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So i've been thinking traduction Espagnol

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As a matter of fact, I've been thinking of changing my story entirely, throwing away everything I've written so far.
En realidad, he pensado en cambiar mi historia totalmente... y descartar lo que escribí hasta ahora.
So I've been thinking you better wire your father.
Por eso he pensado que es mejor que telegrafíe a su padre.
And you know that father and granddad need someone around, so I've been thinking of asking her to move in with us.
Y sabes que padre y el abuelo necesitan a alguien, así que he estado pensando en pedirle que se instale con nosotros.
Since we got no round the similarity of the bullets I've been thinking thinking all day on the other end that Brick was so sure of
Desde que nos enteramos de lo de la similitud de la bala he estado pensando todo el día desde otro ángulo...
Being shut up alone so much... I've been thinking.
Aquí, en la cárcel, a solas tanto tiempo, he estado pensando.
I was thinking. Since I've taken such a beating, and I've been through so much... maybe I wouldn't have to go to school today.
Estaba pensando, hermana que después de esta paliza y de lo mal que lo he pasado sería mejor que no fuera hoy a la escuela.
But as I've been telling it to you, I've been thinking. I'm not so sure.
Como le decía, he estado pensando. No estoy tan seguro.
Look, I've been thinking. Perhaps I ought to leave immediately. You seem to like it here, so why don't you stay on until you've sold the house?
Tal vez sea mejor que yo me vaya enseguida, ya que tú estás... bien aquí, quédate hasta que vendas la villa.
I've been thinking so much these past months, and always wondered what's holding me back from reciprocating your feelings.
He pensado mucho en estos meses... y siempre me he preguntado que me retiene a corresponder tu afecto.
I've been thinking that you were so good in that number... I decided to give you something better to do.
He estado pensando que hiciste tan bien ese número... que decidí darte algo mejor que hacer.
So, what I've been thinking is, why leave her around when we go?
De modo que lo que he pensado es que por qué la vamos a dejar aquí.
I've been thinking, and I want to do this, so don't say no.
He estado pensando y quiero hacerlo, así que no digas que no.
So I got to know one thing, something I've been thinking about.
Así que tengo que saber una cosa... Algo en lo que he estado pensando.
I've been so anxious from thinking about it, I've been restless.
Me preocupa no poder volver a hablar con ella.
I've been thinking about my mama and she's getting so old, and I want to see her.
He estado pensando en mi madre. Ya es muy mayor. Quiero verla.
I've been thinking that for some time. Now I'm prepared to say so.
He estado pensando.Y ahora estoy preparado para decirlo.
So I was thinking about it all when I should've been doing my exam.
Así que pensaba en todo eso, sabes cuando no debería estar haciendo el examen.
I guess because I've been thinking about you so much.
Supongo que es porque he estado pensando tanto en usted.
So I've been thinking.
Entonces, estuve pensando y descubrí todo.
That's nothing. Someone must stay with you, so, I've been thinking...
Alguien debe quedarse con vosotros, así que estuve pensando...
So I've been thinking about something, and what I think we should do...
He estado pensando. Lo que tenemos que hacer...
And thanks for coming. I've... I've been so frightened. I keep thinking...
Y gracias por venir. Tuve... Tuve mucho miedo.
I know you've been content enough here. But I never feel at ease thinking about how you've been given up so much of your own opportunity.
Sé que has estado contenta aquí, pero nunca me he sentido tranquila pensando en todas las oportunidades que tuviste que dejar.
I've been thinking. How come you're so accurate with your palm-reading?
He estado pensando, ¿ por qué eres tan exacta al leer las palmas?
I've been so locked in the home environment... and completely switched my way of thinking... that I didn't really think about music at all.
He estado tan encerrado en el medio hogareño... que cambié del todo mi modo de pensar... que no pensé en la música para nada.
I like it so much, I've been thinking about changing my major from home economics to feminist studies, but I wasn't sure if you had any feminist cooking classes.
- Puedes decirme Margo. - He estado pensando... Quisiera enfatizar más en el feminismo, hay clases de cocina feminista?
So I've been doing a lot of thinking about last night.
He estado pensando sobre Io que pasó anoche.
- No! Okay, so here's what I've been thinking.
Esto es Lo que he estado pensando.
But I've been thinking, maybe you could publish my price list so I don't have to keep repeating myself every time I save somebody.
Pero he estado pensando que tal vez podría publicar mi lista de precios para no tener que repetir lo mismo cada vez que salvo a alguien.
So, I've been thinking of things to help you write... to unblock.
He estado pensando en cosas para ayudarte a escribir... para desbloquearte.
I've been thinking, Parker. We have so much in common psychologically.
He estado pensando que somos similares a nivel psicológico, Parker.
Well, you know, I was thinking about what you said before and you're right, I've never really been a couple, so if that's the rule I'm gonna go by the rule.
Bueno, estuve pensando sobre lo que dijiste antes y tienes razón, nunca estuve en pareja. Así que si ésa es la regla... -... voy a seguirla.
It's just that I've been thinking so much about you lately.
Es sólo que estuve pensando mucho en ti últimamente. ¿ De veras?
- # Just like the lady should # - # Just like the lady should # I've been thinking about this for so long.
Llevo tanto tiempo pensando en esto.
I've been thinking a lot about... the rituals that my mother taught me, and... they don't seem quite so hateful as they did when I was a child.
Ahora que lo pienso. Los rituales que mi madre me enseñó... no me parecían tan odiosos cuando era una niña.
So look, I've been doing some thinking about the trip and I think if we're gonna do this, I figure we may as well leave next week.
Mira, estuve pensando acerca del viaje y creo que si vamos a hacerlo, podríamos salir la semana próxima.
So, I've been thinking about you a lot.
He estado pensando mucho en ti.
"Cause all this time I" ve been thinking you were so miserable.
No dejaba de pensar que te sentías desdichada.
- So I've been thinking, is this Malkovich fellow appealing?
Estuve pensando. ¿ Es este Malkovich atractivo?
I've been thinking about it, and... I really like doing this drawing thing... so I'm gonna keep working at it.
He pensado en eso y... realmente haré esto de dibujar, así que seguiré trabajando en ello.
No, you know, I was thinking of it, and then I thought, oh, hell, you know, we've been getting along so well.
No, saben, lo estuve pensando, y digo, qué diablos, saben, nos hemos estado llevando tan bien.
So, I've been thinking about it... and I'm gonna do the right thing.
He estado pensando al respecto... y voy a hacer lo correcto
So I thought maybe now is the time for a job I've been thinking about the last few months.
Ahora es el momento de un robo en el que llevo unos meses pensando.
But it is okay, because I've been thinking about it... and I think what happened is that you're my best friend and I love you... and I got jealous when you were spending so much time with Ryan... and then with you graduating.
No, sí tiene importancia. Sí porque tú eres mi mejor amiga, y te quiero y me pongo celosa de tu amigo Ryan y como te vas a graduar en cierto modo, quería conservar todo igual.
I've been thinking about you so much.
He estado pensando mucho en ti.
Which is why I've been thinking- - You're so good at building- - Don't you think you might make use of that wall... to build a room for Ciro?
Por lo cual he estado pensando tú que eres tan bueno para construir ¿ no crees que sería bueno usar esa pared para hacerle un cuarto a Ciro?
I've been taking shit from people I've known all my life so that I could be with you, thinking that we're in this together.
Me he estado tragando mierdas de gente que quiero para poder estar contigo, creyendo que estábamos en esto juntos.
he pensado sobre esto y sabes... quzias no debería haber comprado la TV solo por rencor asi que, voy a devolverla vas a devolverla?
So, uh, I've been up all night thinking.
He estado toda la noche pensando.
So I've been thinking.
Entonces estuve pensando.
- So I've been thinking. We skipped way too many steps.
Creo que nos saltamos muchos pasos.

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