Seo traduction Espagnol
1,705 traduction parallèle
But fortunately I think Mr. Seo has managed both.
Pero, afortunadamente, creo que el señor Seo ha logrado ambas cosas.
I don't know who I am any more. Am I Seo Jiwoo or Lee Jeokyo's mask?
Ya no sé quién soy. ¿ Soy Seo Jiwoo o la máscara de Lee Jeokyo?
Eungyo by Seo Jiwoo!
¡ "Eungyo" por Seo Jiwoo!
The 35th Literary Award winner is Eungyo written by Mr. Sea Jiwool
¡ El ganador del 35º Premio Literario es "Eungyo", escrita por el Sr. Seo Jiwoo!
Mr. Sea Jiwoo has called him a father-figure
El Sr. Seo Jiwoo lo ha llamado una figura paterna...
Mr. Seo!
¡ Señor Seo!
Me, Seo Jiwoo the genre novelist, People scorned me But now they worship me.
A mí, Seo Jiwoo el novelista de género... la gente me despreció... pero ahora me idolatran.
I'm Seo Jiwoo and... I'm really going to succeed, sir.
Soy Seo Jiwoo y... de verdad voy a tener éxito, señor.
I... killed... Sea Jiwoo.
Yo... maté... a Seo Jiwoo.
Seo In Ha!
Seo In Ha.
- Do you know where Suh In Ha is?
¿ Sabes dónde está Seo In Ha?
Isn't that Suh In Ha?
¿ No es ese Seo In Ha?
Hi, it's Chang Mo, sir.
Soy Chang Mo, Sra. Seo.
You bastard!
Seo In Ha, idiota.
Suh In Ha! Are you going to cheat your way out again?
Seo In Ha, deja de ser un cobarde.
Hi, Suh. Wow!
Hola, Jefe Seo.
Calm down, Joon.
- Seo Joon, cálmate.
He wasn't going to hang up was he?
Seo Joon, no iba a colgar, ¿ cierto?
Suh has big confidence about his work. Everyone knows that.
Aunque todos sabemos que el Jefe Seo Joon tiene mucha confianza.
He was popular right when he first made his debut from New York with his dirty photos.
Seo Joon, cuando regresaste de Nueva York tuviste un gran éxito por unas fotos llamativas.
Jefe Seo Joon.
Jefe Seo.
I'm Suh Joon!
Soy Seo Joon.
Yeah, Suh Joon. You have something called family inheritance. But I have something called family debt.
Sí, eres Seo Joon y tienes dinero, pero yo tengo deudas.
Joon! Your luggage is here.
Seo Joon, tu equipaje.
Mr. Suh.
Sr. Seo.
Oh yeah, Professor Suh called.
Ah, sí, el Profesor Seo llamó.
Suh Joon!
¡ Oye! ! Seo Joon!
Oh yeah, Suh Joon.
Pero, Seo Joon.
Hey, Suh Joon!
Oye, Seo Joon!
Seo Yoon Jae?
Seo Yun Jae...
Are you Seo Yoon Jae ahjussi?
¿ Eres Seo Yun Jae?
The person who got in the accident with you is Seo Yoon Jae ahjussi.
La persona con la que te accidentaste fue Seo Yun Jae.
Seo Yoon Jae?
¿ Seo Yun Jae?
I came into Seo Yoon Jae's body, right?
Entonces, ¿ dices que estoy en el cuerpo de Seo Yun Jae...
You started living as Yoon Jae right after the accident.
Desde el día del accidente has vivido como Seo Yun Jae.
They think you're Yoon Jae.
Creen que eres Seo Yun Jae.
You're not the one who did it. Seo Yoon Jae did.
No te casaste tú, se casó Seo Yun Jae.
And the wedding ring that Teacher Gil is wearing right now is the ring that Yoon Jae gave to her.
Y el anillo que ella usa lo compró Seo Yun Jae.
What did she say? According to Ma Ri, You asked me to help you so that you could get married to Yoon Jae.
Según Ma Ri... me pediste que te ayudara a casarte con Seo Yun Jae.
Anyway, I'll continue to act like Yoon Jae like I was doing.
A pesar de eso, seguiré fingiendo ser Seo Yun Jae.
Trying to keep him as far away as possible and when Seo Yoon Jae was sick, brought him closer and that you even drew his blood, how would he feel then?
¿ Qué crees que pensará al saber que querías mantenerlo escondido? Pero entonces supiste que Seo Yun Jae estaba enfermo... y fuiste capaz de casi robarle la sangre.
There was nothing we could do about Seo Son-In-Law going to Germany, but you said you'd go with your family!
La ida de Seo seobang a Alemania se pospuso. Pero creo que toda la familia se irá pronto.
Maybe it's cause she's really planning on living away from Seo Son-in-law for a little...
Parece determinada a vivir lejos de Seo Seobang.
Seo Son-In-Law is going to Germany soon!
Él se va a Alemania pronto.
If you break up with Yoon Jae and get kicked out by your family and come to this place where there's no one and hold in memories of a person that's not even there it won't become something that never happened!
Si terminas con Seo Yun Jae, te echará tu familia... vienes a un lugar así donde no conoces a nadie... y lloras por alguien que no existe... eso no traerá a esa persona de vuelta.
Seo son-in-law called Choong Shik and asked what the name of the school Da Ran was going to was called.
Choong Sik dijo que Seo seobang le llamó para saber dónde está la escuela.
That's so good!
Es muy buena. - Seo In Ha es increíble.
Nice going, Seo In Ha.
- Es muy buena.
- Suh In Ha!
- Seo In Ha.
¡ Seo Joon!
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