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Spitting traduction Espagnol

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Where you spitting?
¿ Dónde escupes?
They'll start weeping and wailing, even spitting, and the next thing you know security has to come remove me from the office.
Empiezan a llorar, a gemir y hasta escupen. Cuando te des cuenta, seguridad me echará de tu oficina.
Karen, Steak and Brew are spitting at me through the phone.
Me rechazaron hasta en Steak Brew.
Apart from the spitting.
Pero acabó pronto.
Why you spitting in your hand?
¿ Por qué te escupes la mano?
My probation doesn't say anything... about me sittin'around spitting'out watermelon seeds with you people.
Mi condena no dice nada de que me siente cerca suyo... y escupa las semillas de sandía con su gente.
My only thought, my Arabic one, is that having so precisely positioned such protuberances, is it not spitting in the face of the divine to conceal them?
¿ ocultarlas no es acaso como escupir en la faz de los dioses? Vas a arruinarlo.
Brother Boy was her spitting'image.
Brother Boy era su viva imágen.
Oh, that's disgusting! You're spitting in your soup.
Es una putada, esto es escupir en la sopa.
Elliot Richards spitting glass at your ass.
¡ Elliot Richards escupiendo vidrio a domicilio!
- We're the spitting image of each other.
Somos nuestra mutua imagen.
And it really wasn't about us playing any more, it was about this controversy that we were like, throwing up on stage, and spitting.
Había una controversia sobre si vomitábamos en el escenario y escupíamos.
That child is the spitting image of his mother.
Ese niño es el vivo retrato de su madre.
And you're spitting away!
Y estás escupiendo!
Spitting heat rays at his enemy.
Está arrojando su rayo a su enemigo.
Women hitting wounded prisoners with umbrellas and spitting on them.
Vi a mujeres golpeando y escupiendo a prisioneros heridos...
Spitting image.
Es tu vivo retrato.
Men groping and spitting, all groin, no brain, three billion of you passing around the same worn-out urge.
Hombres, con sus toqueteos y sus escupitajos. Puro órgano, sin cerebro. Tres mil millones de ustedes pasándose el mismo instinto desgastado.
Ma, no spitting.
Mamá, sin escupir.
"Taking in sperm and spitting out babies"
"Absorber esperma y escupir bebés"
Turning her back on that was like spitting in her father's face.
Rechazar ese compromiso fue como escupirle la cara a su padre.
Your spitting image.
Su imagen exacta.
- You're spitting in my face.
- Me estás escupiendo en la cara.
Tell you what : Why don't you practice spitting out teeth, because I will -
¿ Por qué no empiezas a escupir tus dientes...?
What you're proposing is spitting right in their eye, and they will retaliate against innocent Jews even harder than they did in the last hostage crisis.
Lo que propone les da una bofetada, y tomarán represalias contra judíos inocentes, más enérgicas que las de la última crisis de rehenes.
If H Troop did track Victorio onto the Mescalero reservation he and Nana are within spitting distance of each other.
Si la tropa H siguió a Victorio hasta la reserva mescalero él y Nana están a punto de encontrarse.
She's your spitting image, everyone says so.
Es igualita a ti.
Just like you people, sucking all the sweet juices and then spitting it out You think I don't know?
Sois todas iguales, os aprovecháis de la gente hasta que no les queda nada, ¿ crees que no lo sé?
He's the spitting image.
Es clavado a él.
The person was spitting and then died.
El tipo escupía sangre y moría.
Are you crazy, spitting in my face?
¿ Estás loca? ¡ Me has escupido en la cara!
Spitting image of her mother.
Es una imagen exacta de su madre.
No butting, biting... spitting, poking or kissing, you.
Sin cornear, ni morder sin escupir, sin usar los dedos ni besarse.
Golden balls, I'm spitting golden balls.
Sí, bolas de oro, bolas de oro por la boca.
I'm spitting golden balls.
Echo bolas de oro por la boca.
- My mother's spitting gold.
- Mi madre, que escupe oro.
And isn't the guy next to him the spitting image of that kid Tokito who scribbled all over your textbooks?
¿ Y no ese tipo enseguida de él... la imagen de ese niño Tokito quien rayaba todos tus libros?
punk was speed-fueled which was why everybody was so bloody obnoxious you know spitting in your face and getting aggressive and fighting and all the rest of it but you know that was the scene the youth scene mods punks and so it was all speed
El punk era muy acelerado y... les desagradaba eso... Escupiendo en tu cara... y siendo agresivo... y peleando y todo eso... Pero eso era la postura, la postura juvenil...
Been spitting silver all day.
Lleva todo el día escupiendo plata.
Oh, honey. You are the spitting image of your father. - Do you realize that?
Eres la viva imagen de tu padre, ¿ lo sabes?
I know you're great and play all those Shakespeare guys but you're spitting all over me, man.
Sé que eres muy famoso e interpretas personajes de Shakespeare pero me estás escupiendo.
- You know you've been spitting?
- ¿ Sabes que me has estado escupiendo?
Richard, isn't Rory the spitting image of Christopher?
Richard, ¿ no te parece que Rory es identica a Christopher?
Because splitting debate time with her is like doing... that spitting-in-your-palm and-shaking-hands friendship oath thing.
Porque compartir el tiempo del debate con ella es como... hacer un gesto de amistad, una cosa de juramento.
The "Eikon Basilike", the spitting image of the king, appeared within a week of his execution.
La "Eikon Basilike", la viva imagen del Rey, apareció a una semana de su ejecución.
You would have him remain this way, loving a false god, spitting and cursing?
¿ Prefiere que permanezca así? ¿ Adorando a un falso dios y soltando maldiciones?
[Spitting] What did you do?
¿ Qué has hecho?
[SPITTING] What was that sound?
¿ Que fué ese ruido?
Oh, you're spitting.
¡ Me estás escupiendo!
I mean you read about celebrities going to spas and enjoy these kinds of treatments, but you marry young, you start spitting out kids, you can kiss that kind of thing goodbye.
Te casas joven, tienes hijos.. ya puedes despídete de esto

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