Quested traduction Espagnol
55 traduction parallèle
I had a feeling you were part of this, Karpof.
Tenía un presentimiento quested era parte de esto, Karpof.
First time in India, Miss Quested?
¿ Su primer viaje a la India, Srta. Quested?
I believe you and Ronny met in the Lake District, Miss Quested?
Tengo entendido que Ronny y usted se conocieron en el Lake District.
Miss Quested was with her aunt and I was with Ronny.
La Srta. Quested estaba con su tía y yo estaba con Ronny.
Mrs Moore, Miss Quested, have a drink.
Sra. Moore, Srta. Quested, tomen una copa.
- And Miss Quested, her companion.
- Y a la Srta. Quested, su compañera.
Mrs Moore, Miss Quested, Professor Godbole.
La Sra. Moore, la Srta. Quested, el profesor Godbole.
You know, Miss Quested, when I first saw Mrs Moore it was in the moonlight.
Srta. Quested, cuando conocí a la Sra. Moore fue a la luz de la Luna.
In simple terms, Miss Quested, life is a wheel with many spokes.
En términos sencillos, la vida es una rueda con muchos radios.
- Why don't you marry Miss Quested? - Good Lord!
¿ Por qué no se casa con la Srta. Quested?
So no Miss Quested for Mr Fielding.
No hay Srta. Quested para el Sr. Fielding.
Don't worry, Miss Quested.
Tranquila, Srta. Quested.
Have you seen Miss Quested and Dr Aziz?
¿ Ha visto a la Srta. Quested y al Dr. Aziz?
- Where is Miss Quested?
- ¿ Dónde está la Sra. Quested?
Why did Miss Quested go off with Mrs Callendar?
¿ Por qué se ha ido con ella la Srta. Quested?
So I ran over to the edge and I saw Miss Quested getting in.
He corrido hasta el borde y la he visto subir a él.
Miss Quested accuses Dr Aziz of attempted rape?
¿ La Srta. Quested acusa a Aziz de intentar violarla? - Sí.
Where is Miss Quested now?
¿ Dónde está la Srta. Quested?
I suppose there's no possibility of my seeing Miss Quested?
Supongo que no tengo ninguna posibilidad de verla.
Why did Mrs Moore bring Miss Quested to Chandrapore?
¿ Por qué la Sra. Moore trajo a Chandrapur a la Srta. Quested?
We were delighted to hear the major's report on Miss Quested.
Nos alegra oír los informes sobre la Srta. Quested.
On April 3rd of this year, Miss Quested and her friend, Mrs Moore, were invited to a tea party at the house of the principal of Government College.
El 3 de abril del presente, la Srta. Quested y su amiga, la Sra. Moore, fueron invitadas a un té en casa del director del colegio estatal.
It was here that the prisoner first met Miss Quested, a young girl fresh from England.
Allí, el reo conoció a la Srta. Quested, recién llegada de Inglaterra.
I shall begin by reminding you of my contention that prisoner proposed the expedition with a premeditated intention of making advances to Miss Quested.
Empezaré por recordarle mi opinión de que el reo propuso la excursión con la intención premeditada de insinuarse a la Srta. Quested.
Prisoner achieved his objective by entering a cave with Miss Quested, leaving this elderly lady in the rear, where she was crushed and crowded by servants and villagers.
El reo entró en una cueva con la Srta. Quested, dejando a la anciana dama en la parte de atrás, donde fue aplastada por sirvientes y aldeanos.
I now call upon Miss Quested.
Llamo a declarar a la Srta. Quested.
Miss Quested, you heard this morning the slur cast on British justice by the defence.
Esta mañana ha oído la afrenta de la defensa a la justicia británica.
Now, Miss Quested, you went off up the slope with the prisoner and the guide.
Srta. Quested, usted fue ladera arriba con el reo y el guía.
Miss Quested, we were going up the slope.
Srta. Quested, íbamos ladera arriba.
Miss Quested, you and the prisoner continued up to the caves?
Srta. Quested, ¿ el reo y usted continuaron hasta las cuevas?
Miss Quested, the prisoner followed you, didn't he?
Srta. Quested, el reo la siguió, ¿ no es verdad?
Miss Quested, address your remarks to me.
Srta. Quested, diríjame sus respuestas.
And remember - you speak on oath, Miss Quested.
Y recuerde que está bajo juramento.
You withdraw the accusation, Miss Quested?
¿ Retira los cargos, Srta. Quested?
- Miss Quested has had some bad news.
- Ha tenido malas noticias. - Cuánto lo siento.
I'm sorry, Godbole, but Miss Quested is extremely upset.
Lo siento, pero la Srta. Quested está muy disgustada.
Miss Quested is going as soon as she can get a passage.
La Srta. Quested se irá en cuanto consiga un pasaje.
I'm sorry, but I've had enough of showing Miss Quested India.
Ya me harté de enseñarle la India a la Srta. Quested.
Miss Quested introduced us.
La Srta. Quested nos presentó.
"Dear Miss Quested, tonight is the Festival of Light, and I am writing this to ask you to forgive me."
"Querida Srta. Quested, esta noche es el Festival de la Luz, y le escribo para pedirle que me perdone".
You've been quested to take the Dragon Crown and throw it into the volcano.
Se te encargó tomar la Corona del Dragón y arrojarla al volcán.
I can assure you, Samuel Quested, that I made those children to glorify the Lord.
Puedo asegurarle, Samuel Quested, que hice niños para glorificar al Señor.
Samuel Quested.
Samuel Quested.
BARNABY : And Alice Quested was the only witness.
Y Alice Quested fue la única testigo.
It's Samuel Quested's idea. Don't worry.
Es idea de Samuel Quested, no se preocupen.
Sam Quested somehow discovered that Peter Slim and Esme Baker were married.
Sam Quested de alguna manera descubrió que Peter Slim y Esme Baker estaban casados.
Quested had to assert his authority over the valley.
Quested tenía que hacer valer su autoridad sobre el valle.
Samuel Quested... you animal.
Samuel Quested... tú animal.
You bastard, Sam Quested!
¡ Bastardo, Sam Quested!
Samuel Quested, you're under arrest for the murders of Peter Slim and Conrad Walker.
Samuel Quested, está bajo arresto por las muertes de Peter Slim y Conrad Walker.
Leave her, Quested, or I'll shoot you down like the mad dog you are.
Déjala, Quested, o te bajo de un tiro como el perro rabioso que eres.
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questioning 24
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