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Ran away traduction Espagnol

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That's where Bjorn ran away, at the back through the bushes.
Bjorn desapareció por ahí, entre los matorrales.
We tried taking him to the doctor, and he ran away.
Intentamos llevarlo al médico y corrió.
She ran away quickly.
¡ Huyó de allí muy rápido!
It's not that we want to think that Ben ran away with your grandchildren.
No es que creamos que Ben huyera con sus nietos.
Big Larry's idea of fun was to whack me in the face, so I ran away when Little Larry was a baby, and Donny, Big Larry's cousin, took pity on us and gave us this place to live.
La idea de diversión del Larry Grande era golpearme en la cara, así que huí cuando el pequeño Larry era un bebé, y Donny, el primo del Larry Grande, se apiadó de nosotros y nos dio este lugar para vivir.
You ran away?
¿ Saliste corriendo?
You ran away.
Te escapaste.
You ran away several times and totally came back...
Te escapabas varias veces y volvías...
His adored father ran away from them.
Su adorado padre se escapó de ellos.
- Maybe your dog just ran away.
Tal vez tu perro solo huyó.
I got arrested for selling DVDs, and then I ran away.
Me arrestaron por vender DVDs, y luego me escapé.
Your sister ran away and you're going to college
Tu hermana huyo, ¿ y tú vas a la universidad?
What nonsense? Renu's the one who ran away
Qué tontería, Renu es quien huyo.
She ran away and they are stopping me from going to college.
Ella huyo y ellos me detienen a mí para que no vaya a la universidad.
He ran away He ran away
¡ Él huyo, él huyo!
- Sir, he ran away
- ¡ Señor, él huyo!
- You know Bablu ran away?
- ¿ Sabe que Bablu huyo?
You ran away from home
Tú huiste de casa.
She ran away from home at Deeksha's wedding...
Ella se escapó de la casa en la boda de Deeksha.
The day before Deeksha's wedding she ran away with all the money...
El día antes de la boda de Deeksha ella huyó con todo el dinero...
Meeta... the last time you ran away, Papa had a heart attack...
Meeta... la última vez que escapaste, papá tuvo un ataque al corazón.
And then Walt ran away, and I can't find him anywhere.
Y entonces Walt escapó, y no lo encuentro por ninguna parte
I used to catch the flamingos that ran away from my Uncle's farm in Florida.
Solía "cazar" los flamencos que se escapaban de la granja de mi tío en Florida.
The first time I ran away from home to get away from my mom and one of her deadbeat boyfriends, I wound up in Miami working at one of the hottest clubs in town.
La primera vez que huí de casa para alejarme de mi madre y uno de sus holgazanes novios, acabé en Miami trabajando en uno de los clubs de moda de la ciudad.
Your sister ran away twice.
Tu hermana escapó dos veces.
You ran away to be a human.
Huiste para ser un humano.
When we needed him, he ran away!
¡ Cuando lo necesitábamos, salió corriendo!
Probably not, as I ran away like a madman.
Probablemente no, saldría corriendo como una señora.
I would have stabbed them all, but they ran away like scared little bunnies.
Podría haberlos apuñalado a todos, pero huyeron como conejitos asustados.
That's the world we ran away from.
Ese es el mundo del que huimos.
Ran away, never came back.
Se escapó, nunca volvió.
I mean, I know loads of people with dogs, and none of them ran away.
Bueno, conozco a un montón de gente con perros, no todos huyeron.
And tell the social workers that she ran away.
And tell the social workers that she ran away.
No contact with them since she ran away from home at age 15... with a man she met on the Internet.
No tiene contacto con ellos desde que huyó de su casa a los 15 años... con un hombre que conoció en Internet.
- They ran away.
- Huyeron.
Quick question... I just kissed a woman who then wordlessly ran away from me and it was quite possibly the most awkward moment of my entire life.
Acabo de enrollarme con una tía que ha salido corriendo sin decir palabra, y es la cosa más rara que me ha pasado en la vida.
I met an Irishman with whom I ran away.
Conocí a un irlandés con el que me escapé.
She ran away with the Italian.
Ella se escapó con el italiano.
He ran away.
His neighbor's daughter didn't want to marry... and ran away.
La hija de su vecino no quería casarse... y huyó.
And that's why she ran away with Wyatt, because she didn't want to mess up Jude's adoption.
Y por eso se escapó con Wyatt, porque no quería estropear la adopción de Jude.
The police believe that David simply ran away, and my mother still thinks that, to this day.
La policía cree que David simplemente huyó... y mi madre, al día de hoy, lo sigue creyendo.
And then he ran away and disappeared.
Y un día, se marchó y desapareció.
I ran away.
- ¡ Me escapé!
And one night, Madison - - it was, um it was "Margaret" then - - she ran away, and I didn't hear from her for months.
Y una noche, Madison - era, um que era "Margaret", entonces - se escapó, y yo no volví a saber de ella durante meses.
That was the plan when you ran away, right - - live with him in Oakland?
Ese era tu plan cuando te escapaste, ¿ verdad? ¿ Vivir con él en Oakland?
He ran away. Didn't get far.
No llegó lejos.
I ran away and he chased me.
Yo corrí y él me agarró.
He grabbed my arm and I ran away from him.
Me agarró del brazo y me escapé de él.
That's why he ran away.
Es por ello que se fue.
He ran with this group of thieves in the underbelly of London, and then he threw away his old clothes and became King Henry V and then successfully conquered France.
Luego lanzó todas sus viejas ropas y se convirtió en el rey Enrique V... Y luego exitosamente conquistó Francia.

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