Gracias a ti en este mes Hildegarde ha dado 492 litros.
Beginning right now, I'm only gonna spike it two quarts instead of three.
A partir de ahora añadiré sólo 2 litros en lugar de 3.
Hm. If one quart costs 20 pfennig, what would three quarts cost?
Si un litro cuesta 20 pfennigs, ¿ cuánto cuestan tres litros?
Steffi gets one and a half quarts milk a day and I drink two.
¡ Steffi bebe litro y medio de leche todos los días y yo dos!
Big bottles, small bottles, pints, quarts- -
- Botellas grandes, chicas, de todas- -
Seventy gallons of gas, three quarts of oil in your crankcase...
190 litros de gasolina, cambio de aceite y...
- Five quarts in your spare...
-... bidón de repuesto...
With every 4 quarts of oil we give you "die-fly."
Tenemos una oferta. Un insecticida con cada 4 litros de aceite.
I already give you some quilts and two quarts of cylinder oil and $ 7 to marry Pearl, and that's enough.
Te di colchas, dos cuartos de aceite de cilindro y siete dólares por casarme con Pearl, suficiente.
"You shall have quarts to drink if you like."
"Podrá beber todo lo que guste."
What happened to those two quarts?
¿ Y esos dos litros?
- What two quarts?
- ¿ Qué dos litros?
The gun went for three quarts of whiskey.
La pistola compró tres litros de whisky.
Horses and a carriage! And jewels by the quarts and fine clothes and anything i want!
Tendré joyas, ropa elegante y todo lo que quiera.
In Chicago, swell, a smart trick to get a few quarts.
En Chicago, pase, fue un buen truco.
There are exactly two gallons, three quarts, and one and one eighth pints of water left in the whole of Burgundy.
Quedan exactamente 8 litros, 30 centilitros y dos vasos de agua en toda Borgoña. Hay que prohibir bañarse.
- We usually get a 135 quarts a day.
- Solemos sacar 135 litros por día.
And so with their water all gone, Mr. Peachtree here poured a couple of quarts of this lightning elixir into a bucket and gave it to their mule.
Así que, como no tienen agua el señor Peachtree puso un par de litros de su elixir de relámpago en un balde y se lo dio a la mula.
And if they like it, come back tomorrow for two quarts?
Y si les gusta, volver mañana por dos cuartos?
On two tiny quarts?
¿ Con dos tragos diminutos?
I need 2 quarts of warm water and some towels.
Tráigame 2 litros de agua caliente y toallas.
- About two quarts full, probably.
- Probablemente a causa de lo que ha bebido.
And he better ice up about eight quarts of champagne.
- Y pon champán a enfriar.
You hook a schnook, I'm invited to Hamburger Heaven for dinner and Loc shows up each night with a man from the drugstore with more shower caps and quarts of aspirin. Where will that get us?
Tú atrapas a un tonto, a mí me invitan a cenar hamburguesas y Loc aparece todas las noches con un hombre de la farmacia con gorras de baño y tabletas de aspirinas. ¿ Adónde nos llevará?
That water comes from here, from the peaks, from Monte Oscuro, and it won't take long to dry up, because when the people come back it won't carry more than two quarts.
Este agua de aquí viene de las cumbres, de Monte Oscuro, y no tardará en secarse también, porque por la vuelta del pueblo no llevará más de dos cuartas.
I would like you to leave two quarts of Grade A milk tomorrow... and a quarter of a pound of butter... as I am no longer just working off and on... but have accepted a position as an executive.
Quisiera que mañana me dejaras dos cuartos de leche de tipo A... y un cuarto de mantequilla... ya no trabajo a media jornada... pero he haceptado un puesto de ejecutiva.
Leave two quarts tomorrow.
Mañana deja dos litros.
I drink two quarts a day myself.
Yo bebo dos litros al día.
I've got a couple of quarts.
Tenemos algunas de cervezas.
I'll trade it for three quarts, and I mean good, now three quarts of good whiskey.
La cambiaré por tres cuartos del bueno, ahora tres cuartos de buen whisky.
She wanted, uh, two quarts of milk and a dozen eggs.
Dos litros de leche y una docena de huevos.
Yesterday, I drunk nigh on to two quarts.
Ayer me bebí dos cuartos
Um, three quarts a day between them.
Tres litros al día para ellas dos...

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