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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ R ] / Rapid beeping

Rapid beeping traduction Espagnol

65 traduction parallèle
( Pitidos rápidos )
( Pitidos rápidos ) IAN :
[Short, Rapid Beeping] We will overtake them in a matter of minutes.
Los adelantaremos en unos minutos.
- [Rapid Beeping] - We're losir power!
Perdemos potencia.
[Rapid Beeping]
( Tonos rápidos )
Once there, you must send me his vital signs... ( rapid beeping )
Cuando llegue necesito que me mande sus signos vitales cada...
- [Derek ] Oh, son of a bitch. - [ rapid beeping]
Ay, maldita sea.
[Rapid Beeping ] [ Alarm Blaring]
- Willow Field? - [Rapid Beeping]
¿ Willow Field?
Es mía!
We're installing a pacing wire to... ( RAPID BEEPING )
Le estamos poniendo un electrodo marcapasos para...
[rapid beeping] V - fib!
¡ Está fibrilando!
( rapid beeping )
( pitidos rápidos )
- One, two, three. [rapid beeping] - Elena?
- Uno, dos, tres. - ¿ Elena?
Clear. [rapid beeping]
We're gonna get your husband out of there. - [Rapid Beeping ] - [ Line Ringing]
Jacinda y su suplente han resultado heridas en un extraño accidente.
Just go back to working on Eri... ( rapid beeping )
Sólo vuelve a trabajar en Eri... ¡ ¿ Scott?
( rapid beeping ) There's no twitching.
No hay fasciculaciones.
( rapid beeping ) We've been searching for a half hour now.
Ya llevamos buscando media hora.
Uhh! [RAPID BEEPING] That's not good.
Uhhh! Eso no es bueno.
You mean this one? [RAPID BEEPING] Hold on.
¿ Te refieres a este? Espera.
I'm talking about millions! [Rapid beeping] Ohh! Mr. ewing?
¡ Necesito ayuda!
No. [rapid beeping ] [ all chuckle]
Yes. [rapid beeping]
Not once. [rapid beeping] Really?
Ni una vez. ¿ En serio?
( Rapid beeping ) What?
¿ Qué?
[Rapid beeping] Looks like a wide-complex tachycardia, maybe v-tach.
Parece ser una taquicardia compleja amplia, quizá sea una ventricular.
[Rapid beeping] Fine V-Fib.
Fine V-Fib.
Heart rate's still in the 50s. ( rapid beeping )
La frecuencia cardíaca todavia está en 50.
I need him out. ( rapid beeping continues ) ( Nicole groans )
Necesito que salga.
[tires squeal ] [ rapid beeping] - left, leo!
- ¡ A la izquierda, Leo!
[rapid beeping] - Error, error, error. - Yaaaah!
- Error, error, error.
Okay. ( rapid beeping )
De acuerdo.
- ( rapid beeping ) - man : We're being followed.
Nos siguen.
( rapid beeping ) Like some bear for you to poke?
¿ Como arriesgarte a que pase algo?
( very rapid beeping ) Oh, God, no, no, no, no.
Dios, no, no, no, no.
[loud rapid beeping]
[Pitidos rápidos en voz alta]
[Rapid beeping]
[Tonos rápidos]
[rapid beeping ] [ murmuring]
[Pitido rápido ] [ Murmurando]
Three-quarters off. ( BEEPING ) ( RAPID BEEPING )
Aflojando tres cuartos.
( RAPID BEEPING ) Keep the rapid infuser going.
- Mantén el infusor a tope.
[rapid beeping] She's not a monster!
[Pitido rápido] ella no es un monstruo!
[rapid beeping] Come on.
[Rapid Beeping]
Significa : "¡ Larguémonos ya mismo!".
[Rapid Beeping] Dr. Devico, we're off-line.
Dra. de Vico, estamos desconectados
- ( rapid beeping ) - They tagged him.
Lo marcaron.
[rapid beeping and whirring] - Subroutine program taking over.
- Cargando programas de subrutinas.
[scoffs ] [ rapid beeping] What happened?
¿ Qué pasó?
Here goes. ( rapid beeping ) Oh, boy.
Aquí vamos. ¿ Cómo diablos la has desmantelado?
[equipment powers down ] [ rapid beeping] Our secrets die with her.
Nuestros secretos mueren con ella.

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