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So there you have it traduction Espagnol

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So there you have it.
Es una lástima. - ¡ Heikichi!
Leonie tells it so vividly that you don't have to go there anymore.
Leonie lo cuenta tan bien que no hace falta ir a verlo.
The nerve you have sitting there, talking about it so calmly.
Qué descaro estar ahí hablando de ello con tanta calma.
I would have done it down at the subway When you found out how I got downtown and back so quickly, But there was that watchman.
lba a matarla en el metro, pero estaba el guarda.
Well, what you outlined there may have been ingenious... but is it necessary to throw it in their faces so soon?
Bien, lo que les dijísteis puede ser ingenioso... Pero, ¿ era necesario decírselo a la cara tan pronto?
There really isn't very much for you to do so you'll just have to make the best of it.
No hay mucho que hacer. Tendrás que disfrutar de lo que hay.
If you did play Katherine you couldn't have done it so well unless there were a lot of Katherine in you.
No hubieras hecho tan bien el papel de Katherine, si no hubiera algo de ella en tí.
Put that bag over there or so help me, I'll let you have it.
Ponga esa maleta allí o le aseguro que lo mataré.
He wrote you all about it, which is more than I would have done, so what else is there to discuss?
Te envió una carta, cosa que no habría hecho yo... ¿ qué más queda por hablar?
Then we'll put all these there, too, and then we'll board it up... so you'll never have to see it again, never even think of it.
Entonces también llevaremos todo esto allí y lo entablaremos... para que no tengas que volver a verlo ni pensar en ello.
So if there's a better world to be made, you young ones will have to make it.
Y sólo los jóvenes podéis mejorar el mundo.
Say your president said that you're fighting this war so there won't have to be any more wars, and that when we get through with it, we're going to sit down with other people who feel as we do
Díganle que su Presidente ha dicho que están luchando en esta guerra para que no haya más guerras. Y que cuando acabemos...,... nos sentaremos con gentes de otros países que piensen como nosotros y elaboraremos algún plan que haga innecesario que jóvenes...
And if you have any reason to believe there was an irregularity on the part of Officer Garwood, it is your duty so to state.
Si existe alguna razón por la cual crea que el oficial cometió alguna irregularidad es su deber decirlo.
There you have it in a nutshell, Danny. But there's one more thing you'll want to know : the name of the murderer. It's a lovely name that rolls off the tongue so easily :
Y hay algo más que le gustaría saber... el nombre del asesino, su bonito nombre... es George Fortescue Maximillian de Winter.
You wouldn't believe it, but quite a few people go there. There are many people who have chosen a skeleton, assembled it properly, take care of it lovingly, bring fresh flowers every so often, and keep a lamp in front of it.
Cada uno escoge a un muerto... lo recompone, lo coloca bien... le lleva flores y le enciende unas velas.
Look there, on the horizon, is a smile so soft you have to be very quiet and watchful to see it at all.
¿ Ves allí en el horizonte? Hay una sonrisa tan suave... hay que estar muy atento para poder verla.
It's a pity you have to rush off when there's so much we might have discussed.
Es una lástima que tenga que salir corriendo cuando hay tantas cosas que podríamos haber discutido.
I was so mad, I could take and push your guts right out through your back and I would have done it too if you had been standing there.
Estaba tan furioso que podría haberte sacado las tripas por la espalda.
I'm downstairs in the back part of the house, so if there's anything else you need, guess it'll have to wait till morning.
Yo me alojo abajo, en la parte de atrás de la casa, por lo tanto, si necesita algo, tendrá que esperar hasta mañana.
I'll draw up the complaint, take care of the details, but you do have jurisdiction, it says so right there.
Me encargaré de la queja y de los detalles pero usted tiene jurisdicción, lo dice aquí.
There were times when you thought I was insane - but listen to this tape, I beg you, so that you know what it is you have to fight.
Hubo momentos en que me creíste loco, pero te ruego que escuches esta cinta, para que sepas a lo que te enfrentas.
It would have been so easy then for me to turn and go but now there's no leaving you,
Me habría sido bien fácil entonces dar media vuelta y marcharme. Pero ahora no puedo dejarte, de sobra lo sé.
It would mean so much to him to have you there beside him when he's fighting off people like Sam Butterworth.
Significaría tanto para él tenerla cerca cuando se enfrenta con gente como Sam Butterworth.
It's past quitting time now, so there's nothing we can do tonight... but tomorrow morning, you're gonna have all that equipment transferred to clear ground... and you're gonna supply me with all the trucks and labor I need to move the Whitlock memorials... and I'm gonna see the job gets done.
Ya se ha terminado la jornada laboral, así que no podemos hacer nada hoy... pero mañana trasladarás todo el equipo a la tierra despejada... pondrás los camiones y unos peones para mover lo de los Whitlock... y yo me encargaré de que eso se haga.
There's no water here, you have to reach it on muleback... and the air is so hot you breath fire.
Aquí no hay agua y hay que traerla a lomos de mula. El sol abrasa la piel. Y el aliento es de fuego.
It just so happens i have had a psychiatric examination, and if there is one thing wrong with me, it is you.
Me he realizado un examen psiquiátrico, y si hay algo malo en mí, es usted.
So, there you have it, major.
Y eso es todo, Mayor.
Nick, there's always something tragic about a fallen idol... because the tragedy, you see, is that it makes us wonder how we could have been so wrong.
Nick, siempre hay algo trágico en un ídolo caído... debido a la tragedia, se ve, es que nos hace preguntarnos cómo podríamos haber estado tan mal.
Even if there's no poverty to be seen, because the poverty's been hidden even if you got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods and even if it seemed to you that you never had so much that is only the slogan of those who have that much more than you.
Aún si no se ve la pobreza porque ha sido escondida aún si tienen más dinero y pueden comprar más cosas nuevas e inútiles aún si parece que nunca han tenido tanto es sólo el lema de aquellos que tienen mucho más que ustedes.
Once the play's a hit, you have to pay the backers and with so many, there could never be enough profits to go around. Get it?
Si es un éxito, debe pagar a los promotores y con tantos, nunca tendría suficientes ganancias para todos. ¿ Entiende?
So I said to Hazel, " If you feel that you need a bigger house, there's no reason you shouldn't have it.
Y le dije a Hazel que si necesitaba una casa más grande debería tenerla.
You know, it seems so natural to have you sitting there at my right hand.
Sabes, me parece tan natural tenerte aquí sentado a mi derecha.
Never knew what kind of Pandora's Box he might have down there. Wanted to keep you out of it, so that you'd be safe.
Nunca supo que tipo de caja de Pandora tenía ahí abajo, y quiso mantenerte alejada de ella para que estuvieses a salvo.
Yes, you're quite right, Belton. There... There have been occasions when that contrivance, as you so aptly put it, did prove a notable handicap to the furtherance of my relations with the fair sex.
Si, tiene mucha razón, Belton, hay... han habido ocasiones en que ese aparato... como bien lo dijo usted... ha dado probada cuenta de mi discapacidad... sin ir más lejos en la relación con el bello sexo.
So you couldn't have seen it after you got up... because it was no longer there.
O sea que no pudo haberla visto después de levantarse porque ya no estaba allí.
There are certain procedures... and it's important that we have the right people in place so that situations that are of concern would be in the right hands and so that we could work them out together... and we'd like you to be with us.
Hay diferentes relaciones. Se trata de que las personas adecuadas lleguen a puestos adecuados para que los asuntos que tratamos estén en buenas manos.
I said, have you ever seen the sheets they wear down there, or something like that. It was, it was said better so that it was a good joke.
Yo decía : " ¿ Habéis visto las sábanas que llevan allí?
Ladies and gentlemen, there have been a lot of cock-ups this morning. You all deserve an explanation, and I'm happy to say that my wife will give it to you. Thank you so much.
Ha habido un follón, mi esposa les dará explicaciones.
I think it's a great idea to have kids... but there's so many ways you could screw it up.
Yo creo que es una gran idea tener hijos, pero hay tantas maneras de estropear las cosas.
So if you just let me have it, I'll pop in there and fetch them for you.
Así que, si me la das, yo voy allí y las cojo para ti.
So there you have it.
Así que ahí lo tienes.
If what you have there is so strong for you, if it's what you never had, stick to it. Keep it.
Si lo que tienes allí es tan fuerte para ti, si es algo que nunca tuviste, adelante, quédatelo.
So, if you have anything of value in there, like money or something, I wouldn't leave it laying around.
Así que, si tiene algo valioso, dinero o algo así, yo no lo dejaría por ahí.
And then I hit the water so you see I'm practically a hero,... oh thanks, so if it hadn't been for me there is no telling how many people those maniacs might have killed
Y entonces golpeé el agua. así soy prácticamente un héroe,... oh gracias, si no hubiese sido por mí nadie sabría a cuántas personas habrían matado esos maníacos.
Go to Pelhrimov and have a look at the cramtorium - so you know what it's like there.
Vete a Pelhrimov... y date una vuelta por el crematorio. Para que veas lo que te espera.
Oh, I tell you, it's gonna be so great to have somebody up there with a sense of humour.
Oh, te digo, que va a ser tan grande tener a alguien allí arriba con un sentido del humor.
So, you mean after all this work After entering it there matter with thousands of tips So we have nothing? He did not.
16 DE AGOSTO DE 1975.
I'll plant one there if I have to, then you can pull it out so you don't have to dick around in the car all the time.
Se lo colocaría yo mismo si hace falta y después se lo sacarías tú. No estaríamos en el coche como capullos.
There's only one bathroom on this floor, so you have to share it.
Sólo hay un baño en esta planta, tenéis que compartirlo.
Yes, although, if you remember, it was before you moved your desk round this way, so Philip would have been over there.
Sí, aunque, si lo recuerda, eso fue antes de que moviera el escritorio a aquí, así que Philip estaba por ahí.
So, there you have it.
Así que, ahí lo tienes.

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