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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ S ] / She's not in here

She's not in here traduction Espagnol

278 traduction parallèle
She's not here today, had to visit her relatives in the countryside.
Hoy no ha venido, ha ido a visitar unos parientes al campo.
Now, she's a very shy young lady and though I know I should not impose upon her, I do so in the name of Mr. Drake, our host, and because it happens, quite by chance, that the orchestra has here a Strauss waltz... which I think we may persuade her to sing for us.
Es una jovencita muy tímida... y aunque sé que no debería importunarla con esta solicitud... lo hago en nombre del Sr. Drake, nuestro anfitrión... y porque da la casualidad... de que la orquesta tiene un vals de Strauss... y creo que podemos convencerla para que nos lo cante.
I can't even help Allison unless I get you out of here... before she breaks her heart wishing for something that's not in the cards.
Y no puedo ayudar a Allison, a menos que te saque de aquí. antes de que le rompas el corazón, esperando con ilusión algo imposible.
They found her station wagon on the side of the Shore Road this morning, and if she's not here to receive them in person this afternoon, they're liable to start digging-up your cellar.
Encontraron su ranchera a un lado del paseo marítimo esta mañana... y si ella no está aquí para recibirlos en persona esta tarde, van a empezar a cavar en su sótano.
She's not supposed to be in here.
No debería estar aquí.
- Well, she's not a new husband. Some bin shot here in Mexico.
Bueno, ella tiene nuevo marido.
She's not in here.
- ¿ Dónde está Van Zandt?
You turn around, and run this way and you see Milano eating parsley he's not here, he's in his place the rose is coming up and the carnation is fading away... She's dead!
abriendo la rosa y cerrando elclavel, iEstá muerta!
Well, she's not back there with the nuts and bolts, but she's here, in this town somewhere.
Bueno, no digo que esté en esta casa, pero sí en algún lugar de la ciudad.
Can you tell me if Miss Laurent is here? She's not in.
- ¿ Está la señorita Laurent?
But she's not in charge here, Thomas is.
Pero ella no manda aquí, manda Thomas.
You not only humiliate me in front of people... but you insult my intelligence by introducing that woman as Mrs Harvey Crothers... and then again as Mrs Hudson when she's sleeping here in your cabin.
No sólo me humillas en frente de la gente... también insultas mi inteligencia presentando esa mujer como la Sra. de Harvey Crothers... y después también como la Sra. Hudson, cuando ella duerme aquí en tu cabina.
She's not a child anymore. And it's selfish to keep her here in this special world.
Ya no es una n ¡ ña y es egoísta retenerla aquí en este mundo espec ¡ al.
Jungle Lad, is it not sufficient just to be here locked in embrace in the arms of she who is every man's dream?
Tarzán, ¿ no es suficiente estar entre los brazos...? ¿ de la que es el sueño de cualquier hombre?
She's not in here, brother,
No está aquí, hermano.
- She's not in here.
- No, no está aquí.
( HIGH-PITCHED WHIRRING ) She's obviously not in here.
- Obviamente no está aquí.
My mother's standing right here, and she's not gonna let her youngest baby get shrapnel in his gums.
Mi madre no dejaría que me llenaran las encías de metralla.
Is she in here? - No, she's not!
- ¡ No, no está!
If she's not here in five minutes... there's going to be so many violations against this place... that you won't be able to open a can of beer tonight.
Sino está aquí dentro de 5 minutos, .. se van a encontrar tantas infracciones en este teatro, .. qué ni siquiera podrá estrenar está noche.
Lady Julia's not here only myself here and the two girls and poor Father Membling who was blown up, not a roof to his head not a stick of furniture till Julia took him in with the kind heart she's got and his nerves something shocking.
Lady Julia no está aquí... aquí sólo estoy yo, las dos chicas y el pobre padre Membling... a quien echaron, dejándole sin techo... sin un solo mueble... hasta que Julia le acogió aquí, con su buen corazón de siempre con los nervios destrozados.
Why is she always coming around here, poking her nose in where she's not wanted?
¿ Porque ella siempre está viniendo por aquí, Metiendo sus narices en donde no la han llamado?
She's not gonna bring another girl in here tomorrow night.
No va a traer a otra chica mañana por la noche.
- No. - She's not in here!
- No. - ¡ Ella no está aquí!
She's not in here anymore.
Ya no esta aqui.
If she's not here, how did you get in here?
- Si no está aquí, ¿ cómo entraste?
I took her in from a neighbor last year to help out with the youngens,... but she's been in and out of orphanages ever since she was a wee thing, and she's not too proud for here.
La conseguí de una vecina para ayudarme con los niños. Pero ha entrado y salido de orfanatos desde pequeñita. Y no es muy orgullosa para estar aquí.
She's not here in Miami. Maybe- -
No está aquí en Miami.
I took her in from a neighbor last year to help out with the young'ns but she's been in and out of orphanages ever since she was a wee thing and she's not too proud for here.
La conseguí de una vecina para ayudarme con los niños. Pero ha entrado y salido de orfanatos desde pequeñita. Y no es muy orgullosa para estar aquí.
Sitting here at dinner, Mrs. Peacock told us she was eating one of her favorite recipes, and monkey's brains, though popular in Cantonese cuisine, are not often to be found in Washington, D.C.
En la cena, la Sra. Peacock nos dijo lo que comía una de sus recetas preferidas. Los sesos de mono, populares en la cocina cantonesa no suelen encontrarse en Washington, D. C.
- Just let me in for a minute. - She's not here. Tony!
Déjame entrar, María. ¡ Apártate!
- Ella's not in here, is she? - No.
Ella no está contigo, ¿ verdad?
Would you hurry up, please,'cause I don't like being in my mother's house when she's not here.
Rápido. No me gusta estar en casa de mi madre si no está.
- She's not here. She's in the village.
- No está aquí, está en la aldea.
- She's not in here.
¿ Sí?
Doesn't change the fact that she's here now, not up at Jack's with a needle in her arm.
Eso no cambia que ahora esté aquí y no en Jack " s con una aguja en el brazo.
She's safe here with us, not in any trouble.
Está aquí a salvo con nosotros, todo bien.
She's safe here with us. She's not in any trouble.
Está aquí a salvo con nosotros, todo bien.
Maybe she's here, maybe not, but if I see her, I'm going to fall in love.
Talvez esta aquí, Tal vez no. pero si la veo, me empezaré a enamorar.
And while she's here, you, Al Bundy, are not to offend her in any way.
Al Bundy, mientras ella este aquí no quiero que la ofendas.
The dwarf soon went to get her, sure she would go to live with him in the wood. "She's not happy here," he thought.
El enano fue a buscarla, seguro de que ella se iría con él a vivir al bosque. "Ella no es feliz aquí", pensaba el enano.
She's not in here.
Ella no está aquí.
Now remember she came here to have a relaxing dinner, not to be reminded of the situation that she's in.
Recuerden que viene a pasar un rato agradable, no a que le recordemos la situación en la que está.
Come in and search the place if you want. She's not here, Gerry
Entra a buscarla si quieres.
Don't you understand she's still here? She's not waiting for you in Siberia.!
¡ No te espera en Siberia!
Well, she's not back there with the nuts and bolts, but she's here in this town.
Bueno, no está ahí atrás con las tuercas y los tornillos, pero está en esta ciudad.
Not here sir, she's waiting for you in the staff room.
Aquí no, señor, le espera en el trastero.
That is what Desmond always wanted you to believe... but I am telling you, she's very much alive... and in a hotel not ten minutes from here.
Eso es lo que Desmond siempre quiso que creyeran pero te lo digo, ella está muy viva y en un hotel a 10 minutos de aquí. ¿ Sabes qué?
And in the same way, your mother will always be with you... even though she's - Not here.
Y de la misma forma, tu madre siempre estará contigo... aunque ella... no esté aquí.
That's not how she told it. How many others in here you been screwing?
Mírate. ¡ Estás a punto de desplomarte!
I'm outside a house Susan's supposed to show me, and she's not here. No, she's not in right now.
No, no está ahora mismo.

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