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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Q ] / Quigley

Quigley traduction Espagnol

312 traduction parallèle
Oh, Quigley.
¡ Quigley!
Dan Quigley.
Dan Quigley.
Well, Mr. Quigley, I want you to know my brother-in-law, Mr. Maddock.
Señor Quigley, le presento a mi cuñado el señor Maddock.
A pair of queens for Quigley and an ace showing for me.
Pareja de reinas para Quigley y un as para mí.
Well, better luck next time, Quigley.
La próxima vez, será mejor.
Say, isn't your name, uh, Quigley?
¿ No te llamarás Quigley?
- Dan Quigley?
- ¿ Dan Quigley?
- Your name Quigley?
- ¿ Se llama Quigley?
Hello, Quigley?
¿ Hola, Quigley?
- You mean Quigley?
- ¿ Te refieres a Quigley?
" Why don't you feature Dan Quigley?
"Dénle papeles a Dan Quigley".
A group of my girlfriends are forming a Dan Quigley club.
"Mis amigas han creado un club de fans de Dan Quigley"
- Hello, Quigley.
- Hola, Quigley.
Oh, Mr. Quigley, would you autograph this menu for me?
Señor Quigley, ¿ puede firmarme el menú?
- Listen, Quigley, you're under arrest.
- Escuche, queda detenido.
Thompson, stop all advertising, exploitation and publicity on Quigley.
Thompson, pare toda la publicidad sobre Quigley.
We can't back up Quigley in a scandal like this.
No podemos apoyarle en semejante escándalo.
- 331 Quigley Place, Forest Hills.
- 331 Quigley Place, Forest Hills.
331 Quigley Place, Forest Hills.
331 Quigley Place, Forest Hills.
Yeah, I heard. 331 Quigley Place, Forest Hills.
Ya oí. 331 Quigley Place, Forest Hills.
Princeton, Commander Quigley.
En Princeton, comandante Quigley.
QUIGLEY : And the signal and recognition officer - Ensign Twitchell.
Y el oficial de señales y reconocimiento, el alférez Twitchell.
Commander Quigley.
Comandante Quigley.
- Commander Quigley.
- Comandante Quigley.
Quigley is-well, he's exec in name only.
Quigley es... bueno, es segundo de nombre solamente.
It's Quigley-I wanted to belt him the first time I saw him.
Quigley-le quise pegar la primera vez que lo vi.
I'll tell you something else - Commander Quigley also wanted to go. He volunteered immediately.
Le digo algo más... el comandante Quigley también quería ir.
Commander Quigley!
¡ Comandante Quigley!
QUIGLEY : Yes, sir.
Commander Quigley and I are going to an operations meeting.
Quigley y yo vamos a una reunión de operaciones.
Quigley moved on to his own command.
Quigley se consiguió su propio comando.
- Come on, Quigley.
- Vamos, Quigley.
Come on, help me get it in.
Vamos Quigley, ayudame a meterlo.
Come on, Quigley!
Vamos, Quigley.
Translated for Karagarga by : Quigley ( Croatia ) February 2012
Subtítulos :
How do you do, Quigley, 99?
- Mucho gusto. - Hola.
Quigley, the General's name is Christian. The Admiral's name is Crichton and the colonel's name is Quinton.
Quigley, el general es Christian el almirante es Crichton y el coronel es Quinton.
Now, 99, Quigley, the entire world is at the mercy of a madman.
99, Quigley, el mundo entero está a merced de un demente.
I just said... take these along with you, Quigley. They're scientifically treated so that they will insulate you against the cold.
Tratados científicamente para protegerlo del frío.
- Now remember, Quigley, the entire world is depending on you.
- Recuerde, Quigley el mundo entero depende de ustedes.
So this is Agent Quigley of the CIA
Él es el agente Quigley, de la CIA.
I'm Quigley from Intelligence.
Soy Quigley de la CIA.
Aha, that tracking device we put into Quigley's glove is working.
Funciona el rastreador que pusimos en el guante de Quigley.
Agent 99, you sleep in one tent, and Quigley and I will sleep in the other.
Agente 99, usted dormirá en una tienda y Quigley y yo dormiremos en otra.
Quigley, do you realize this is the first time we've been alone?
Quigley, ¿ sabes que es la primera vez que estamos solos?
Oh no, Quigley, we don't have to call the Pentagon.
No hay que llamar al Pentágono.
Hurry, Quigley.
Rápido, Quigley.
This is Agent Quigley calling Royal Mounted headquarters in Whitehorse.
Agente Quigley llamando a la Policía Montada en Whitehorse.
( intercom buzzes )
- La agente 99, CONTROL y el agente Quigley, CIA. - ¿ Sí?
CONTROL Agent 99 and CIA Agent Quigley are here, sir. Good, send'em right in.
Bien, hágalos pasar.

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