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Shawn traduction Espagnol

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I am beautiful, Shawn.
Soy hermoso, Shawn.
Shawn! Psst!
¡ Shawn!
These are delicious beacons of heartbreak, Shawn.
Estas son deliciosas balizas de rompecorazon, Shawn.
Shawn Spencer and Vijay Amritraj.
Shawn Spencer y Vijay Amritraj.
Now, Shawn, before the break, you were about to tell us just what it feels like to have these other-worldly abilities.
Ahora, Shawn, antes del corte nos estabas por contar como es que se siente tener esas habilidades de otro mundo.
Shawn doesn't come around much these days.
Shawn no viene muy seguido estos días.
- Look, Shawn.
- Mira, Shawn.
Shawn, you saw your parents shagging?
Shawn, ¿ Viste a tus padres haciéndolo?
Well, I am psychic detective, Shawn Spencer, and this is my partner, Django Unchained.
Bueno, soy el detective vidente Shawn Spencer, y este es mi socio Django Unchained
She said pretty face, Shawn.
Ella dijo cara bonita, Shawn.
It's your favorite psychic, Shawn Spencer, and his partner, Burton Guster.
Es tu psíquico favorito, Shawn Spencer, y su compañero, Burton Guster.
It was a 3 : 00 A.M. show, Shawn.
Era la emisión de las 3 : 00 AM, Shawn.
- Shawn? - Oops.
- ¿ Shawn?
No, Shawn, do not take that call!
No, Shawn, ¡ no cojas esa llamada!
My life is not fodder for your show, Shawn.
Mi vida no es tema para tu programa, Shawn.
This guy Redd kills a lot of stuff, Shawn.
Este tipo Redd mata a muchas cosas, Shawn.
[Chuckles] I am radio personality, Shawn Spencer, and this is- -
Soy una personalidad de la radio, Shawn Spencer, y esto eso- -
Well, Shawn, I have good news and bad news.
Bueno, Shawn, tengo buenas y malas noticias.
Miranda has a vision for me, Shawn.
Miranda tuvo una visión de mi, Shawn.
I have the power to touch people, Shawn.
Tengo el poder de tocar a las personas, Shawn.
What I was born to do, Shawn.
Lo qué estaba predestinado a hacer, Shawn.
The man is a living comic book villain, Shawn!
¡ El hombre es un villano de historieta viviente, Shawn!
You're not helping, Shawn!
¡ No estás ayudando, Shawn!
Really, Shawn?
¿ En serio, Shawn?
That's all you're getting from me, Shawn.
Eso es todo lo que tendrás de mi, Shawn.
Man, this is weird, Shawn, even for you.
Viejo, esto es raro, Shawn, incluso para ti.
These drugs aren't recreational, Shawn.
Esas drogas recreativas, Shawn.
These are for a serious condition.
Son para una condición seria, Shawn.
¡ Shawn!
I am honored to recognize Chief Karen Vick, her dedicated officers, and the extraordinary Shawn Spencer for their invaluable service to the community.
Tengo el honor de reconocer a la jefa Karen Vicks, a sus agentes, y al increíble Shawn Spencer por su incalculable servicio a la comunidad.
Shawn, we legally can't remove the traffic lights and speed limit signs.
Shawn, legalmente no podemos quitar los semáforos y los límites de velocidad.
In a minute, J. Listen, Shawn, you always brighten my day whenever you come down here, and I wanted to offer up a little token.
Un minuto, J. Escucha, Shawn, siempre me alegras el día cuando te pasas por aquí, y quería ofrecer una pequeña muestra.
- Shawn, no.
- Shawn, no.
Shawn, I'm not going to brunch at the mayor's house with you.
Shawn, no voy a almorzar contigo en la casa del alcalde.
Boning up is not a thing, Shawn.
Empollar no significa eso, Shawn.
Everyone liked him, Shawn- - - Hmm.
A todo el mundo le gustaba, Shawn...
- You know, Shawn, I could've made it in all the way to the White House. - Yeah.
- Sabes, Shawn, podría haber llegado a la Casa Blanca.
That's James Cromwell, Shawn.
Ese es James Cromwell, Shawn.
Tom, this is Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster.
- No. Tom, este es Shawn Spencer y Burton Guster.
My name is Shawn Spencer.
- Hola. Me llamo Shawn Spencer.
I wasn't aiming at her, Shawn.
No le estaba apuntando.
Shawn, we need to get out of here.
Shawn, tenemos que salir de aquí.
There's nothing in the bylaws that says it's illegal to steal bylaws, Shawn. Really?
En el reglamento no hay nada que diga que es ilegal robar reglamentos, Shawn.
Listen, Shawn.
¿ Qué? Escucha, Shawn.
And so it is with that same sense of pride and a renewed hope for unbound glory that I, Shawn Spencer, do hereby declare my candidacy for the office of mayor.
con ese mismo sentimiento de orgullo y una esperanza renovada por la gloria que está por venir que yo, Shawn Spencer, por la presente declaro mi candidatura para el cargo de alcalde.
Now, Shawn, it's very important that your first TV interview is a success.
Ahora, Shawn, es muy importante que tu primera entrevista de televisión sea un éxito.
I know, Shawn, but you still don't want to look ridiculous.
Lo se, Shawn, pero aun así no querrás hacer el ridículo.
- Now, listen, Shawn.
- Escúchame, Shawn.
You looked like a complete lunatic, Shawn.
Parecías un auténtico lunático Shawn.
Who wrote me? Eh? Eh?
¿ Quién me escribió? - ¿ Shawn?

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