So it's not traduction Espagnol
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It'll take a few days for the doctors to know if the procedure's a success, so, please, don't tell anyone... especially not Walter.
Le tomará unos días a los doctores saber si la cirugía salió bien, así que, por favor, no le digas a nadie... especialmente a Walter.
You know, Dad's not getting any younger, so if I wait long enough, I'll just tell him he walked me down the aisle and it was magical.
Sabes, mi papá no se está haciendo mas joven, así que si espero lo suficiente, solo le diré que me llevó al altar y que fue algo mágico.
No one ever told me, the truth is... when you grow up, it's likely you'll have a not-so-good job, be in a not-so-good relationship, and live a not-so-good life.
Nunca nadie me dijo... la verdad es... cuando creces... lo más probable es que tengas un trabajo "no tan bueno"... estés en una relación "no tan buena"... y vivas una "no tan buena" vida.
So what are you saying, Dmitri's not up for it?
¿ Y qué estás diciendo? ¿ Dmitri no está a la altura?
So it's not Gamze, she predicted wrong.
Así que no es Gamze, no podía haberlo adivinarlo.
Okay, so it's not about a cause or even justice.
Vale, así que esto no es sobre ninguna causa o justicia.
So why not take the "Lambo" out for a joyride, put it back in its spot... bam... no one's the wiser.
¿ Por qué no tomar el "Lambo" hacia fuera para un viaje de placer, poner de nuevo en su lugar... bam... nadie es el más sabio.
So for me it's not a correct example.
Para mí no es un buen ejemplo.
It's not so much about reaching a goal, it's the challenge, the journey of becoming ourselves in life.
No es tanto el alcanzar una meta. Es el reto, el trayecto de hacernos a nosotros mismos en la vida.
Well, it's not my fault they're so sensitive.
- Louisa. - Hola Ruth. Bienvenida.
Okay. How do you know it's not so bad?
- ¿ Cómo sabes que no es tan malo?
Max, uh... it's none of my business, so forgive me, but that file that you're reading, you're not gonna find your mother in there.
Max... no es de mi incumbencia, así que perdóname, pero ese archivo que estás leyendo, no vas a encontrar a tu madre ahí.
All right, so do you think that it's possible that you maybe could not grow up anymore, yeah?
- Muy bien, ¿ entonces crees que es posible que tú quizás - no puedas crecer más?
So maybe it's not a list of human targets like we thought.
Así que, quizá no sea una lista de objetivos humanos como pensábamos.
Well, so do I, but don't you want to live with your wife and set the thermostat to whatever you want and have your body tell you when it's time to go to the bathroom, you know, not a schedule slipped
Pues, yo también pero ¿ no quieres vivir con tu esposa y ajustar el termostato y que tu cuerpo te diga cuando es hora de ir al baño?
You're trying to get attention so we'll feel bad for you, but it's not happening.
Tratas de llamarla atención para que nos sintamos mal, pero no sucederá.
I forgot your birthday, and I tried to plan this last-minute party, and everybody's so busy, and it's just not looking great.
Me olvidé su cumpleaños, y yo traté de planificar esta fiesta de último minuto, y todo el mundo está tan ocupado, y es simplemente no parece grande.
Me too. So far it's not really working out for me.
Hasta ahora no me está funcionando en realidad.
Oh, it's not, but I-I was just thinking, you're so attuned to pheromone output, you could help me with my interactions with Beckett, let me know when I'm being charming, let me know when I'm annoying her.
Oh, no lo es, solo estaba pensando, que como estás tan sintonizada con la producción de feromonas, podrías ayudarme con mis interacciones con Becket, hacerme saber cuándo estoy siendo encantador, hacerme saber cuándo la estoy molestando.
Look, Adam is trying so hard to be stoic about getting stripped, but it's not him, you know?
Mira, Adam está tratando de ser fuerte... sobre abrirse, pero no lo es, ¿ sabes?
Look, it's just so frustrating to see a patient not take care of herself like that.
Mira, es tan frustrante ver a un paciente no toma el cuidado de sí misma así.
Remember, that's very expensive to operate, so when it comes to diagnosing patients, let's not discount the value of good old-fashioned guesswork.
Recuerden, es muy cara de operar, así que cuando se vayan a diagnosticar pacientes, no le quitemos su valor al buen y antiguo trabajo de adivinar.
It's not so rare though.
Pero no es tan inusual.
Yes, but it's a magazine for teens, so Emotion's not really aimed at them.
Sí, pero es una revista para adolescentes, Emoción no es para ellas.
It's not visible, so there's no need to be shy or inhibited.
No es visible, entonces no tienes que ser tímida o inhibida.
It's not visible, so it allows you to express your true self, freely.
No se ve, entonces te permite expresar libremente tu verdadero ser.
Lingerie is not meant to be shown, so it's different from clothes.
La lencería no está hecha para ser mostrada, así que es diferente de la ropa.
It's not really a good story, Dad, so let's just...
No es una buena historia, papá, así que porqué no...
It's not so bad to be arrogant.
Tampoco es tan malo ser arrogante.
So, it's up to you whether you tell the truth or not.
Asi, es decisión tuya si dices la verdad o no.
I'm not really dating or doing anything, so it's necessary right now.
Ahora no estoy saliendo con nadie, así que lo necesito.
It's not so creepy.
No asusta tanto.
My dad says it's a good thing. I'm not so sure. Oh, Christie.
Lleva el derechos mineros, y como ustedes saben, quizás, hay una muy valuabl e aguas profundas arcilla allí.
It's not so easy to take a subway with crutches.
No es tan fa? il ir en metro con muletas.
If you do it for three days, it's not so bad, but if you do it for a month, it affects your psyche in some way.
Si lo haces durante tres días, no está mal, pero si lo haces durante todo un mes, te afecta físicamente en cierto sentido.
Whether or not you're offended by it or not is one thing, but it's not really a subject that they would choose to be exposed to, so to speak.
El ser ofendido o el no ser ofendido por ello es una cosa, pero realmente no sería un tema que podrían elegir por ser expuesto, por así decirlo.
- so it's not even gonna be a factor... - ( electrical zapping )
- Por lo que ni siquiera va a ser un factor de... - ( zapping eléctrica )
So maybe it's not our usual kind of gig.
O tal vez este no sea nuestro trabajo habitual.
Yeah, so it's, uh, Sydney, the killer babysitter, not the mom.
Sí, entonces es... Sydney, la niñera asesina, no la mamá.
What I do... It's not an exact science, so of course it's possible.
Lo que hago... no es ciencia exacta, así que, por supuesto que es posible.
- at an awkward angle, so it's not as...
- En un ángulo incómodo, por lo que no es tan...
Because the difference, truly, is so great, because it's not even worth anyone asking,
Debido a la diferencia, en verdad, es tan grande, porque no es siquiera vale la pena preguntar a nadie,
Lama : Just a couple of days where it's not stormy, where the conditions are good so we can go up and climb the mountains quick and come down within the window.
Solo un par de días que no sean tormentosos, donde las condiciones sean buenas para que podamos escalar la montaña rápidamente y volver dentro de la venta de buen tiempo.
It's so liberating not to be in It's so liberating not to be in camp macho anymore. Camp macho anymore.
Y llegó el intercambio y por primera vez me siento seguro, así que no podría estar más feliz.
Or jagged rock that's just obvious, but so far it's not Obvious, but so far it's not obvious to me. Obvious to me.
Pero ya saben, hay que seguir buscando.
No, it's not, and I'm not going anywhere near the guy, so I...
No, no lo es, y yo no voy a ninguna parte cerca del chico, así que...
That's what I keep saying, but it's not working, so I was thinking I could go over there and distract them...
Eso es lo que le sigo diciendo, pero no funciona, así que había pensado que podría ir allí y distraerlos...
There are no fish and no animals, except for the cow and she's not gonna live forever, so... ( chuckles ) like it or not, you're looking at our future.
No hay pescado y no hay animales, a excepción de la vaca y ella no va a vivir para siempre, así que... ( risas ) les guste o no, usted está buscando en nuestro futuro.
Hmm. I guess it's not bugging me so much.
Creo que a mí no me molesta tanto.
- It's not wise. - So you would rather he run and hide than exercise his right to free speech?
- No es sabio. - ¿ Así que prefieres que corra y se esconda que ejercer su derecho a la libertad de expresión?
Well, the thing is, all our discretionary money has recently gone to a motorcycle and a possible upcoming hospital visit, so it's probably not for us.
Bueno, la cosa es que todo nuestro dinero disponible se ha gastado en una motocicleta y en una posible próxima visita al hospital, así que probablemente no es para nosotros.
so it's done 19
so it's a win 16
so it's over 58
so it's up to you 22
so it's 240
so it's fine 24
so it's like 40
so it's okay 41
so it's your fault 19
so it's you 54
so it's a win 16
so it's over 58
so it's up to you 22
so it's 240
so it's fine 24
so it's like 40
so it's okay 41
so it's your fault 19
so it's you 54
so it's true 182
so it's official 29
so it's my fault 51
so it's settled 30
so it's possible 18
it's not fair 795
it's not 5855
it's not that difficult 19
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
so it's official 29
so it's my fault 51
so it's settled 30
so it's possible 18
it's not fair 795
it's not 5855
it's not that difficult 19
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
it's not that good 18
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
it's nothing new 26
it's not mine 359
it's not a big deal 561
it's nothing i can't handle 24
it's nothing fancy 21
it's not that bad 484
it's not like that 768
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
it's nothing new 26
it's not mine 359
it's not a big deal 561
it's nothing i can't handle 24
it's nothing fancy 21
it's not that bad 484
it's not like that 768